February 23, 2024

February Friday

Good morning! I am sitting on the couch with two sleepy pups and a steaming hot cup of coffee. Outside, clouds are moving in, and soon, steady drops of rain will begin to fall. It looks like a cozy day here, and I am happy to oblige. This is how the backyard looked when I took the pups out earlier. I wish you could hear the most beautiful bird song I am treated to each morning here. It is so calming and peaceful. 

Our first week here was very much the same, calming and peaceful. Mocha enjoyed lying in the sun in various places around the house.

Flynn and I enjoyed homeschooling in our cozy little schoolroom and found we had a furry little friend joining in the fun.

We watched and marveled at the different types of birds that visit us daily. (And I resolved to take out the window screens to get better photos of them. )

I made baked chicken parmesan with roasted broccoli for dinner one night. It was amazing if I do say so myself! I will link the recipe down below. Late in my life, I realized that buying good quality cheese and shredding or grating it yourself drastically improves the quality and taste of your food. It takes a little bit longer but is absolutely worth it. 

Have a wonderful weekend, my friends. We will enjoy a quiet one here; we plan on attending mass followed by dinner out on Saturday. Then, on Sunday, we will be at the condo on the beach, where weather permitting, we will spend some time with the waves. You know, I used to dread this time of year when I was younger. When I was a teenager sitting in Trigonometry class, the time between Christmas and Easter seemed to drag on forever. Now, I cherish these quiet, somewhat monotonous days. These days, the ordinary ones filled with everyday living, are the days of my life, and I am thankful.

Have a cozy weekend, my friends!
Billie Jo

 Oh! Here are some responses to a few questions I received lately. Thanks for asking!

Dawn ~ No, I didn't realize Aurora is French for Dawn! She is my very favorite princess. 

Colleen ~ No, I haven't heard about The Traitors! Thank you! I am going to check it out today.

Jennifer ~ I did homeschool my three other children, although we began in middle school for Peyton and Rhett and high school for Madison. It was actually a cyber school that they all attended, so my job was more or less a facilitator and sometimes an encourager! Flynn was preschool age when we started, and I decided to exclusively homeschool her. We absolutely love homeschooling, and it works wonderfully for our family. 

I did add some Italian seasoning to the panko bread crumb mixture and a bit more sauce than called for.


  1. Oh my, how I wish to be in your life, even for a day. My home is usually filled with chaos but I know as the kids get older my plans are to wind down more. I look forward to the peaceful moments I do have. That dinner looks DELICIOUS! I hope you enjoy the weekend ahead.

  2. Such a great week you've had! Thanks for replying about the homeschooling; we started midway with ours as well. Our oldest two were in 7th and 8th grades, and our twins were entering 4th when we started. We really did love it! Your chicken parm looks amazing; I wholeheartedly agree about shredding your own cheese! We always did the same and were inspired by Ree Drummond to do so. We still do that today!

  3. Oh the Traitors is great! Right up your alley! Part game show meets reality television!

    A perfect cozy day sounds idyllic. How awesome you have bird friends to keep you entertained while you work.

  4. Your weekend you have planned sounds lovely. Every mornng this week, I have been waking up to hearing the sweet birds chirping! I took a walk around our property this morning just to see what all was coming up in the flower gardens. Spring is definitely coming. SO many spring flowers popping their greenery through the ground.

  5. Sounds like a great week and I will definitely try the Chicken Parm. Love that dish!! Maddie is trying cooking more and I will give it to her too. Have a wonderful weekend!

  6. Sounds like a wonderful week! Your chicken Parm sounds so good. I really need to shred my own cheese too. It really does make a difference.

  7. You are truly appreciative of every moment in the present. I think that is something we value as we get older. Mocha is adorable. Take the screens out, I can't wait to see the other birds! I'm making the chicken!

  8. Good morning! Your cozy scene with sleepy pups and a warm cup of coffee sounds absolutely delightful. There's something special about the tranquility of a rainy day, especially when you can enjoy it from the comfort of your own home. And the serenade of bird songs must add such a peaceful ambiance to your mornings. Thank you for sharing this lovely moment! By the way, I just posted a new blog entry, and I'd love for you to check it out!

  9. Your chicken parmesan looks great. I haven't made it for quite some time so thanks for the suggestion. It's always peaceful in your home. Just like it should be. Have a happy weekend.

  10. Hi Billie Jo. That chicken dish you made looks delicious! I hope you have a wonderful weekend at the beach making good memories. I have much admiration for those who homeschool, and do it well. It is not an easy job for sure, but no part of parenting is! See you again soon!

  11. Supper sounds and looks delicious.
    I'd love walking along the edge of the water.

  12. A wonderful way to end the week-peaceful as it should be!

  13. Billie Jo, I wish I could join you for some coffee :) And yes, Traitors is awesome! Be sure to watch the Australian and British versions too. They are all great! Have a cozy weekend. Slow days are the best :)

  14. Mmm the chicken and broccoli look delicious.

  15. That woodpecker is such a lovely bird. We get the acorn woodpeckers here. Your back yard is wonderful, and it looks very much like the woods that I am surrounded by here. I'm so glad you have all that nature around you, my friend. It's so good for us, and I'm sure your pups love it. That candle is perfect for Flynn's homeschooling. Your baked chicken parmesan looks really good. Enjoy your time there, it's beautiful.


    ps.....Your four leaf clover side bars are delightful. St. Patrick's Day slipped my mind with Valentines and then Easter ahead. You always remind me of things. Thank you! ; )

  16. I am awake before the birds this morning, but they will be singing their sweet song before much longer. It's lovely to hear. Your days sound so perfect, Billie Jo. X

  17. Such sweet pups and lovely photos too! I love seeing woodpeckers and have quite a few that visit.


Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo