May 24, 2024

Remember To Remember

Hello, my friends. I hope your week was cozy, productive, relaxing, and fun—or maybe all those things rolled into one. It was quick here, that is certain! We spent a couple of days at the ocean and are now back at the house, where three little pups got all fresh and clean for the long weekend!

My favorite time to be on the beach is early morning. I love the quiet, calm, peaceful feeling of knowing that for that short time, I witness something that has been since the beginning and will continue long after I am gone. But I also love that the beach is empty when I am there. And when the hot sun appears, and the crowds begin to gather, I will be cozy in my condo, enjoying it from afar. 

Finally, Happy Memorial Day to all my U.S. friends. I hope your celebrations, whether big or small, complete with grand parades or cozy cookouts, outside with neighbors and friends, or inside with movies and family, are just what you plan on and more. And as I like to tell my family, let's remember to remember why we celebrate this day in May each year. We think of those men and women who gave their very lives for our freedom. Each generation has continued to honor the ones before. While it is easy to get caught up in the fun of summer beginning and hamburgers with potato salad, we owe it to those who lost loved ones and those who gave their lives, like my great-uncle Sam, to pause and be thankful for their sacrifice.

Have a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend!
Thanks for visiting.
I am always happy you do.

Billie Jo


  1. For some unknown reason, I would up with my great uncle's (who was killed in the war) diary. I need to read some of it this weekend.

  2. Wound not would. I dislike auto correct!

  3. Absolutely! Thank you for the reminder. We have no big plans for the weekend, but our granddaughter, Piper and Lizzie, her puppy and Zoey's sister are coming over for the day today. She graduated from elementary school yesterday and it's the first day of summer vacation! I gave both puppies baths yesterday and they loved it.
    Wishing you a peace and love filled weekend.

  4. Thank you. Have a great weekend and a peaceful Memorial Day.

  5. Blessings on your weekend ahead. I pray it's peaceful, relaxing and fun! I made your wonderful mixed berry pie for it (again) - one of my favorites!! Thank you! xoxo

  6. You got lovely photos of what you saw early in the morning. Hope you have a great weekend! Oh my gosh, the dogs are just the CUTEST!!

  7. Hi Billie Jo! I love seeing your American flag hanging on your porch! I have mine out, as well. The dogs all look super cute and cool with their new cuts for the holiday weekend! Have a cozy weekend!

  8. I would like to be at the beach early morning too.
    No special plans here.

  9. I like the beach best when it's not full of people too.
    Good thoughts on Memorial Day.
    Have a nice weekend!

  10. I love your beach photos! I miss being on the ocean. #2 doggie reminds me of my Mandy. She's gone now and I miss her so much.

  11. Hi Billie Jo. Wonderful pictures from the beach. What a blessing to be able to spend time there so often. I agree with you 100% about remember the sacrifices of all of our veterans. I hope you have a good weekend!

  12. The sea is wonderful early in the morning. The ocean looks vast in the photo. Your puppies are incredibly cute.
    Have a great weekend Billie Jo.

  13. I enjoy being on the coast and look forward to be there 2 times in July. One with my daughter to be with one of her friends in Newport. She knows them from college and their daughter graduated from high school. But Megan can't go to the party due to her surgery next Wednesday. Other one is a family reunion in another town. Your dogs are adorable and I enjoy the new ones in our area. I remember when a cousin of mine was in Iran in the Army, one of the soldiers wound up dying when the vehicle he was driving flipped over. SAD! Same year that Sodom was killed. Enjoy your weekend with you family. We aren't doing much elsewhere. Hugs, Becky

  14. Thank you for highlighting the reason for Memorial Day, my friend. Sometimes I think it gets lost among the picnics and such. xx

  15. I would want to be at the beach in the morning too – not only for the solitude, but because I confess the heat and humidity do me in! Is it too soon to say I’m waiting for fall?! Thank you for the reminder – it seems the official kick off to summer, but it has a much more important meaning as a holiday.

  16. Happy Memorial Day wishes to you as well. Hope your day includes many of your favorite things. I'm hoping mine will include a burger. Welll, an impossible burger. Lighting up the grill today just sounds delicious:) It would help if the sun would come out! We will see - but have a great day!!


Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo