May 27, 2024

A Birthday Surprise, Another Birthday, And Happy Memorial Day!


Happy Memorial Day! This is the same photo I shared on Friday. Sorry about that! We had a lovely, fun-filled weekend here. Madison's husband Nicolas turned thirty on Friday, and Madison surprised him with a most amazing gift! We all had a hand in the super-secret plan, but Madison was the one who made it happen.

His brother, Jakob, flew from Denmark to spend Nico's birthday weekend with him! Nicolas was surprised, shocked, happy, and speechless! I wish you all could have seen the joy and love between these two young men. It has been almost two years since they last saw each other. That was in Denmark. Jakob was last here five years ago when Madison and Nicolas got married. ( If you are a new reader, Nicolas is Danish. They met through YouTube and lived in Denmark for two years before settling here after they were married. ) Jakob is an amazing young man; we were all so happy spending time with him.

Madison planned a lovely birthday surprise birthday party for Nicolas at one of our favorite Italian restaurants. I love how she incorporates Nicolas' beloved Danish traditions into everything they celebrate. We have come to love them as much as we love him!

The rest of the weekend passed in a blur of activities for the young people and Steve and some quiet time with the puppies for me intertwined with a beautiful mass and delicious meals. Last night, we celebrated Peyton's birthday. She and Steve went to the local fish market and picked out some sea bass that Steve cooked for dinner. It was delicious. And since we were celebrating her birthday, my baker was off duty. We got ice cream instead!

Today will be a cozy, quiet one. And that is perfectly fine with me.

Have a wonderful day, my friends!

Billie Jo


  1. I love how your family celebrates life together. And what a beautiful birthday gift! His brother! Our kids, (Mandy, Brad & Piper) are flying to Nice, France today to meet our son Alex and his family for two weeks. Alex and crew will be flying in from London, a much shorter trip. I love how they love to be together and we keep in such close contact, even being so far away. I wish I could tag along, but we're on doggy duty. We'll have sweet Lizzie while the kids are gone.
    Happy Monday my friend.

  2. Family is everything and it is great to celebrate every chance you get.

  3. Belated Birthday wishes to Nicolas! What a wonderful surprise that must have been. Xx

  4. Happy Birthday to Nicolas and Peyton!! It looks as if you had a wonderful weekend full of fun celebrations! I know Nicolas was so surprised to have a surprise visit from his brother. Have a great Memorial Day! We are grilling hotdogs later this evening along with chips and brownies!

  5. Happy Birthday to Nicolas and Peyton! Sounds like you had a fun filled weekend. Enjoy today!!

  6. Dearest Billie Jo,
    That indeed was a perfect Birthday surprise—having your brother come visit from Denmark!
    But it is not a 'Happy' Memorial Day as we remember those that paid the ultimate price for our freedom and the world's freedom... Veteran's Day is different but this is for those that lost their lives.

  7. Hi Billie Jo! Happy Birthday to Nicolas and Peyton! It's so cool that Jakob could come to help celebrate his brother's special day! Sounds like another wonderful family weekend for your tribe! Enjoy today and the rest of the week! See you again soon.

  8. Happy Memorial Day.
    Happy Birthday to Nicolas and Peyton!
    You must have had a wonderful weekend.
    Have a beautiful new week!!

  9. What a perfect and surprising gift!! And you got great photos of all of it. I really like the one of the two of them on the beach, it is so artistic.

  10. What a great family photo! You and your girls are so creative and thoughtful... what a beautiful bunch. Happy Birthday to Nicolas and Peyton! Enjoy your quiet day!

  11. Love your photos ! It's always special to celebrate with family. Looks like everyone had a good time.

  12. What an absolutely wonderful surprise for Nico! I love that!
    Sounds like a perfect weekend!

  13. Such a fabulous birthday gift and so heartwarming, as were all your photos Billie Jo. Thank you for sharing the joy! Happy Birthday to Nicolas and Peyton!

  14. What an amazing surprise! It looks like a wonderful weekend :)

  15. What a very special weekend! That Madison certainly thinks of everything, does she not? What a blessing that Jakob was able to be with Nicolas for his birthday weekend! Happy belated Birthday wishes to both Nicolas and Peyton. xx

  16. What a fantastic surprise!! Seems like a perfect weekend to celebrate a bunch of birthdays!

  17. What an amazing surprise and your family is so adorable. I only hope that I can be as close to my kids when they are adults. You give me hope.

  18. It's so nice when those surprises turn out so well. Looks like a lot of planning went into this birthday celebration. What fun!
    Happy Birthday to both of the birthday people :)

  19. Sounds like a fun weekend. Happy birthday to Nicolas.

  20. What a wonderful surprise for Nicolas! I have no doubt how overjoyed the brothers were to see one another after so long. And happy birthday to beautiful Peyton too! Birthdays are such blessings of our dearest blessings, aren't they? 🙏🏻💕

  21. What a lovely surprise! Happy Birthday to Nico!


Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo