September 13, 2024

Back To Homeschool!

Hello! And Happy Friday, my friends. Well, Flynn and I are back to school; truthfully, we are glad. I am so thankful she enjoys the time we spend together each afternoon. Although I am struggling to comprehend how that little girl with the long curly hair who sat at a little white table and colored letters and numbers in our little preschool classroom is now a beautiful, intelligent teenager talking about PreAlgebra, Biology, and English Literature with me as a freshman, I am here for it!

My desk

And Flynn's. However, in the interest of complete transparency, I must tell you she spends more time on the comfy little couch than at that desk!

I know. I know. She is in high school, But I will never lose my love of seasonal children's books! 

We have a family tradition that goes back almost twenty-five years: Each child chooses a Back-to-School meal. Flynn is my last remaining one, so I was so happy to plan her special dinner. Her choice? Hotdogs, Kraft Spiral Macaroni and Cheese, and peas! And an easy, peasy chocolate chip snack cake for dessert. The other kids came to celebrate her first day of high school, and it was a fun night for my girl.

Superintendent Steve surprised me with these pretty flowers on the first day!

And lastly, I have to share a little about Steve's birthday dinner this week. I was so happy and proud of my children. They planned a special night out for Steve's birthday, and it was perfect. They set the date, chose the restaurant, made the reservation, and arranged for his favorite meal that wasn't on the menu; Steve loves veal chop parmigiana and has it maybe once a year. They also arranged for a special birthday surprise for dessert and even went together and paid the bill. I was so happy for Steve, who always has and always will make caring for his family his priority. That evening at dinner, we both realized how blessed we are that our children want to give us the happiness we have given them. Beautifully blessed. 

 I hope you all have a beautiful, cozy, fun weekend! Enjoy! We are halfway through this amazing month of September! Which reminds me...Here are the ways I tried to enjoy September one day at a time this week.

1. Decorated my planner for fall. 2. Enjoyed my first Pumpkin Spice Latte. 3. Read a fall magazine. 4. Helped Flynn decorate her room for fall and Halloween. 5. Ate a piece of pumpkin spice coffee cake. 5. Hung a fall wreath on my front door. 6. Noticed all the changes outside, like pinecones on the ground, leaves starting to fade, air slightly cooler, and evening coming sooner.

If you want a quick, easy snack cake, here is the recipe we use. It calls for a chocolate cake mix and chocolate instant pudding, but I used vanilla this time!

( I may have told you this before, but it is called SIn Cake because years ago, Peyton had it for dessert the night of her First Confession! )

Billie Jo


  1. Billie Jo, wish I had this recipe and dessert for my first confession in 1956. Enjoy your weekend.

  2. Hello Billie Jo! I thoroughly enjoyed reading about your time with Flynn, and seeing all these delightful photos. You have such a charming home and I loved the school-themed place setting, ever photo brought a big smile. Thank you so much for sharing. Have a wonderful Friday and a very happy weekend.

  3. I love how you are so intentional and make every detail of your life into a celebration. I truly envy you for advocating fully to your child's education. Good luck for the school year and hope you have a wonderful weekend. I always look forward to your posts.

  4. Yay for back to school! I hope you and Flynn have a wonderful year! I love that you start in September. School around here start in August and it just never feels like it's time for that! I love her menu for her special dinner! Mac and cheese is a favorite of mine, too! That is the prettiest piece of cheesecake (or is it pie?) I have seen in a while! Love the festive candles in it. You and Steve have raised some wonderful children and I know that is an amazing feeling. That's all we want for our kids, right? They certainly knocked it out of the park for him this year! You are inspiring me to get up and get out the fall decor this weekend. I just may do it! Hope y'all have a wonderful weekend.

  5. Wow! Wow! lots of wonderful goodness going on. I love that she had some friends over as well. The table looked fun! You sound like a fun parent. Happy Birthday to Steve.

  6. I love the view through your window at your desk! This is an awesome tradition! The Scarecrow's Dance looks interesting. It is a children's book?

  7. Many many smiles my friend. Thank you.

  8. I loved reading this post!! Happy memories made. Family birthday fun! Thanks for the recipe. Sounds easy and delicious! Blessings for your Freshman!! xo

  9. You make back to school special. :)

  10. I love what you all did to make that first school day special, even Superintendent Steve!
    And then what the kids did for his birthday. You two raised them well.

  11. I am so blessed by the way your children treated their dad to celebrate his birthday. How very special! And I love it that you made a family celebration with Flynn's first day of high school. So sweet! Have a wonderfully cozy weekend, my friend. xx

  12. Our kiddos have been in school for a month now. Hard to believe. Hope you and Flynn have a great school year. How wonderful that your family planned such special Birthday celebration for Steve, and to plan for him to have his favorite meal is the best. Moms do special things for their family and your breakfast for Flynn was such a precious thing. Happy Weekend Billie Jo

  13. Hi Billie Jo~ What a great week! What an awesome way to celebrate Flynn's new school year. Happy Birthday to, Steve! I sounds like he had a great day, and I love that his children spoiled him, he deserves it! Flynn's "sin" cake looks delicious, thank you for the recipe, it sounds like something my grandkids would love. Your flowers are so pretty, every teacher needs a bouquet of flowers on her desk. When I was a child, I loved marigolds. I would always bring a little bouquet to my new teacher on my first day of school, even if they're smelly, they're pretty. See you soon! Hugs, Barb

  14. Hope Flynn has a great school year. Happy Birthday to Steve. Blessed to have such wonderful children. You both definitely did a lot of things right!

  15. Happy Birthday to Steve, (also a little late!) Fun days of homeschool. I really envy, (I know, envy is not good), your close knit family. Our kids are scattered so far and wide and I miss the old days a lot. Alex in London, Mandy in Omaha and Jamie in Helena, MT. We do talk a lot on What's App but it's just not the same as touching them! :-) You are blessed my friend and I know that you know it.
    Lovely surprise the kdis planned for Steve. It all sounds wonderful.


Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo