September 6, 2024

A Few Friday Photos

I don't know how, but it is Friday already. I say that, yet Monday seems like a long time ago! This week's weather is beautifully pleasant and cool enough to make my autumn decorations look right at home. Outside, the leaves give the tiniest hint of what is to come; the birds seem to enjoy it, too.

Flynn was practicing her piano yesterday, and Marty decided to join me, Mocha, and Cosmo for our afternoon cozy hour. We were happy to have him!

And I have a very important PSA. Every year at this time, I indulge in one of my many autumn obsessions: stocking up on Dannon Lite + Fit Pumpkin Pie Greek Yogurt. That is until I discovered this.

My goodness, this is delicious. And I feel good knowing it is filled with ingredients I can actually pronounce. Fall in a little plastic cup.  

I mentioned in a previous post that I am trying to do one little thing each day in September that will help me pause and appreciate this beautiful time of year. How is it going so far?

1. Listened to my Spotify playlist called Cozy and Spooky  2. Decorated the house for fall. 3. Made a fall fruit salad  4. Had Pumpkin Spice Yogurt  5. Lit my Pumpkin Spice Yankee Candle 6Yet to be determined!

Have a wonderful, cozy weekend, my friends.
Thanks for visiting!

Billie Jo

Pinterest for the cozy image.


  1. That Chobani Pumpkin Spice yogurt looks good!

  2. What a great idea to do something intentional every day to celebrate fall – it’s my favorite time of year, but it speeds by way too quickly. Maybe following your lead will help me somehow lengthen the time I enjoy! Thanks for the terrific inspiration, have a great weekend!

  3. I sure like your idea of taking the time each day to appreciate the day's beauty. I need to do this as well. Girl...I am going to try to find this Chobani pumpkin spice yogurt. I have not seen it at our local store, but the bigger stores near by might have it. Sounds so good. I changed all of plug in's to scents of Fall...Can't wait to see all your Autumn decorations. Hope you enjoy the sprinkles of joy this weekend...

  4. I want to see your decorations! I hope you are going to post them sometime. I do not like pumpkin anything. But on your recommendation, I am going to try this. My favorite is the Chiobani coffee flavor.

  5. The weeks are flying by. Have a great weekend!

  6. What a wonderful idea - to find something Fall related to do each day in September! I hope you have a wonderful weekend full of beautiful and lovely things! Family times are the best!

  7. I start each day by thanking God for a brand new day. I notice the beauty around me every day. :)

  8. This is a beautiful time of year! Our temperatures here in Utah are actually going to cool down a bit next week. Yay! I may just have to give that yogurt a try. It sounds so delish! Have a cozy weekend, my friend!

  9. We've had a lovely couple of days since we returned yesterday from camping. I even have the windows open. I always enjoy having fresh air coming in. After tomorrow though, it will be back into the upper 80's and 90's so the A/C will be back on. But with a freshly aired out condo! :-)
    Can I tell you a secret? For the first time in I don't know how long, I stayed in my p.j.'s all day long. It was cozy, decadent and so comfortable. I got so much done around here and didn't leave the condo all day long. Dennis visited his Mom, bought groceries and washed the car. He also cleaned out his truck to get ready for our next adventure in a couple of weeks.
    Have a lovely weekend my friend.
    Blessings and love,

  10. I'm glad you like fall so much!
    Loved your whole post!
    Loved that you made the decision to do a little something for fall to enjoy!
    So have a beautiful autumn!๐Ÿ๐Ÿงก

  11. Hello Billie Jo, you have such a handsome bird feeder there. All of your fall enjoyments sound great. Have a happy weekend!

  12. I hope you are having a lovely, cozy weekend. Marty is so cute and fluffy! I could just snuggle him all day long. I love Greek yogurt and will have to try the pumpkin spice flavor! Speaking of Greek... we went to a Greek festival yesterday evening, which was so much fun. The baklava was absolutely delicious! Happy Saturday!

  13. Hope you are having a lovely, cozy weekend! Marty is so cute and fluffy. I could snuggle him all day long! I love Greek yogurt and I'll have to try this pumpkin spice flavor. Speaking of Greek... we went to a Greek festival yesterday and it was so much fun! The baklava was delicious. Happy Saturday!

  14. Hi Billie Jo~ It feels like fall in my neck of the woods as well. Every day the weather is getting cooler and the leaves aren't as vibrant... I love it ;0) I love Dannon light and fit, it's my favorite yogurt. I will have to look for the pumpkin spice, it sounds delicious! I finally got around to putting up some fall decor, and it feels so cozy in my house! I have a pumpkin spice candle warming in the burner, and it smells so good. Have a wonderful cozy Sunday, and I'm looking up that playlist! Hugs, Barb

  15. It is simply not feeling fallish here in Florida. lol--wishing you a beautiful Sunday my friend.

  16. I'm glad it's going to be cooler this week and most likely rain ๐ŸŒง which is needed. Especially where there's forest fires ๐Ÿ”ฅ southern Oregon and east of Oregon. I've not seen the Chobani pumpkin spice yogurt. I'll check it out this week even though I have enough yogurt. I tell people the fall joke and they laugh as well. ๐Ÿ˜„ ๐Ÿคฃ
    Have a good day ๐Ÿ˜Š ๐Ÿ’›, Becky

  17. Enjoy the simple pleasures.

  18. Oh, that pumpkin spice yogurt looks delightful. I'll have to look for it next time at the store. I love that painting of the coffee and the leaves and the books, it's so cozy. Good for Flynn practicing her piano! Tell her to keep up with it. I gave up the piano lessons, and can only play a couple songs today. Can't wait to see some of your Fall decorations. Isn't this a wonderful time of year? So glad to be spending it with you. : )



Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo