February 7, 2024

I Think...


...peanut m&m's are significantly better than regular ones.

...watching television shows from the past allows an escape from today's unsettling world.

...cereal is much better as a snack than as breakfast.

...people who feel as if they constantly have to be busy doing things, going places, and making plans, and who think staying home and being cozy is lazy and selfish are missing out on an incredible part of life. 

...and our entire culture of dieting, counting calories, low fat, low carb,  no sweets, and exercising extra to burn off a cookie is toxic and creates lifelong unhealthy relationships with food. I am neither an expert nor claim to be one, but I have read about, seen, and witnessed how much damage the constant emphasis on food can do. Conversely, I have seen how a healthy attitude of allowing different foods in moderation and striving for more of an 80/20 approach can be.

So, there's that!

I hope you have a cozy day, my friends!
Thanks for stopping by!

Billie Jo

* These are my thoughts on really random things, some more important than others. I mean, people need to know how good peanut M&M's really are, and that Match Game from the 70s is clearly underrated.

* Thanks to the magic of Google for the images.


  1. Dear Billie Jo, I agree peanut M&M's are the best! BUt... my favorite is chocolate covered candy coated sunflower seeds! They are hard to find too. They look like baby M&M's. I agree, a goody is good for the heart and soul, in moderation. I recently purchased a sonic style countertop ice machine and have enjoyed an A&W root beer over the ice in the afternoon. I so look forward to it on hard days. We live in the country, 30 minutes away from the city. We do not have many luxuries like home delivery, fast food and ice cream sundaes do not survive the ride home, hot pizza is not the same after a 30 minute drive, and the fedex delivery person is my "newest and bestest" friend. I love staying home. I have so much here to interest me, I never get bored. Thank you for the post! ~jackiesee~

  2. Yes, yes, yes, yes... Truth and love it all! ;)

  3. Yes! Yes! Yes! This so refreshing to read and I couldn't agree more! Miss you! :)

  4. Wonderful post. And who does not think peanut m&m's are not better than regular ones?

  5. Big thumbs up on this post! Although...um, have you ever had peanut butter m&m's? Gilligan Island was my favorite show as kid, they definitely don't make shows like the "good" ones anymore. I've been doing a lot of reading on intuitive eating lately and finding it so helpful. Admittedly, not much of a homebody over here though being busy for the sake of being busy is no good. Balance is the key to so much, I think. Happy Wednesday!

  6. Absolutely! Peanut M&M s are the go to here- add a peppermint patty and anything orange +chocolate and I’m all in! Yes again - older is sometimes much better - I listen to the old radio shows while doing “domestic goddess” chores - Our Miss Brooks is a favorite. And can I say YES again - perfect faces, bodies, homes, families, etc. the pressure to be perfectly perfect in every way is so destructive. Oh the filters available to remove wrinkles and smooth curves - no wonder so many of us feel that peer pressure. As someone once said, let’s all just stop! Ok down off my soapbox now. So glad to read your post!

  7. I do glorify busy and I should not!!!!

  8. What a unique and interesting post! I may do one just like it! And I agree with all of it!! Especially your thoughts on our attitudes on food, and not being busy all the time. Well done!!!

  9. P.S. Also, I just discovered that cereal IS better as a snack! I put some in a Ziplock bag to take on short trips, instead of granola bars or cookies.

  10. Not going to lie, I love most m&ms. Though in our New Year's Eve m&m casserole, turns out I don't particularly care for the pretzel ones. And yes about the cereal too, have you seen the BIG Apple Jacks they sell in snack packs? It's a total gimmick because they aren't that much bigger and it's just as easy to baggie up your own, but they really are delicious. I will watch old shows with you any time! I also love the Newlywed Game with Bob Eubanks.

  11. You couldn't be more correct on all of these!!! I make it a goal to NOT be too busy.

  12. I TOTALLY agree with you about the peanut M&Ms! 😋😋

    I also appreciate very much the quote you shared about stopping the glorification of being busy!

    And I love your thoughts on food!

    Enjoyed my visit with you today. xx

  13. There is nothing like being home with the family, taking care of my home, popping a yummy pot roast in the oven as I just did and just enjoying each and every day that the Lord has given to us, such a gift.

  14. This was fun to read! I wholeheartedly agree on all of the above, though I've definitely been guilty of some of those. I have a friend who swears up and down that Christmas M&Ms are better than the other everyday M&Ms. She can always taste the difference, even in a blind taste test! I've seen it with my own eyes. I love seeing other people's unpopular opinions!

  15. Good thoughts here, friend. Peanut M&M's are my favorite as well, though these days I have to be careful with sugar. Moderation is great for most but I've never been one that could be moderate. If a little is good a lot is better in my book, so I have to be careful. I really enjoyed the busy prose--so good!!!

  16. Hi Billie Jo. I completely agree with you about busyness. I'm also with you on the peanut M & Ms. Hope you are having a good week. See you again soon.

  17. Great post! I'm a big fan of peanut butter m&m's. I love old TV and movies.
    There's little on TV nowadays that's any good. I watch the original Perry Mason every morning before I begin my day.
    Some days are busy others are not.
    I putter in my gardens, play with my puppy and watch the blue birds having breakfast. You miss a lot being busy all the time.
    That said modern life is so hard on people.

  18. I agree ... especially about the peanut M & Ms and the being busy.

  19. Oh Billie Jo! You have a lot of wisdom here, but peanut M&M's? Why ruin something so good by adding nuts? :)
    I love you anyway!

  20. Yes, yes, and yes! I like the way you think!

  21. YES! Peanut M & M's are the BEST. This is a great post. I agree with it all. Thank you so much for sharing this with us. Even though I still love to travel, I'm a homebody at heart.
    Blessings and hugs,

  22. I agree with all of these! I hope you are getting some of this beautiful, warm weather.

  23. I enjoy almond MnMs and I got a family size package when I was shopping at Fred Meyer the other day as they were on sale. YUM!!! I remember seeing the Twilight Zone and it was interesting to see. My husband has to be careful what he eats due to his type 2 diabetes. I like to go on a walk almost every day as it's needed for a few reasons. I usually go with Phil and we talk as we walk. It looks nice outdoors but it's a bit chilly as it is still winter. Daffodils are blooming and I need to pull out the small ones I got when my sister and I were in Seattle, WA five years ago at a Flower / plant event. I miss going there but maybe one of these years I can do it again with her. Enjoy the rest of your week!!~~Becky

  24. Absolutely love this post to the max! Thanks for brightening the start of my day.

  25. I've never tried peanut M&M's. I now know what I'll be eating this weekend :)

  26. Oh my gosh, I think these things too! What a great post, and that diet info. was so interesting. The "busy" quote and picture....love that, and I have to write that one down. Thank you for this post today, dear friend. I appreciate it so much.


    **peanut M&M's, way better. ; )

  27. I don't watch much tv...but if tv could go back in time, I probably would watch it more. Or certainly enjoy it when I do watch. The game shows were great:) Yesterday, my brother sent me a clip of the Banana Splits (his personal favorite)! HA...had so forgotten about that one! Great thoughts all around. And - please can we stop the glorification of busy!!

    1. the Banana Splits! Oh I loved them - and I forgot about them too!

  28. I disagree, I like the regular M & M's best. :) But it looks like I'm in the minority with that.
    I do watch my weight and exercise but I agree that you shouldn't avoid any food IF you are healthy. I always say, I can eat whatever I want just not as much as I want too. :)

  29. It's true what you say about old TV shows - once during a particularly emotional round of therapy, my therapist told me to make myself stay home, lay on the couch, and watch TV - when I told her I watched Fleabag she said "NO! Please don't watch that - watch something like I Love Lucy or Bewitched! It's science ;)

  30. Oh my goodness Billy Jo, what a fun post … it’s like walking down memory lane! I agree about peanut M & Ms, they are the best. I watched the Twilight Zone and Gillian’s Island all the time .

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. I totally agree with you on each item you posted, Billie Jo. Especially the Peanut M&Ms and Match Game.

  33. Billie Jo, I loved watching The Munsters, The Addams Family, Gilligan, I Dream of Jeannie, Bewitched, The Partridge Family, The Brady Bunch...good stuff. Peanut M&Ms are good, but peanut butter M&Ms are better, as are caramel M&M's. I do try to avoid candy, but sometimes I eat a little, because chocolate is just too good. It can be hard to find a balance with being busy, I like doing lots of stuff with the grandkids, and with the older kids, and when I do a lot, especially for days in a row, I SO appreciate the downtime, the cozy time...ahhh. I don't get bored though, if I just stayed home all the time, I'd be fine...but I love going bye bye too ha.

  34. You picked these words straight out of my head!! Peanut M&M's are the best!! Plus we love old shows...Columbo, Rockford Files, I love Lucy, That Girl, Get Smart, Magnum, and the list is endless. And you are so right about food! Society is totally obsessed with food and it's suffocating us! It has quite literally turned us all into robots. We don't know what to do, what's true, how to just make choices and have self control. We have to be "spoon fed" (pardon the pun) every single idea now and uggg...I'm so tired of eating a banana only to be told that it will kill me or make me have a super power. We've turned over common sense (and Biblical sense) for just being mindless dummies.

    And staying at home...it's my thing :) You and I are kindred spirits, for sure :)


Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo