July 24, 2024

Weekly Meal Wednesday

Hello! And Happy Wednesday! Although we are still in cook-on-the-grill mode around here, I realized on Monday that the dark, rainy day was perfect for a cozy, comfort-food dinner. So instead of chicken on the grill and a boat ride when Peyton and Chris came for dinner, we had Cheesy Baked Ziti with steamed broccoli and garlic bread and a fun visit together. This recipe is fantastic. Delicious! I will share the link below if you want to pick up a few things for the next rainy day. Peyton made some S'mores cookie bars that were gone before I could take a picture!

Yesterday, Steve and I went to my best friend Heather's for dinner, so she and I could watch The Bachelorette together. That is our thing. We love it, critique it, cringe at it, and laugh at it. Her husband loves this blueberry pie, so I put on my apron and baked a pie! Technically, I was still in my pajamas, so there was no apron. But you know what I mean. This recipe comes from a blog friend I met when I first started. Patty was one of my first blogging friends, and since she shared this recipe on her blog years ago, I have passed it on to more people than I can count. Patty no longer blogs, but if she happens to be reading, Hi, Patty! Thanks for the recipe!

We do keep our pie in the refrigerator. It is so good cold!

Before I go, thank you all for your kind words of love and support. This is why I love this little Blog World so much. Because we choose to read, follow, and befriend those with similar thoughts, feelings, and circumstances, we can develop authentic relationships full of empathy and care. My mom is improving, and I had a good conversation with her yesterday. Thank you again. Have a wonderful Wednesday!

( I'll start slowly, promise! )

Billie Jo

( Pinterest for the autumn fun.)


  1. Well, I wasn't hungry until I came for a visit! LOL!

  2. Thank you for better news about your Mom. You made me want a pie. Good days Billie Jo.

  3. Mmm! My kind of meal! I love that you and your friend get together and watch tv! I'm catching up on posts and just saw the one about your mama. I know that has to be the hardest thing. But you KNOW she loves you. I know that doesn't make it any easier. I'm glad to hear she seems to be better. She just may have those days where some are tougher than others. Praying for strength for you. You love your mama so well. Y'all are so blessed to have one another.

  4. Lots of yummy looking comfort food here. It does make me think of fall!! I'm glad you posted the recipe link, and it looks easy too!

  5. Your foodie pictures make me hungry!

  6. Dearest Billie Jo,
    Your meal looks yummy—provided you are allowed to eat dairy products. So I just indulge from the picture.
    What a nice way to spend time with a dear friend and baking a much liked blueberry pie to take along.

  7. There was a lot of food at the family reunion that Phil and I were at. More on Sat afternoon as people brought food to eat and some leftovers. I did take leftover au gratin potatoes that I made back home with us and other dozen of cookies back home as well. When we left the house, there was still some food left so I took what we brought that was left. A few people left at house that stayed another night. I need to make a pie or crisp soon as I did get some peaches last week and they are soft and delicious. I am glad you mom is getting better. Have a blessed week, Becky

  8. I'm glad to hear your mom is doing better. I'm sure that brought you some comfort. And the food looks so good, you have my mouth watering.

  9. glad to hear that it was a better day for your mom. I know this made your day better as well. Yum to this blueberry pie. definitely going to try to make this. Sometimes, the skies call for us to have comfort food and what better on a somewhat rainy day. Looks delicious.

  10. I missed the news about your mother, but am happy to hear she is better! Everything is always so cozy at your place. That pie is calling me!

  11. Now Billie Jo, I love you but it is not time to think about Autumn! :) I hang onto every shred of Summer I can!
    The pie looks amazing, so does the ziti.
    Glad your sweet mom is doing better.

  12. I love autumn but detest winter so I don't really want to rush summer on by. You do you though. :-) The pie and ziti both look delicious. The recipe for the ziti sounds very similar to the one I make and it's our youngest son's favorite dish. I always have to make it when he visits home.
    I'm glad that your Mom is doing better. I took my MIL to get a haircut & shampoo yesterday and then out to lunch. She had a great time but had already forgotten that we ate by the time I got her home to the Assisted Living. Oh well, I know she enjoyed herself.
    Have a wonderful evening.

  13. Thanks for sharing the recipes! That pie looks SO GOOD! Going now to check out the ziti recipe. This blogging community is full of prayer warriors and caring souls. Nice to hear your good news that your mom is doing better! Hugs!

  14. The cheesy baked ziti looks delicious. And it just happens to be raining today ;)

  15. Your cheesy baked ziti meal and the blueberry pie both look amazing, my friend! Would Peyton mind you sharing her recipe for the S'mores bars? They sound really yummy. Thankful you were able to have a good conversation with your momma! Sending love and hugs.

  16. I really don't know how to make a pie but this one look so yummy, I think I might give it a try!! Do you think you could share the S'mores recipe as well? I need some treats for church fellowship this weekend - and these both sound like winners!!:)

  17. Blueberry pie is one of my favorite desserts! I will give this recipe a try. I am intrigued by the sour cream! Thank you for sharing!

  18. I'm reading this at 5:15 a.m. but now I'm hungry for all of these things :) Can I come watch The Bachelorette too? How fun!

  19. Oh, that blueberry pie looks amazing. Blueberry pie is my favorite of all. The Cheesy Baked Ziti looks delicious too. You take the best photos of the dishes you've prepared. Sounds like a fun night with friends watching tv together. Your delightful posts leave me smiling here, Billie Jo.


  20. Was this by any chance Patty from Morning Ramble? I seem to recall this recipe and miss her blog!

    1. Hi! No. This was Patty from Reasons For Chocolate. : )


Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo