July 31, 2024

Weekly Meal Wednesday

Hello! And Happy Wednesday! This past week, we have been staying at the condo. For the most part, we have gotten takeout from local restaurants, but I missed cooking, so I decided to make a family favorite for dinner. This meal is one of Rhett's very favorites. It is a comfort food meal, and comfort food time is right around the corner, so I wanted to share it with you!

I made Slow Cooker Chicken and Noodles and fresh green beans and served some frozen dinner rolls, too!

It was delicious. I will link the recipe below. The only changes I made were adding some garlic powder in the last hour, using egg noodles, and adding a bit of extra chicken broth before the noodles were done. Sometimes, I steam the green beans, but I used the microwave this time, and Madison added some olive oil and seasonings. Delicious. The rolls were frozen dinner rolls that only took about six minutes to heat in the oven. I also made a pan of brownies for dessert. 

Have a good day, my friends. I am going to wash sheets and tidy the condo before heading to the house. Some friends are coming in tomorrow for a visit, so I want to make the house cozy for them. And one more thing...Happy Last Day of July!

Billie Jo


  1. Yes that is almost exactly one of our family's favorite comfort meals too! The difference is we would have added a fruit, otherwise, spot on!

  2. I am printing this recipe as I type. Looks like a dish my family would love. Simple but yet it is one of those comfy dishes.

  3. Always appreciate you sharing your good old-fashioned, tried and true recipes! And appreciate you always posting – I know your days get busy. Thanks - I can always stop by and feel uplifted when I leave😊 and so true about August – you know I’m not a summer gal, we are in the homestretch to the perfect season! Well, at least according to me!

  4. Your food looks delicious, Billie Jo! Yay for company coming! I know that they will be made to feel so welcome. Thank you for the link to the recipe! I will be giving it a try for certain! Have a wonderful remainder to your week, my sweet friend. xx

  5. Cozy meal you prepared and I'm sure yummy. I can see why it's your son's favorite. Enjoy your company!

  6. The meal looks delicious. It's hard to believe it's only the last of July. It's been hot enough here for months, it seems. For once, I am looking forward to the coolness of the fall!

  7. It all looks delicious, and so easy!

  8. Oh yum. Perfect comfort meal. You are reading Sally Diamond! How are you liking it.. it's not exactly light reading.

  9. Dearest Billie Jo,
    That meal looks indeed delicious but it would kill me, being at severe stage of CKD. Cream of Chicken Soup has 65% cholesterol and 53% sodium...
    Tidying up the condo is a task but has to be done.

  10. Yum! Thanks for the recipe - looks good!

  11. Already copied it down! Thanks for sharing! Ooohhh this makes me want Fall right now. Lol

  12. Chicken and noodles... awesome comfort food!! Yum!

  13. Looks like a great meal! I thought of you today as one of my preschool kiddos was wearing a shirt with pumpkins on it and talking about Halloween :) With our heat advisory weather, I'm ready for fall myself (and as much as I love the kids, to get back to a slower pace and blogging again!). Hope you're having a great week.

  14. One of my favorite meals to make too. Even the green beans and rolls. I'm glad you've had a good time at the condo, but I'm guessing you're looking forward to the house too.

  15. I made my own sauce that goes with spinach tortellini for our dinner this evening. I did some cleaning in an area in our bathroom as I need to get rid of things. A few for a donation event soon. Have a good trip home 🏡

  16. I love summer but I am ready for this extremely HOT summer to morph into wonderful fall days! Your dinner looks delicious!

  17. Your meal looks delicious and is definitely comfort food.

  18. Ooooo, I love that August quote, and so looking forward to Fall. Rhett's favorite meal looks delicious....and healthy too. Tell him that me and Nel and little Mia watched The Sandlot when I was visiting my family in So Cal. I've seen it before, but it's a classic for sure. Never get tired of it. ; )



Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo