June 28, 2024

Friday Photos


We spent the week here at the condo, with Steve going back and forth to the house and meeting with the kind people who fixed the leak. After almost thirty-three years of marriage ~ tomorrow!!~ he knows which things can throw me for a loop. Water damage and all the joy that comes with it is at the top of the list! In any case, the leak is repaired, the carpet and the subfloor are dried, and all the moisture in the walls is gone. The only thing left is the repairs, which include some drywall, paint, and new trim and carpet. If I may offer unsolicited advice to anyone who experiences water where water doesn't belong, I say this. Start clean up immediately. We were very fortunate to discover it right away this time, and Steve pulled the carpet before it had a chance to soak in too much. And don't try to dry it all yourself. Those companies like ServePro exist for that reason. They came with fans, dehumidifiers, and moisture-checking devices, and they only left once it was totally dry. 

But enough about my minor dilemma! It is a June weekend, and I hope you all have a wonderful one. We are heading back to the lake for a bit today! We are anxious to see Peyton, Chris, my mom, my sister, and her husband and spend some time on the boat. I am off now to gather my things and start packing. And I will grab one more cup of coffee for the road! Have a wonderful weekend, my friends! See you back here on Monday.

Billie Jo


  1. Dearest Billie Jo,
    Glad to hear the leak is so far under control and repaired—the rest will be easier to do.
    Enjoy the weekend with family.

  2. Have a wonderful weekend Billie Jo!!

  3. Glad the water is gone and only the last of the repairs remain. Have a great weekend.

  4. WOW!! I have said it before and I'll say it again...you are The Wave Master!! Just gorgeous waves!!!! And your first photo ought to win some kind of award. It is sky art and should be in a magazine or something. Gorgeous pastel stripes each bleeding into the other. Great news about the water damage. Have fun!!

  5. Well, Happy Anniversary to you and Steve tomorrow! Thirty three years is a milestone these days. I'm so glad that you had some different scenery to enjoy while the water damage was being taken care of. What a blessing! Enjoy your time at the Lake and seeing more of your family...especially your sweet mama.

  6. Happy Anniversary to you and Steve. I hope the day is filled with memories of the past, a reminder of how far you've come and a future that's filled with many more blessings. You are both a lovely couple who, together, raised a beautiful family. So much to celebrate.

  7. I could look at pics of the ocean all day. So beautiful! Have a very blessed weekend ahead. xoxo

  8. Love the pastel picture. So pretty. I like the turtle and the reflection of the deer is a bonus.

  9. Hi Billie Jo! Happy anniversary to you and Steve! Great pictures of the beach! So glad that you are getting the water problem taken care of. We had a similar problem when we were having our in-ground pool built in our Arizona house. It was a mess but a "servpro" type company did a great job and made everything all better. Have a good weekend. I hope you get some time to relax and be cozy!

  10. Happy to hear that things are coming together on the repairs. Love seeing your beach pics! They are so, so good! Enjoy your time with your family this weekend!

  11. Grinning...always a joy to visit here, my friend. Have a beautiful weekend.

  12. Happy Anniversary! And I'm relieved to hear the house is almost all sorted for you now.
    Have a lovely trip. Xx

  13. The pictures look so relaxing and lovely - just what you need after dealing with water damage! It sounds like repairs are underway and moving quickly - that’s terrific. Happy belated anniversary 🥳 so glad to have discovered your sweet family!

  14. So sorry to hear about your water damage, and I'm glad it has been repaired. Housing repairs can be tedious, and exhausting. Delightful Friday photos, my friend, and those DEER! What a great picture! And Happy Anniversary! That's special, indeed. : )


  15. Sorry to hear about the water in the basement.. after living through it just a few months ago I can imagine the trouble it can cause. Enjoy the long weekend and happy 4th!


Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo