May 8, 2024

Cozy Is...

I don't bake as much as I used to. When your daughter is the best baker ever, you don't have a need to. However, when you live several hours away from your baker daughter part of the time, you may have to pull out the pans and bowls and make something yourself. Peyton made this amazing chocolate banana bread the other day and sent us the recipe. I had an abundance of ripe bananas and the time, so I tied on my apron and got baking. Ok, I didn't really do the apron thing, but it sounds nice. This bread is delicious. It looks, smells, and tastes amazing. If you find yourself with some free time and a few mushy bananas, I will link the recipe below. Now, I am off to get a knife so I can even out the loaf. 

Happy Wednesday!

Billie Jo


  1. The picture of this deliciousness is not what I needed to see the first thing this morning. I am drooling!

  2. The pictures are beautiful scenes of homemaking! The bread sounds wonderful! Thank you!

  3. That looks so good! Good one about the apron, I was actually imagining you tying the strings... :) Thank you for the recipe!

  4. I love the look of tomatoes on the windowsill. It just says summer and it’s so pretty. I’ve made that recipe before Iand it’s absolutely decadent. Enjoy every morsel!😊

  5. Your banana bread looks Yummy, Billie Jo. And baked banana bread does give the kitchen a cozy feel to it, and scent. My son-in-law bakes banana chocolate chip bread for us every Christmas, and I don't know how he gets it so moist and Yummy. I've always loved window pictures. It's so nice to be able to look out the window when we are busy in the kitchen. Glad you are enjoying these special moments in your home.

    Have a sweet day, my friend.


  6. That looks yummy. Banana bread is one of those desserts I make often.

  7. That recipe looks like a keeper.

  8. I don't know if that's the same recipe that I use or not, but double chocolate banana bread is so yummy! It was one of my husband's favorites! As for the apron thing...I just ordered a new apron from Melissa Gilbert's 'Modern Prairie' collection. It's one of the long, full-body covering kinds. I've only worn it a couple of times, but I love it! Have a blessed day, my friend! Happy Baking!

  9. It looks delicious. And I like how you snapped a pic of the ingredients as well.

  10. I love cozy and you have lots of it here. I think the tomatoes on the window sill are so inviting.
    Next time I have bananas, I want to try the bread. Thanks!

  11. I love banana bread and I haven’t made it in so long. Maybe next week! Yours looks delicious!

  12. The cake looks delicious. I think I might bake this next week. Xx

  13. Oooh, that looks absolutely cozy and divine. Thank you for the link!! I have always found baking soothing and science actually has shown how good it is for mental health. The following of steps and the sweet aromas.

  14. Oh my, but that does look delicious! Thank you for sharing the link for the recipe. I'm about to print it off because I bought bananas yesterday.

  15. I am pinning this recipe! Looks delicious!

  16. Oh Billie Jo, My baking is down to a quick muffin mix. Gosh I hate cooking for just myself. Yes, my daughters all can out bake me. Bless their sweet hearts. The tomatoes on the window sill made me smile. I think it's a memory from my childhood days. Thank you for that photo. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  17. I keep wanting to make banana bread, but my husband keeps eating the over-ripe bananas. FWIW, I almost always tie on an apron when cooking or baking. Otherwise, my clothes would be all stained. Hmmm... I've been trying to think of homemade gifts to make and give. Maybe aprons. I wonder if my people would wear them...

  18. That's what I do too. Put little chocolate chips in our banana bread. Making more tomorrow night and we'll enjoy it all weekend. Yours looks WONDERFUL! Baking rocks!

  19. Delicious looking chocolate banana bread!! I need to make banana bread soon. I was going to do it today but I haven't been feeling the best as I expected. I think my daughter and I have upset stomachs for some reason. I get disappointed that I wake up too early due to the sun on our bedroom side. I need to put something over the window that makes it a bit more darker when sun arrives again tomorrow. Two more hot days in the high 80s temp. I enjoy baking and my daughter does it at times. Hugs and blessings, Becky

  20. Hi Billie Jo. The Banana Bread looks delicious. Thanks for sharing the recipe. I love seeing scenes from your home. It always looks so cozy. I hope you have a good weekend and a wonderful Mother's Day!

  21. Your chocolate banana bread looks so yummy! I love your kitchen window. I have always loved seeing kitchen windows. It is a blessing to look outdoors while you are working in your kitchen. I hope you have a cozy weekend my friend!

  22. Looks like the comment I left yesterday is missing. Maybe in spam jail? This is how we do banana bread as well. With chocolate. Making another one tonight to enjoy throughout the weekend. Going to hit publish again and see where the comment goes. Blogger drives me nuts. Cheers, Ivy.


Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo