February 5, 2024

Monday Morning Coffee Talk


Good Monday morning, my friends. How was your weekend? Here, it was sunny and quiet. This time of year is often slower and uneventful for me. During these winter weeks, I sometimes feel lazy and guilty, as if I should be doing more. Surely, there is something that needs to be done. This may be because autumn and Halloween appear in stores, in magazines, and on TV starting in July or August. This is followed by, and sometimes simultaneously with, all things Christmas. We are reminded that it is time to plan, list, shop, wrap,  bake, clean, and create. From July through January, we work physically, mentally, and emotionally and are rewarded with special times with our family and friends. The last months of the year are a whirlwind of family, food, fun, and friends. All our work is realized at this particular time of year. 

Then, it is over. And weeks stretch before us that are less busy and chaotic. These "ordinary" days should be the norm. We have family, friends, homes, jobs, and hobbies; we live our daily lives with our families and friends. When I feel bad for doing nothing, I will remind myself that I am doing the most important thing: living. What might that look like? Perhaps like...

Cold winter mornings with coffee and prayers...

Breakfast for dinner on a Sunday evening...

Snuggles on the couch with not one...

But two precious pups...

And cozy afternoons with my youngest and our homeschool lessons.

Have a lovely, typical, ordinary day, my friends!

Billie Jo


  1. Ordinary days really are the best and so well deserved. It won't be long before the hustle and bustle of the holidays come back around. Enjoy every simple moment! Have a great week.

  2. This is a perfect post for me. I always feel guilty for just sitting and knitting or reading. But really, the slower pace is very good. Enjoy your quieter time my friend.
    Blessings and hugs,

  3. The best days are the ordinary days, are they not? I love them! Your pictures are so pretty! xx

  4. This is a beautiful - and wise post! I love your thoughts on quiet days. Your pics are cozy and pretty!

  5. Your coffee cup is so cute! It's good to take January and February to rest a bit. Never discount the blessings of ordinary days. As always, beautiful pictures. Hope you have a wonderfully ordinary week!

  6. Enjoyed the photos of your ordinary day. I actually love ordinary days!

  7. Love this and so true. Living our best lives, especially in the ordinary, are almost the most special. You do it well my Friend! Blessings. xo

  8. I think after all the holidays, back to normal almost seems like we are lazy!

  9. First of all, your heart coffee mug is adorable! 😍 I often feel like you do sometimes, where I think I need to always be up and doing and that I’m being lazy if I don’t. However, you are right. Sometimes just living in the moment is enough. The pups are so precious! I would definitely have no problem snuggling with them all day! Haha! But, I know you and Quinn have work to do. Kudos to you for homeschooling all of your kids.

  10. Hi Billie Jo~ One of the things I love about this, in-between time is that we can relax and refresh ourselves to gear up for spring and summer. I love that cozying up with those two cuties are on your relax list ;0) Hugs, Barb

  11. Billie Jo, I think we've all felt that surely there is something that needs doing. What I've learned in my old age is that guilt has no place in my life. Our lives do not need to be about being busy all the time. Relaxing and just being like you said is so important for our well being. Love your darling pups. They sure know how to live life! Your darling heart mug is so sweet, my friend.

  12. It’s important that we give ourselves some grace and take the time to enjoy the ordinary! I’ve discovered that being more like a hermit agrees with me! LOL

  13. Hi Billie Jo! I love that you are teaching your daughter to write thank you notes. We tried to do that with our kids too - with mixed results. ;-) So glad that you are enjoying the cozy days of February. I hope this month is a good one for you!

  14. Perfect post! I love normal days they mean we are healthy and enjoying the everyday! Have a beautiful week!

  15. Oh, don’t feel guilty for not doing much! You are doing something, you are refueling! It is a necessary part of our day that I think too many people ignore.

  16. I love ordinary days. I listen to the school bus go down the road and know I do not have to rush as I am a retired teacher. I take my morning coffee in my favorite mug, sit in my chair by the window and take time to write in my journal. Ordinary days can be special when you do what brings you peace.

  17. You know stress free ordinary days are my personal favorite!

  18. Dearest Billie Jo,
    Ordinary times are the very best.
    Don't like to be rushed on command for following on all the brainwashing for doing this/that, eating this/that and buying this/that...
    Family time is precious and even holy!
    Fur babies included...

  19. Ordinary days are the best. I'm glad you are enjoying yours!

  20. I'm busy doing the most important thing: living! Amen to that, my friend. And your photos reference a very lovely life, indeed. Enjoy these "ordinary" days...the busy seasons will return before we know it. And I just love that mug! I have been shopping for a cute new Valentine mug and everything I have seen lately is...well, tacky. Enjoy your hot drink, cute mug and that beautiful view:)

  21. I love uneventful winter days! No news is good news, as they say

  22. Ordinary days are my absolute favorite! Which reminds me....Lent starts next week! Yikes!!!!

  23. It isn't until we are older, we realise it's the ordinary days which are actually the most special. Xx

  24. Your breakfast for dinner looks really good. The ordinary days are so nice, and your view from the window is pretty, and a special place for coffee and prayers. How wonderful for Flynn to have a teacher like you. And LOVE your coffee cup! : )


  25. Such a lovely post and I'm also loving that coffee mug


Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo