September 4, 2024

Autumn A Day At A Time


Hello there, my friends. September is such a thoughtful month. It comes along at the end of summer, knowing that we are ready for the fall things we love so much but still need a few pieces of summer along the way. The air is a bit cooler, but the sun still shines brightly. The leaves show a tinge of color but still display the green of summer. I find myself wearing summer shorts and fun t-shirts, yet needing to keep a light sweater nearby. I love this time and know it passes more quickly each year. So, I am going to savor and enjoy it by trying to do one small autumnish thing every day. The keyword for me is TRY. No bucket lists, no checkmarks, and no pressure. Just something to allow the beauty of autumn to seep into my day so it doesn't pass me by in the blur of daily living. So far, I have decorated our home with pumpkins and lights, listened to my Spooky and Cozy Playlist on Spotify, and made this delicious Fall Fruit Salad to go with dinner yesterday. It is literally autumn in a bowl! I will link the recipe down below. I followed it exactly, and it was delicious!

What will it be today? I am thinking of lighting my Yankee Pumpkin Spice Candle and letting it fill the air as I continue working on Flynn's lessons for her first day of school next week. 

Have a cozy day, my friends!
Thanks for visiting.

Billie Jo


  1. I like the concept of doing one fall thing each day with no real agenda. That is definitely my kind of plan!

  2. Hi Billie Jo~ It sounds like you are all ready for fall... pumpkin spice candles, fall fruit salad, yum! No real list of things to do is perfect for this time of, slowing down. It's cooling down here as well. I love these slow days! Have a nice Wednesday! Hugs, Barb

  3. The fruit salad is so pretty, like a work of food art. and so healthy! Love your pumpkin image at the bottom!

  4. The fruit salad looks delicious! Have a great week.

  5. That fruit salad looks delicious. I'm still in denial at summer's impending end, but today I picked up some apples, ready to make a crumble with :)

  6. My Sam will love this fruit salad. All of his favorite kinds of things! And thank you Billie Jo for sharing the link. Same wardrobe for me. Shorts, t-shirt and a light evening jacket. I Have always enjoyed the Autumn season, but this year, I have longed for it more so than what I have in the past.

  7. I hope you know how much I treasure coming here and getting a dose of Autumn cozy. I just feel wrapped in a warm hug when I read your posts my Friend! Yes, yes, and yes! Treasuring everything about this beautiful time of year and the slow transition to our absolute favorite! Thanks for the recipe too! That looks amazing! 💛

  8. That is such a pretty fruit salad. I always feel so much better after visiting your blog. I have had my autumn candle from Bath & Body out all summer long. The nice thing is the warmth in the air causes the scent to disburse without even burning it so when fall arrives I actually burn it and it fills the air again. (Maybe I'm cheap.) I do like the scent all year round.
    We're still camping until tomorrow sometime. It's been delightfully cool at night and not too hot during the day until today. It's over 90 so we have the A/C on inside and we've been reading and facetiming with children and grandchildren. Thank goodness for a good hotspot on my phone! Life is wonderful!
    Blessings and hugs,

  9. What a lovely fruit salad. I love your idea, as you accomplish things I'd love to read a list at the end of the month! I love this slow and steady approach to the whole fall you're taking.

    Also, this warm during the day and cool at night is my favorite.

  10. I am glad Autumn is arriving, it is cooler and here in Normandy we are having our usual Autumn weather with rain! But it’s nice to stay inside and read with a lighted candle and cook Autumn dishes. You fruit salad looks delicious

  11. Although I am not a big fan of Autumn (only like the colors that come out), the scent of my pumpkin spice candle makes it more bearable. Cute puppy.

  12. I love the fruit salad. Autumn is a beautiful time of year, and probably my favorite season as well. Enjoy!

  13. That is a great idea to do something Fallish every day to appreciate all the beauty this season has to offer. Your fruit salad looks really good, especially those blackberries. They are starting to be one of my favorite berries. And your pup even has an Autumn bed, that's soooo cute. This was a splendid post, my friend. Loved it all.

    Have a good September week, Billie Jo.



Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo