September 11, 2024

Fall In Our Home

Last week, on a slightly cooler and cloudy afternoon, I decorated our home for the fall months and am really enjoying the cozy touches of red, orange, yellow, and brown scattered around. Fun fact: My favorite color is brown. I am an autumn soul, after all. So, pour a cup of your favorite coffee, tea, or cocoa, have a seat, and spend some time with me in our cozy, fall home.

I desperately needed a new wreath and was so happy to find this one on Etsy.

This is the entryway, complete with fairy lights and a sweet sign given to me years ago.

We spend most of our time in the family room, but getting a good shot of the space is hard! I have a fall ambiance YouTube station on almost every day. This is one of my favorites. The space under the television is great for displaying some old favorite wooden pumpkins and a ceramic one, too.

Behind the couch, I put more lights and two of my favorite fall photos. 

From the family room, you can see into the room we call the Bird Room, mainly because you can see the birds from those windows. I love sitting there with my coffee and the pups early in the morning, watching those birds as the world wakes up and a new day begins. Lastly, the kitchen, where we gather to share meals and moments of our lives. 

And off the kitchen, a cozy little spot for this cute guy to hang out. Peyton and Chris got him for me, and I think this is the perfect spot for him. And that is it! As I am putting this post together, I notice that most of the things I have here are things I have had for years and years. I do buy new things occasionally to add, but for the most part, I use the things that symbolize home, comfort, and cozy for my family. The pumpkin on the fireplace hearth is called Big Pumpkin, and I bought that at a store called Ames over twenty-five years ago! Each of my children has played with that pumpkin and continues to look for it every year. The  Spiced Pumpkin Yankee Candle is the signature scent of our home and family. I have burned one every single fall since I can remember, and when my children smell it, they know fall is here. I think that is something to remember in this society of indulgence, commercialism, and influencer-driven buying. Just because Target, Pottery Barn, or Walmart come out with a brand new line of cute-themed things every year does not mean I have to buy them. For me, older, unique, more sentimental things are what I want my kids to remember from their childhood, just as I remember certain things from mine.

In a few weeks, we will add the not-so-spooky Halloween decorations, but for now, we are all enjoying our cozy autumn home together. We will sip pumpkin-spiced flavored everything, snuggle under pumpkin-covered throw blankets, and soak in this beautiful, all too short, comfortable time of year.

Have a lovely Wednesday, my friends!

Billie Jo


  1. Such a lovely, warm space you have created. Love the picture of your eldest three on your window sill.

  2. It looks absolutely beautiful, Billie Jo. X

  3. Your beautiful home looks so cozy and inviting. You're living my dream, for sure. My autumn decorations are still in a box up in the attic. I'm that waiting on the official calendar day kind of girl. But you definitely have me ready. Thanks for sharing your home with us today.

  4. What a beautiful home home you have. The fall decorations makes everything look so cozy!

  5. Your house looks so pretty! I've only been able to put out a few things. I'm a bit limited in mobility since having foot surgery, and my granddaughter helped me. I have the lovely candles set out that I purchased with the gift card I won from you last fall. Of course, I thought of you. Enjoy your favorite season, Billie Jo!

  6. We do Halloween, had it up since July. Love your floors. They are stunning. Here's to a wonderful spooky fun fall season.

  7. The entry (outside and inside) of your home is very inviting, Billie Jo. What a wonderful assortment of fall goodness that is decorating your home! Everything is so cozy and inviting.

  8. Hi Billie Jo~ Your home is always so cozy and warm! The, big pumpkin is such a treasure, I love that your kids look for it every year. I'm so happy that fall weather is just around the corner, along with fall colors. Have a great rest of your week! Hugs, Barb

  9. All, so beautiful and well-arranged. Thank you for sharing such pleasant scenes with us!

  10. Oh my gosh, you have no idea how much I have enjoyed this post! First, you are a decorating GENIUS! Now I want you to show your decorations every time you change them - please? I love the space under your T.V., it is so perfect for showing off things. I really like your stone steps, and your wreath is gorgeous. Your wide table is done perfectly, and all the plant decorations are wonderful. The frame with leaves around it, did you create that or was it that way when you bought it? I could go on and on, but you KNOW how much I love it all!

  11. Thanks for sharing the tour - you know I revel in every cozy detail. We are such kindred spirits as I also have lots of my older decorations and struggle to ever part with any of them. Traditions are such comforting things, aren't they? And I love brown too! All shades: creams, tans, and deep browns. Such warmth there. I've started to add a few more things....but haven't gotten into the bins as I've been a little busy in wedding world. 😉 As soon as that calms down, though, going to get my Autumn spirit on everywhere! Enjoy the cozy my dear Friend. 🍁🎃❌⭕️

  12. I love your beautiful cozy Fall home! What a wonderful place to enjoy peace and the love of family and friends. Have a cozy day my friend!

  13. Everything looks lovely. You really go all out with decorating for the season.

  14. Your home is beautiful! The decorations are lovely and look so cozy and warm. I have a fall wreath on the door but it is hard to think Fall when it is still in the 90s outside with high humidity. I'll bring out the pumpkins next month, I think. Hugs!

  15. I love what you do with the lights nd candles! You are ready!

  16. Everything looks so beautiful! You have managed to decorate in a way that looks magazine worthy, but cozy and inviting too.

  17. I LOVE IT ALL! I especially love the fairy lights and the lit candles and the pictures of the little ones. That is just the sweetest picture of little Flynn. You're so right, Billie Jo, we don't have to get new things at our favorite stores, we can just work with the things we have from our past seasons. The bird room table is so charming, as you can see out the window to those lovely birds every day. That raccoon on the fire place is too cute. It all looks so wonderful, and it's not too much. I have been watching the videos from The Cozy Yellow Cottage and getting inspiration from them. I'm more of a minimalist, but I do want to add a few more things. Thanks for sharing a little of your Fall decorating, my friend. You did a great job on it all.


    1. Oh, I forgot to mention your entryway. It's elegant with the brown colors, and the decor is perfect for an entryway. : )

  18. Everything is lovely, my friend. And I totally agree with you when it comes to the thought that just because stores have a new line of autumn decor every year doesn't mean that we have to buy it. The majority of my autumn decor is from years ago. Thank you for the tour of your cozy autumn home. xx

  19. I'm an autumn soul, too, but I haven't done anything yet to decorate. There has been too much going on in my world to do anything about it just yet. Your home, as always, is lovely to look at and makes my fall loving self happy to see.

  20. I love the season, but I have not decorated for it at all. It is still too warm here to be thinking fall, though I did wear real shoes instead of flip flops today.

  21. I loved seeing your beautiful home cozied up for Fall! I love the sign with the name of your blog on it; what a thoughtful gift that was. Thanks for sharing this with us today!

  22. Billie Jo...your home is lovely and the added touched of fall that you have so perfectly placed, makes it look like a home full of warmth and coziness. You did a great job fancying up for Fall. I know the scent of the Yankee Candle "spiced pumpkin" and it is a perfect choice for the season. Happy Thursday

  23. Hi Billie Jo! Everything looks beautiful and so cozy for fall! I LOVE your wreath!! It's gorgeous! I love Etsy, too. I also love the rug on your front porch. I'm guessing it's two rugs? Anyway, it looks so welcoming. I hope you and Flynn are enjoying ninth grade so far! Have a cozy evening, dear friend.

  24. Billie Jo, Your house is absolutely beautiful and the decorations are perfection!! Enjoy every moment of your favorite season!

  25. Picture perfect, peaceful, calm, an escape from the frenetic world outside. Just what everyone wants as they walk in the front door. You've done it beautifully! And I agree, no need to rush out and buy when there are heartfelt decorations everyone remembers and loves.That's what's important...


Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo