July 19, 2024

It's Friday!

Good morning! At 6:30 a.m., the world around here is a beautiful place. Everything is quiet, slowly coming awake to begin again. I haven't yet opened my phone or turned on the television. All that can wait, the good and the not-so-good. I can sit in the quiet that is a brand new day. I sip my extra hot coffee and listen to my prayer app. I take these first few moments to ground myself and appreciate the chance to start over again. 

My mom is my inspiration. We were visiting last weekend, sitting together at a table. I wrote down our exchange because I always want to remember. Margie and I were visiting with her. And I said something like ~ Well, Mom. I don't know any big exciting news! Sorry about that! And she looked at me and Margie and, without missing a beat, replied ~ Well, as long as we are together, that is great! 

Have a lovely weekend, my friends. We plan on going to mass, followed by dinner with Peyton and Chris, to celebrate Christopher's birthday on Saturday. We will visit my mom on Sunday and will probably go to eat with Marge and Chris. We also hope to get in some boating! I also look forward to visiting your blogs and finishing my current book. It is very well-researched, written, and fascinating.

Finally, if I could be summarized in a picture, it could possibly be this one taken by Kyrstin. 

Happy Friday!

Billie Jo


  1. Your blog is always such a lovely reminder to appreciate my home and the people I love. Enjoy the weekend, Billie Jo!

  2. Love your photos. Enjoy your weekend.

  3. Being together is always the best thing ever! oh geez, that rhymed! hehe

  4. I almost teared up after reading your mom's response. I would give anything for one more together with mom.

  5. Dearest Billie Jo,
    So true, in the stillness of our own home being grateful and content about our life.
    No need for TV or whatever and reading a good book on such a deck is like a dream...

  6. Such a sweet, peaceful photo on the porch. Your view is beautiful and I'm afraid that if I had it, I would never get anything done. Mom's ALWAYS know exactly what to say and offer the wisest comments. I do hope you enjoy a beautiful weekend and a lovely dinner. Thanks for always inspiring me.

  7. Hi Billie Jo! Have a great weekend. I think I need to get my hands on a copy of that book you are reading. I'm off to see if it is available from the library. See you again soon!

  8. I love the photos. Sounds like you will have a wonderful weekend. Is that fog in the photos?

  9. I love your Mother's outlook - just being together is great news! The pictures you shared are stunning. Such peace they bring! The picture of you sitting on the porch is wonderful. Have a great weekend!

  10. How wonderful that Kyrstin snapped that picture of you reading on the porch. That's a treasure. And your photos of fog coming off the lake are beautiful and moody.

    Those were precious and wise words from your lovely mom. Have a great weekend, Billie Jo!

  11. Such gorgeous pics! And your Mom is a GEM!! Just love her. That pic of you is so sweet and you're such a kindred spirit my dear Friend! Happy bday to Christopher and have a fun weekend. xoxo

  12. Gorgeous photos today! I love your moms response - that's wise!

  13. I really like the last photo of you reading in such a peaceful setting. May we all have times of quiet, rest, and refreshment like that sometime this weekend!

  14. Your mom is so right! She still knows about love!

  15. I love what your mother said! You certainly live in paradise, Billie Jo. Your lake views are great. A wonderful way to start your day. Enjoy the weekend!

  16. Your mom is absolutely right and I think sometimes we forget how important it is to be together with family. Love your last picture, everything about it ♥

  17. The photos are just beautiful, what a peaceful way to begin the day. And your mom is absolutely right, sometimes we get caught up in what we’re going to “do” when all that matters is that we’re together. A good reminder to me – it doesn’t need to be anything big - small and simple things are more important. It sounds like a lovely weekend – the temperature has been cooler here, hope it is for you as well. Enjoy every minute!

  18. Great photos! How wonderful that your mom can enjoy spending time with you. That is a blessing! Have fun celebrating Chris's birthday and enjoy your week- xo Diana

  19. Those are the prettiest pictures captured early in the morning. It's my favorite part of the day. It's so nice that you listen to your prayer app at the start of each day. Such sweet words that your mom said.....and so true. And I like your summer Header with the bird!



Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo