August 2, 2024

Happy 12th Birthday, Little Blog And A Giveaway!

Yes. You read that correctly. Tomorrow marks twelve years since I started this little blog! I did it on a whim, and I am certainly glad I did! Before we get to the giveaway, let's look at one random photo from each of the past twelve years.














In honor of you, my friends, and with sincere gratitude for sharing this little space with me all these years, I am having a small, informal giveaway to celebrate! If you would like to be entered to win one of five gift cards, just leave a comment below. I will randomly select and post the winners on Wednesday, August 7, 2024. Please enter by Tuesday, August 6, 2024. Now, what are the prizes?

One gift card to Amazon

One gift card to Antique Candle Company (My new favorite!)

Three gift cards to Dunkin'

Thank you again for visiting!
Have a lovely August weekend, my friends.

Billie Jo


  1. I read each time you post and wonder how you do it all
    I find it difficult to post on blogs with iPhone and iPad prayers. Brenda

  2. I was a lucky winner last year, so please don't enter me in the giveaway. Just want to say congratulations and I love your blog! Looking through the photos reminds me of how fast the years go by. Blessings to you!

  3. Love these pictures! I see this year's picture has a new gentleman and wonder if Flynn has a new special beau. Would love to be entered in your giveaway; I'm a long time follower.

    1. I think I remember Nicolas' brother visited; maybe he's still here!

  4. Happy 12th Blogversary! I'm so happy we have found each other because of blogging and I hope you continue to blog for years to come!!!! Your words have inspired me in so many ways.

  5. Congrats on 12 years! Time does fly.

  6. I have enjoyed reading your blog off and on thru the years; happy blog anniversary!! LOL I see there is another Dawn Marie that follows up (comment up above). There aren't too many folks named Dawn ! And here are two of us! Anyways, congrats on your 12th years and I have enjoyed seeing your posts thru the years. I don't comment much on anyone's blogs but every now and then I do :) Dawn P. Albany, GA USA

    1. Hi Dawn!!! It's definitely a rare name. Is your middle also Marie, that seems common with Dawns. LOL!

  7. The autumn tree is just glorious.
    Happy Blogiversary! To many more creative years!

  8. Happy Anniversary to your blog! I loved looking at the pictures. I found your blog when looking for blogs about anxiety and found yours (fellow anxiety sufferer here). A lot of times I will just go back and read your posts to help me relax. Of course, I also love reading about everything else too!

  9. Well, congratulations!! Look how your sweet family has grown...right along with your blog! That 2012 photo....too cute! And I love that you included a few photos with you:) Something I do not do. But, who knows, one day:) I, for one, certainly enjoy your blog and following you along as you enjoy your sweet life! Thanks for sharing. Here's to the next decade of posts!!

  10. Dearest Billie Jo,
    Congrats on this milestone!
    Time is passing so fast and it is always good for having something in writing—to look back onto.

  11. I would love to be entered into the giveaway! Love your blog.

  12. Billie Jo, that picture of Flynn in her little Polly Flinders dress, oh my, so adorable, and time flies. I'm so glad I found your blog, I love visiting with you:)

  13. Congratulations on 12 years of blogging.

  14. Happy Birthday to your blog Billy Joe!
    Congratulations on being able to post interesting posts for so many years!
    I hope you stay strong and we read you for many, many years to come.
    Don't include me in the Giveaway as I don't even have time to shop!

  15. Hi .. I'm not a blogger but love reading your Blogs. Always look forward to them. I would love to enter your contest. Thank you for just being you.

  16. Happy Friday Billie Jo and Happy Blogoversary! I'm SO glad I found you and your sweet famiy here. Todays post was a wonderful trip down memory lane. Thank you for sharing with us.
    Blessings and love,

  17. I've loved this trip down memory lane. Congratulations on twelve wonderful years, and here's to many more. Xx

  18. Oh my -Billie Jo - the memories, the sweet faces, what fun! Can’t recall how I found your blog, but I’m so glad I did – you inspire me with the things you write about and you remind me to keep home cozy and family close. Thank you!

  19. What sweet pictures! Thanks for sharing them all . . . and for your kind giveaways, too!

  20. I love these photos, especially because I did not know you that long ago. Your Christmas tree in the bay window is gorgeous! And wonderful, beautiful family photos! I kind of started my blog as a spur of the moment thing, too! Happy anniversary! And I hope you continue blogging for many. many more years!

  21. I love your pictures and enjoy seeing how your family is doing! Thank you for all the work you have done all these years on your blog! God bless you!

  22. Congratulations on 12 years. This is Awesome and I am so glad that I found your blog. This is awesome how you posted a photo from the past 12 years. I am certainly looking forward to many more years of our blogging friendship....

  23. Wow...12 years of blogging. You must have started it when you were 16. 😉. I always enjoy my time visiting with you, my friend. Loved the pictures from the 12 years. So fun.

  24. I enjoy your blog, thank you for sharing and setting a great example. Thanks

  25. Congratulations on the blog anniversary. Nice to see all the pictures from past years.

  26. I'm too new to your blog to ask to be put in your drawing but I'm glad we have connected here. Congratulations on your 12 years in blogland!!

  27. Happy blogoversary! I loved going through your photos through the years. Such a lovely family!
    Glad to have met you here!

  28. Hi Billie Jo! Happy 12th anniversary of blogging! I have enjoyed being a follower of your blog for almost the entire time you have been in blog land! I always enjoy your honest, yet upbeat and positive posts. You have a lovely family and it is always fun to read about what is going on in your world! I am so glad to have you as a treasured blog friend! Have a cozy weekend, my friend!

  29. Congratulations on twelve years! I hope you have twelve more.

  30. Wonderful photos. Congratulations on the anniversary and I wish you more successful years of blogging. I wish your whole family a lot of health, happiness and all the best. I do not take part in the draw because I do not use these stores. Billie Jo's hugs.

  31. Twelve years of faithful blogging is nothing to sneeze at! Congratulations! I've blogged for a long time but it's changed names a couple of times. The first one was called "Joy in the Journey". My current one though isn't a continuation of that one.
    It's fun to see a photo from each year.
    Thank you for the drawing. Please enter me in.
    Have a great weekend.

  32. It has been fun to watch your family grow up and also to expand. Time flies and life changes!

  33. 12 years! Thanks for sharing your upbeat attitude, caring nature and family with us. I had my first wedding (daughters) a couple of months ago and I got some ideas from your pictures - thank you! And thanks for taking such good care of your Mom - you incorporate her into your family and as I get older, I appreciate seeing that still happening. Take care!

  34. Thanks for sharing your s

  35. I have read your blog off & on for years, having come over from Harvest Lane and from Cheryl's blog. I remember some of the children's photos. They surely have grown! Congratulations on 12 years. I don't post on my blog, only rarely due to extreme life changes but I still read from my reading list on blogger. Best wishes, Annie, Ann Austin ❤️

  36. I've been a daily reader for the last year and love your blog! You have a beautiful family. I also really appreciate your posts about health anxiety.

    1. From Kk and PinkiePie and Bellybutton

  37. Wow, 12 years. Congratulations on your blog anniversary! I enjoy reading about your life and family. AJZ

  38. OH WOW!!! 12 YEARS!!!! NO WAY!!!! Congratulations and such lovely photos, my friend.

  39. Nice family photos that you shared. I enjoy reading your blog. If I win, I don't have a Donkin donuts in our state. It's been warm outdoors and hopefully it doesn't get close to 100 degrees like it did days ago! God bless and congratulations on 12 years of blog posts. I think I am a bit longer than that and I keep forgetting to look when it started.!!! :-} --Becky

  40. I sure am glad I found your blog! Happy Blogaversary!! :) And how can one person have so many pretty people in one family??? You are so blessed and I'm blessed to know you my friend!

  41. Happy Blogaversary dear Billie Jo! I'm so glad you acted on that whim all those years ago. I can't imagine my world without you in it.🙏🏻💕 Let alone keeping up with your beautiful family and the fact that some of my treasured recipes I got from you. Thank you so much for all that you share here! Cheers to many many more years ahead. 💗❌⭕️

  42. Happy blogversary Billie Jo! I love reading your blog and your gorgeous photos!

  43. I'm so glad I caught is the last day, and Yes, I'd love to enter your giveaway. How fun to be blogging for 12 years. It's been a fun time for us as well, and have met so many wonderful blog friends. The photos through the years are sweet, but I have to say that Flynn with the orange pumpkins made my heart smile. : ) I think I'm in grandma mode these days haha. The photo of the Christmas tree is so lovely all lit up, looking out at the dark skies. I'm so glad I came across your delightful blog, Billie Jo. It's been a pleasure to read your dear posts.



Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo