February 19, 2024

Monday Morning Coffee


Happy Monday, my friends! I hope your weekend was lovely, cozy, quiet, or productive, whatever you hoped it would be. We settled in here and went to a beautiful Saturday evening mass and dinner at our favorite Italian restaurant. I enjoyed my favorite Italian dish, Chicken Cacciatore. Every time we went there with my dad, he ordered that, so now, I do too. With a ginger ale. In honor of him!

I spend mornings here in the kitchen by the fire with the pups, my coffee, and my prayers. I am a morning person, and I enjoy the quiet stillness of the world waking up around me. 

We spent yesterday at the condo, watching the waves from inside because it was cold! We had some takeout for dinner and watched an episode of our current binge, Gilmore Girls, before returning to the house for a shower, jammies, and cozy time on the couch. I could have walked several miles, organized my garage, cooked and froze a month's worth of meals, and washed all my makeup brushes, but let's face it. You know me better than that. I did none of those things. I rested, called my mom, read a book, and watched TV. That is me. After all these years, I am comfortable being myself. And so should you, my friends. Just do you. 

Today, Flynn and I will homeschool. We will dive into the world of PreAlgebra and square roots, learn about infinitive phrases and comma splices in Language Arts, continue a study of Lent in Religion, follow the rule of Peter the Great in World History, and figure out how the water cycle affects the weather in Science. When I think back to teaching Flynn the vowel sounds and basic math facts, I am so thankful we took on this homeschool journey, as it is so rewarding to watch the progression of knowledge from preschool to middle school with your own child. Plus, we have a whole lot of fun!

Dinner tonight is Baked Chicken Parmesan with broccoli and French bread. I need to place a small grocery order and then get going and start the day! Tonight is Bachelor Monday, and I am ready! This show is ridiculous in theory but entertaining just the same. Have a wonderful day, my friends. Thanks for stopping in. I will be around to check in with you tonight!

Billie Jo


  1. What a perfect weekend! That ocean view is amazing, cold weather or not. My weekend was just how I like them: a mix of fun and some relaxing in between, with lots and lots of reading. I hope to do more of the same today after I grocery shop, clean out the fridge and pantry, and catch up on house chores. I think the hubs and I will have a Costco/Sam's date after either dinner at home or dinner out. Enjoy your day with Flynn! I loved homeschooling for all of those same reasons. What a blessing it was to our family!

  2. That is 100% weekend perfection! And all the Italian food both already had and planned sounds spectacular as well. Scott made homemade ravioli for dinner last night and it was delightful! Fresh pasta is such a treat!

  3. I really like the ocean look. The post is very interesting, I like the fireplace too, thanks for sharing. Good Week!

  4. Sounds like you had a perfect weekend!! I am a huge Gilmore Girls fan. I can't tell you how many times I've seen each episode. Have a great week.

  5. Dearest Billie Jo,
    Sounds like a relaxing time had together.
    Fond memories regarding your Dad's favorite food, what you like now...
    Enjoy your family time!

  6. Stay cozy and stay warm! Love the mornings too! I was hoping to plants peas, radishes, lettuce, beets today but the wind is not cooperating. I am sitting in my kitchen watching the birds at the feeders and the cows in the pasture. Thank you LOrd for such a blessed and pretty day! ~jackiesee~

  7. Your weekend sounds perfect, dear Billie Jo! Ours was quiet and relaxing as well. After not sleeping my best last night, my to-do list for today shrunk to just doing laundry. :-) It suits me well.

  8. It sounds like a perfect weekend! Ours was quiet as well. I'm working on cleaning out our spare room, it's been a catch all for too long!

  9. First, I LOVE that delightful coffee cup! And the picture of the fire is so nice and cozy. It's been cold here too...and rainy. Oh, Gilmore Girls - the show is so entertaining, and I think I know just about every episode. Your chicken cacciatore sounds amazing. I'm so glad to hear Flynn is learning about the Lent season. You are teaching her many wonderful things.....PreAlgebra, oh my.

    Have a wonderful week, Billie. Jo.


  10. First - that Sleeping Beauty mug!!!! I love it!
    Give me that early morning quiet time too - its my favorite watching the world come alive

  11. Oh how I love that Aurora mug. ;) And I love the picture of you cozy by the fire sipping slowly, deep in thought and prayer. Just lovely. I enjoyed my Sunday too, even though I initially wanted to be very productive. I really believe it's almost necessary to let Sundays be what they should - restful. 🙏🏻💕 Your menu tonight has my tummy rumbling. 😋 Have fun at school and enjoy the Bachelor! xo

  12. What a gorgeous place you have!! And you are right, life is way too short to do tiresome things that we don't like, unless we really have to.

  13. What a beautiful scene of the ocean.

  14. You really are living a life most can only dream of ... okay, I'm dreaming of it. I love the mug. Did you know Aurora is French for Dawn. She's one of my favorite princesses.

  15. Hi Billie Jo~ Sounds perfect to me! I spent my Monday trying to figure out how to get my cute puppy to quit biting...Me and Ceasar are pretty good friends today ;0) Love your teaching agenda! Have a great week. Hugs, Barb

  16. I love a cozy morning :) And at the beach, no less. What a beautiful scene. I will be catching up on the Bachelor today. Wish we could compare notes :)

  17. Sounds like a wonderful start to the day for you and what a beautiful view! I have not been to the beach in over 30 years.

  18. I haven’t made chicken cacciatore in ages. Thanks for the reminder! Have a great week.

  19. It all sounds peaceful- and you’re so right - let’s be ourselves!

  20. Since I know you are a Bachelor fan, are you watching The Traitors? Peter the Bachelor is on the show and I really like watching him on it this season.

  21. So glad y'all are getting to stay at the beach house. It sounds absolutely wonderful! Enjoy!

  22. Homeschooling does sound like such a wondeful adventure...something I would definitely do different (and more of) if I were to do it again. But those days are gone. Enjoy your "school days" with Flynn! Did you homeschool the older ones as well? Just curious -

  23. Sounds like a perfect weekend! I am partial to the beach/ocean in the off season, so I would be right there too, enjoying the beautiful winter view. Hope you're having a great week!


Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo