July 29, 2024

Monday Morning Coffee

Good morning, my friends. Happy Monday! We are spending some time here at the condo before we head to the house later this week. Remember the water damage in our bedroom? Thankfully, the repair is finished, and the carpet will be laid this week.

Meanwhile, staying here has its benefits, among them the indoor pool. If you are not familiar with my take on exercise, let me summarize my feelings: I hate it. Walking, running, Zumba, pickleball. I know it is essential for my health, so lies the problem. I do, however, love swimming. I credit my mom for encouraging us to jump in the lake all those summers ago, taking us all to swim lessons, and joining the swim team. I could be a better swimmer. I just love being in the water. I realized yesterday that one of the reasons I love swimming as an exercise is that I can do it alone. It is exceptionally suited for a self-appointed introvert. But enough about me! Here are some candid moments that sum up our past few days quite perfectly.

These two are enjoying some too-hot-for-me wings. Note how I cleverly cropped this photo to eliminate the image of me in a tattered T-shirt with unbrushed hair pulled into a ponytail. Sometimes, real life is too scary to document.

This pup is cuddly. I have been told Cavapoos are some of the most loving dogs, and Madison can attest to that.

If I am not swimming, showering, doing laundry, or cooking, I am here. Apologies to all who are not ready to embrace Halloween quite yet.

The ocean is beautiful all the time. 

Ok. I finished my previous read, Ask Not, by Maureen Callahan, which was good. It is very well written, and while I was familiar with some of the women she writes about, I learned about quite a few more. This book is intriguing. It is fiction and about a disturbing subject, but not in an explicit way. It is more about the effects of a horrible person's actions on many others. I don't want to put it down.

Well, that is all for now, my friends. Today, I am going to finish my coffee, take a swim, shower, and write out some bills. I have a bit of laundry to finish, and of course, talk to my momma! Later this afternoon, I will sit by the ocean and watch the waves before catching up on Big Brother! I hope you have a lovely, cozy, peace-filled Monday, my friends. Thank you for visiting!

Billie Jo


  1. This looks like such a refreshing place and I know you all are enjoying this time away. How neat to have your bedroom finished this week and get back to normal. I so wish that I could swim!! We have a pool, but I can not swim. The best I can do is dog paddle. You have some beautiful pictures of the blue water...Blue water and a good book = peace and relaxation. Enjoy every bit of your Monday.

  2. Dearest Billie Jo,
    Well, love you more for being TRUE and naturel than one of those brainwashed people running after all the Botox and sculpting their body, dying their hair and what not.
    Enjoying a coffee and feeling happy and content in the body we received from God is about true beauty as it has to come from the inside!
    As for the exercise, I always said—my grandmothers did NONE of that!
    That is all part of the mass brainwashing... so people behave the same.
    Some happy puppies and look at them, there is nothing fake or artificial about them!

  3. The ocean IS beautiful all the time! Those waves are mesmerizing, are they not? I thoroughly enjoyed my time at the beach last month and savored all the salty air that my lungs could take. That puppy is precious, and girl...bring on all the b-e-r months!

  4. Gorgeous. Enjoy the view, your chats and your book! Swimming is ideal for introverts that's for sure!

  5. The beach is gorgeous. So relaxing and beautiful. Love that meme.

  6. I laughed out loud at the summarizing about exercise...I hate it! Me, too :)

  7. I don’t like exercise, but it does wonders for my mental health. The ocean is always beautiful.

  8. Your beach pics are getting me so excited for our trip to the Cape! 27 days! (Not ashamed that I am counting down, LOL!) Also not a big fan of exercise here. Walks? Yes. Zumba? No. And definitely no to pickleball. I just remember how much my kids all loathed that unit in gym class. Have a lovely week!

  9. I'll begin with the statement that I am not ready to embrace Halloween. I have given up on it progressively more with each passing year over the past, oh say, 20 years, (at least). Your puppy is ADORABLE and what a treat when a hug is needed. My husband is not a fan of the beach or ocean, so whenever my friends post pictures of that, I am thrilled.

    As for exercise, I'm not a fan, either, but my husband has been athletic all of his life, so in the 2 1/2+ years we've been together, I've given up much of my sedentary ways and now walk and ride my bicycle most days. And I am better for it.

    Enjoyed this post!

  10. Gorgeous photos! My favorite is the beautiful sun on the water. Yes, I want to decorate for fall now!

  11. Your photos are so pretty (especially the ones of your daughters). I need to swim but am having a hard time making myself get suited up.

  12. I've not heard of a Cavapoo before but am sold just by your description and sweet photos! The ocean views and easy waves look so relaxing! Have a blessed week ahead!!

  13. I loved to swim when I was a kid. We lived across the street from the town pool and I practically lived there!!

  14. I love to swim too, but don't get the chance to do it very often now.
    I love that photo of Madison. She is so pretty!

  15. It looks like a wonderful weekend. Anytime sitting by the beach and watching/listening to the waves is a good day. Your puppy babies are so sweet. Our Zoey is a cuddler too. She also has terrible separation anxiety. We hate leaving her because she gets so upset. I'm glad you're not perfect. Neither are any of us. I didn't get dressed until 1:30 today because I didn't have to go anywhere so why not be comfortable?
    I hope your Tuesday is a lovely one.

  16. The ocean is so beautiful! I’m glad you can take full advantage of that! A perfect reading spot. So glad you got the repairs done. I’m with you on exercise! Haha! Stretching and walking are my speed, but this heat is making the walking impossible at the moment! Swimming is great for exercise! I’m so glad you can do it! Have a wonderful week!

  17. Happy new week lovely Lady! I think exercise is wonderful in whichever way brings you joy. I think the main point is we just keep moving. I used to do swim classes with my former MIL because she had bad knees and it was easier on her joints - and we both loved it! I remember that the pool also had "lap pool time" where you could just do that and I some folks had headphones they could listen to music under the water and I always thought that would be a fun way to workout. Never tried it though.
    So glad the carpet will be laid and the mess will be put to rest. yay! And you never have to apologize about Fall to me - as you know my Lovely. I LOVE the backdrop on your blog right now btw. Blessings. xoxo

  18. I used to love to swim - so very much - when I was younger. My older self has become much to self-conscious to enjoy swimming...which is rather sad actually. But if I had a private pool (like in my backyard...hint!) I think I would be in the water every day. Otherwises, there would lots of editing going on in my world. Ha...that was funny!! Have a wonderful week!

  19. It looks like you're enjoying a wonderful summer. I'm like you in that, at this time of year, I spend most of my time in t-shirts with my hair pulled back :)


Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo