December 6, 2023

How Well Do You Know Your Christmas Movies?

The classic Christmas movies are the best, don't you think? Watching Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer for the first time with my children took me back to a magical place I thought I had left behind forever: childhood. I still remember watching Santa Claus is Coming to Town with a two-year-old Madison and realizing that I could experience the magic of Christmas again, this time through my child's eyes! We have many favorites, some familiar and some not so much. Let's see how many you remember on this snowy Wednesday morning. The answers are down below!












Thanks for playing, my friends. I am sure each of these is available on a streaming platform. Why not choose a favorite to watch tonight? Even watching without young children, we can experience the joy of childhood at Christmas, which is something we can all appreciate these days. There are many more I could have added, but these are our favorites. How did you do? Do you have a favorite?

Billie Jo


1. Frosty the Snowman~1969

2. Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer~1964

3. Jack Frost~1979

4. The Little Drummer Boy~1968

5. A Christmas Story~1983

6. Elf~2003

7. The Leprechauns' Christmas Gold~1981

8. 'Twas the Night Before Christmas~1974

9. Nestor, the Long-Eared Christmas Donkey~1977

10. The Year Without a Santa Claus~1974

11. Santa Claus is Comin' to Town~1970

( Google for the images )

Oh, One more thing! The stocking holder we use is available at Amazon. We used to hang our stockings from the fireplace mantle until one Christmas Eve when a little Peyton got bonked on the head with a heavy stocking holder letter from a word I can't remember. Those things went into the trash that night!


  1. I did well on your quiz except I had never heard of The Leprechans Christmas Gold or Nester, The Long Eared Christmas Donkey. A walk down memory lane for sure.

  2. I know them all! Last weekend we watched Elf. In the last 20 years (which by the way it's going to be playing in the theater for it's 20th anniversary) it just doesn't seem like Christmas without watching that one. I do love the classics. Another I like, that you don't have listed, is Miracle on 34th Street. The original one. I used to watch that every year with my mother so when I watch it now it brings me so much nostalgia. I love this time of year, one reason being these movies and traditions.

  3. Hi Billie Jo~ I too watched all of those wonderful Christmas movies with my children, and grandchildren! I think my favorite is, Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer, but, A Christmas Story is a close runner up! But, I have to admit, White Christmas is my all-time favorite! Now, I have to re-visit some of these great shows!! Hugs, Barb

  4. Hi there! #7 and #9 were the only two I didn't get. We love watching Christmas movies especially the cartoon like ones. I miss Mr. Magoo's Scrooge. I loved that one as a kid. We like watching the Grinch and Christmas Carol on the Disney channel as well as the old B&W Christmas movies. Happy Holidays!

  5. I didn't do well on your quiz, but it did take me back to one of my FAVORITE movies of all time, The Small One. It's about a little boy and the donkey who carried Mary to Bethlehem. My kids watched it on DVD, and I have been trying for years to find it for my grandkids. I just looked on Amazon again, and I can buy it on Prime!! Thank you for this post, prompting me to do that. As you can tell, I am over the moon that I can share it with my grands when they come to stay this weekend. I hope they like it as much as i do, LOL!

  6. I got 8/11 which isn't too bad! I love watching Christmas movies with my family!

  7. Thank you for the trip down memory lane. So many of them were familiar but I just couldn't come up with the titles so I scored a dismal 5 out of 11 though I've seen almost all of them. Thank you for the info on the stocking holder, I was kind of wondering about it as well when I saw that post. Such a cool thing (though I'm sorry the motivation for finding it was an injury!). Hope you have a wonderful Wednesday!

  8. Do you know that you are responsbile for me watching one of my now favorite movies that I love watching this time of year? Yep! You certainly are, my friend! Father of the Bride...the original one with Spencer Tracy! Thanks for the recommendation!

  9. Oh my goodness - so many wonderful memories of these movies! Nostalgia overload in the best way. :) I have shared most of the them with my kiddos too...but you reminded me of a few I haven't. The only one I was stumped on was #7. I'm not sure I ever saw that one? Now I'm intrigued! Christmas blessings to you. xo

  10. I remember most of those and they do take me back!
    Thanks for the info on the stocking holder!

  11. Oh!! Hello!!!!! I'm so out of the loop and haven't been by in sooooo long. I hope you and your family are all doing well. I know allll of those movies. I have some of them recorded on the TiVo and watch them from time to time during the holidays. Merry Christmas to you and I hope you have a wonderful holiday season!!

  12. I'm a Christmas movie junkie and knew all of them except The Leprechaun's Christmas Gold. I don't think I've ever seen or heard of that one before! My daughter quit using heavy stocking hooks for the same reason.

  13. This was fun. I got most of them right, but a couple, like Leprechaun's Gold, I have never seen. We just watched the new one with Eddy Murphy on Netflix - Candy Cane Lane. It was delightful! Highly recommended! See you again soon!

  14. What fun and this brought back such fun memories. I have not heard of The Leprechaun's Christmas Gold.

  15. Oh, I knew most of these, my friend, with Little Drummer Boy melting my heart. You know, they made a new "A Christmas Story" with Ralphie being older, and it's really good. These old classic Christmas movies are the best. Thanks for letting us know about the stocking holder, that was such a neat one. What a fun post, Billie Jo.



Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo