July 26, 2024

Back To The Beach, S'mores Bars, And Look Who We Saw!

Good Friday morning, my friends! Well, we loaded up the minivan on Wednesday evening and headed back to the shore. As you can see, I travel comfortably, but I also like to be put together, as in a quick shower and hair washed, but no makeup. We travel in the evening because Steve likes it, and because of the traffic and Steve prefers to drive then, I am all in! We got in late and visited with the kids before heading to bed. Yesterday, we met up with our dear friends Justin and Gina, who happened to be here on vacation! We have known them since they were in high school, and now they are married with two precious little boys and are the most beautiful young family.

Last night, we went to a beautiful outdoor arena to see one of my favorite comedians in person! This man is on my television at least once every single day! Madison checked the website every day to see if the sold-out show had any tickets available, and one-day last week, she found some! 

Do you recognize this guy? Jerry Seinfeld was as funny as I thought, and then some! We laughed the entire time! Being this close to someone I have watched for over thirty years was surreal!

It was a fantastic night! Lastly, Peyton was happy to hear that some of my blog friends were interested in the recipe for her S'mores bars! She even had pictures, which are just as good as they look!

I will link the recipe down below. And that is it for today, my friends. Have a wonderful weekend doing what makes you smile.

Thanks for visiting!

Billie Jo


  1. Dearest Billie Jo,
    That sounds like a very fun trip to the shore and a wonderful performance by Seinfeld!
    Great that Peyton got so many kudos for her S'mores cookie bars.

  2. Billie Jo,
    looks like you had a great time at the beach!
    The bars look great.
    You had a lot of laughs on the show.
    Have fun and have a great weekend!

  3. Just wonderful. I'm happy that you are happy. And I'm thrilled Jerry Seinfeld was just as funny as you'd hoped. Those cookie bars look amazing.
    Have fun at the beach. Xx

  4. How cool, I love a comedy show and I bet Jerry was hilarious! Enjoy the beach!

  5. Hi Billie Jo! That is so cool that you got to see Jerry Seinfeld in person! He is a very funny guy. I used to enjoy his TV show. The S'mores bars look great. I think I will have to give them a try. Enjoy your time back at the beach!

  6. My thanks to Peyton for the pictures and recipe link for the S'mores bars. xx

  7. The S'mores Bars look so good! And I love your unusual photo of the sun behind the blinds. And what a great photo of you & Steve! Wow, Jerry Seinfeld!!! We love his show, it is our favorite comedy ever!!! what a wonderful evening you had!

  8. How fun! So glad you got to see Jerry -- we saw him last fall in MA and it was definitely one of my "bucket list" shows! Have a great weekend!

  9. Oh how fun this must have been...and how awesome to see Jerry Seinfeld. Please give Peyton a huge thank you for the picture and the recipe. The word yummy doesn't even match how good these S'mores look...Have a fun filled weekend...Stay sate

  10. More fun times for you. The S'mores look soooo good. I'll have to check out the recipe.

  11. Oh, what fun!! I really like Jerry Seinfeld too. It's great that you got to see him in person! I enjoyed the photos and hearing about your trip. Happy weekend!

  12. How fun for you! Jerry Seinfeld! What a lucky happenstance to be able to get tickets. The smores bars look delicious. I will definitely be printing that recipe and trying it out. Thank you! Have fun at the beach. We could definitely use some water with the heatwave we're having here.

  13. Glad Jerry Seinfeld was fuuny. He was recently in Australia and unfortunately was abused for being Jewish, however , he had the best comeback lines.

  14. Seinfeld has performed here a few times. I have not seen his show, yet!

  15. It sounds like you had a lovely trip to the shore and enjoyed reconnecting with friends and family. Traveling in the evening to avoid traffic seems like a smart choice, and it’s great that you could catch up with Justin and Gina and their adorable family. Hope you have a wonderful time! READ MY NEW BLOG POST> THANK YOU>

  16. Another trip to the beach for u and us too. Last 2 weekends I was there with daughter the 1st time then with Phil the 2nd time. Cool days with thunderstorms last Saturday night. Seinfeld is funny 😁. We're going to a park with church friends for a picnic and baptism in the river in the afternoon on Sunday. I need to make hard-boiled eggs for devil eggs to take to the picnic. I'm glad you had a good time together ❤️--Becky

  17. Another lovely post Billie Jo and sweet photos with you and your family! Lovely to spend time at the shore. Traveling in the evening is a great idea, especially as there is less traffic. So nice to hear about your time there, and meeting up with friends, even better. Hey, I recognize that man on the stage, lol! What a fun event that must have been. Thank you so much for the link to Peyton’s recipe. That certainly looks delicious! Have a great weekend my friend :)

  18. I'm so jealous you got to see Jerry!! SO many laughs with him over the years. :)

  19. How fun to go see one of your favorite comedians. You know, I never watched Seinfeld, but know people who loved it. Peyton's S'mores Bars look so Yummy. One would be nice with my coffee this morning. This is a cute picture of Madison and Flynn. You can still see the little girl in Flynn. And a pretty photo of the sky through the window.

    Have a lovely Sunday and wonderful week ahead, my friend.


  20. So glad you had a good time! Yes, Jerry Seinfeld and the cast of Seinfeld still make me laugh after all these years! The s’mores bars look yummy - I’ll be trying those. Looks like a great family get together – here’s to the moments that happen every day!

  21. Well, y’all had a GREAT weekend! So glad you got to see Jerry Seinfeld! Do you know I’ve never watched an episode of Seinfeld? 🫣 Maybe I need to go back and do that! Glad y’all had fun!

    1. Mandy, we are always way behind what the public is watching when it first airs. Then we go back and watch and are so happy we did. We loved Seinfeld. One of the funniest sitcoms ever!

  22. We love Seinfeld!! We bought the dvd set many years ago. Looks like a great weekend with your family :) Those are the best!


Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo