May 10, 2024

Dinner, Dogs, And Dates

Happy Friday, friends! I hope you had a lovely week and are ready for the weekend! So, remember last Sunday and the amazing dinner Steve and Madison prepared? Monday came around, and honestly, I hadn't thought about dinner because how do you follow that up? Enter Retired Steve, who has happily taken ownership of some of the cooking and suggested BLT sandwiches using some of the leftover items. Happier I could not be. Just look...

We toasted the baguette, sliced the fresh tomatoes, washed the lettuce, and baked the bacon. Yes, I allow bacon if it is done in the oven. While I love eating it, I do not enjoy the scent that lingers in my house for days after. Baking it eliminates that! Also, I decided to make it easier to clean up and more fun by setting everything on a piece of parchment paper. Madison and Peyton enlightened me about the unbleached kind, and I must say it is a game-changer.

Here it is! And when we were done? We rolled it all up and threw the paper away. Oh, the mystery ingredient in the clear dish is leftover crab imperial from the night before. It takes the BLT to a whole new level.

Madison and Flynn also made dessert, and it was delicious! They told me it was super simple, but all I know is it was amazing. It was a crumble with fresh berries and rhubarb. I will ask Madison for the recipe and share it if anyone is interested. 

~ Mocha ~ 
Uninterested in drama, Makes her wants known

~ Cosmo ~
Sweetest, Happy to be here, can be found on top of any pillow

~ Draper ~
Quietest, Sophisticated and unassuming

~ Marty ~
Playful, Energetic, cute and spunky

One night this week, Steve and I had a date night. We left the dogs in capable hands and took a ride in my Jeep! It has been a while because I am still figuring out how to navigate the traffic here. For the record, I can drive. I am just used to what I am used to. Here, while our immediate area is quiet and calm, turning onto the road leading to the ocean involves cars, signs, multiple traffic lights of varying colors, and geese meandering across the road. Steve says he will ride with me for the first few times until I get more comfortable. So, there's that. What could go wrong?!
We opened the roof, played my music (Post Malone, anyone?), and got one of our favorite drive-thru meals. We took it to an inlet and ate while watching the ocean and all its beauty.

It was a wonderful evening—like back in the olden days when we were dating, but better because we talked with and about our children. Few things make a mother happier. And speaking of happy mothers, I am sharing my new favorite picture of me and my mom. She is the most beautiful soul, inside and out!

Finally, to all the mothers, grandmothers, godmothers, those waiting to be, and those praying to be, Happy Mother's Day!

Billie Jo

The Sweetest sounds to mortals given

Are heard in Mother, Home, and Heaven.

William Goldsmith Brown


  1. It sounds like a great date! Have a wonderful weekend.

  2. Love that your date night consisted of Chick Fila at the beach. So sweet.

  3. You always have the best food and desserts! And the sweetest pups that almost make me want one of my own.

    So glad you had a fun date night in the Jeep. What a great way to spend time together.

  4. Have a most wonderful weekend. Great picture of you and your mother. Back when I was a prep cook, we did all the bacon in the oven. Just so much better that way, quicker, comes out good. Winner, winner.

  5. Fun date night! I love those kinds of know, where it's just me and the hubby and we can concentrate on one another. Lovely picture of you and your sweet mother. Happy Mother's Day weekend to you, my friend. xx

  6. This photo of you and your Mom is amazing! A perfect picture of two beautiful women, it looks professional. You had such a great view of the sky and beach. The parchment paper tip is awesome, and I will be buying some today!!! You are so surrounded by cuteness!!

  7. What a lovely date night. :) And I see those pics and just want to snuggle all of your furry babies! :) Happy and very blessed Mother's Day to you and your sweet Momma. Have a wonderful weekend.

  8. That's such a nice pic of you and your mom!
    I love your date night with Steve too.
    I do bacon in the oven for the same reason as you. I love bacon but that smell that lingers is no good!

  9. Sounds like you had a good week. Great picture of you and your lovely mother. I hope you have a good weekend and a very Happy Mother's Day!

  10. The sandwiches look tasty and relatively light.
    I hope you had a great week Billie Jo and enjoy your mommy!
    Happy birthday to all mothers!

  11. I have recently starting baking bacon in the oven. I won't go back to microwaving it. And we had club sandwiches this week (not too much different from what you have there). Yummy! What a sweet picture of you and your mom. And the ocean pictures are amazing. Enjoy your time there! Happy Mother's Day!

  12. First of all, I loved the title of this post! Tell me more about why unbleached parchment paper is a game changer, please. I always enjoy photos of your dogs, especially little Mocha! I love Chik Fil A, but I've never eaten it in such a marvelous place! Your momma looks like the sweetest lady. I love the way you love her and honor her. That's a magnificent photo.
    Happy Mother's Day and May!
    Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage


Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo