September 25, 2023

Monday Morning Coffee


Hello there! Happy Monday! Mocha and I are up early, sitting in the same spot we were last night. I will spare you the morning version of the photo, however. We were just wondering...

1. Have you ever watched Gilmore Girls?

Somehow, someway,  I have never seen this show. Is it all things I love, like cozy and home and holidays? Yep. Are we watching it together now and loving it? You bet! Am I singing the theme song in my head on a loop? Absolutely.

2. Do you have to have something sweet after dinner every night? 

I do. No matter what we have for dinner, I need even a little bit of something to end the night. Sometimes, we have an actual dessert. Other times, it is a fun-size candy bar I find digging through the pantry. Last night, I was reduced to a little Baby Ruth bar. But it did the trick.

3. Have you thought about Christmas yet?

I have. Sort of. I haven't entered full-fledged ~ Christmas Prep 2023 ~ mode yet, but I have cracked open the notebook I have to keep track of the gifts I have purchased throughout the past year. When I see something I know someone would like, and it is a good price, I get it and write the info down in the notebook. Then I stash it in my super secret hiding place until wrapping day.

4. Do you wash new mattress pads before you use them?

I want to say I do. And I actually want to. But I don't. Yesterday, Madison and I were making up the beds, and I opened the mattress pads I bought and decided I couldn't see washing them all. So there's that. 

Finally, I wanted to share some photos of the ocean during the tropical storm this past weekend. Thankfully, we were spared the torrential rain forecasted, but the wind was unbelievable. This was right before the storm arrived...

And this was during!

Yesterday, things had settled, and the sun was shining again. 

We ate breakfast at a Greek restaurant yesterday, and I had the most delicious avocado toast ever. The owner came around to visit and explained that he uses only fresh, healthy ingredients in everything he serves. 

Mocha hopes you all have a cozy Monday!
Thanks for stopping by.
I always appreciate it when you do!



  1. Happy Monday, Billie Jo!
    In answer to your questions,
    1. I have never watched Gilmore Girls, I don't even know what it's about.
    2. No, but when I make my coffee the cookie jar is usually close to hand.
    3. Yes, a little. And possibly because I made my apple sauce yesterday :)
    4. Yes, always.
    Have a great day. Xx

  2. I just started watching Gilmore Girls last week! I've been wanting to watch it and purposefully waited until Fall to begin. I love it so far and have also been humming the theme song on continuous loop. The show is so cozy and I LOVE Lorelai!! :)

  3. I adore the photo of you and Mocha! And the last photo is beyond adorable!!! I am like you, through the year, if I see something someone would like at a good price, I buy it and stash it away. And now the stores have Christmas decor out, so I may be buying some things if I can't resist.

  4. I love the Gilmore Girls and have watched it over and over again. I was disappointed with the reboot but I will spare you those details until you watch it. It's a great show. Beach life is looking great!

  5. My, my that ocean looks angry in those photos! What a difference! I love the photos of you and Mocha. There is nothing like a dog for comfort and "home" is there? Now for your questions.
    1. Yes, I have watched all of the Gilmore Girls. A wonderful blog friend couldn't believe I hadn't seen them and when I had my pacemaker put in and lots of complications, she bought me the entire series in a boxed set! I've watched them several times now.
    2. I used to but am trying to watch my sweets so no more after dinner treats for me.
    3. I do the same as you with a notebook at all. I'm almost completely done with Christmas shopping. Just our son to find something for. He's impossible to buy for. I am working on the cross-stitch ornaments that I make for all kids and grandkids every year.
    4. Yes, I wash mattress pads when they're new. We actually just bought a new bed and mattress set a few weeks ago and I got all new bedding. It was wonderful!
    And finally, your breakfast looks amazing. I've never had breakfast at a Greek restaurant before.

  6. Glad you fared well with the storm! We had rain (light and steady versus gully washing), but the wind was wicked. Here are my answers to your wonderings...1. I have not watched the Gilmore Girls (just glimpses as my husband channel surfs), 2. I tend to eat popcorn during the evening once I finish my stitching, 3. since I stitch ornaments to be given as Christmas gifts (or part of someone's goodies), I work/think Christmas all year. Like you, I pick up items I see throughout the year for those on the list, and 4. yes and no to washing the mattress pad. Your breakfast looked amazing, minus the avocado. Not a fan! Have a good week, Billie Jo!

  7. This is so weird --- honest truth! Yesterday Scott, Abigail and I went on a day trip (just an hour from our house) and visited "Stars Hallow". It's the 2 towns in CT that the show is based on. (Washington, CT and New Milford, CT) We saw the Inn that the creators stayed in and got the idea for the show. We ate in Marty's (Luke's diner was based on that restaurant), the bookshop and alllll of the things!

    I've only seen a few episodes (not a huge fan of the show) but I do like exploring darling towns so I knew I'd love Washington CT and New Milford!

    Enjoy your week Billy Jo

  8. 1. I can't tell you how many times I've watched every episode of Gilmore Girls. It's a favorite!!
    2. I don't have much of a sweet tooth so no.
    3. Yes, I have started to plan some things for the holidays.
    4. Yes. I wash everything I buy before I wear it or use it.
    Have a great week!!

  9. Mocha enjoys fall as much as you do!! She's so cute:) I have seen Gilmore Girls but only a bit here or there. I'm not even sure I have watched a full episode. Maybe I'm missing something. Hmm. I don't need something sweet after dinner but, for my husband, it is a must. No matter how big the meal - always something sweet afterwards! No thoughts about Christmas here and no, I do not wash brand new things. I once gifted the sweetest Easter dress to someone for their baby/toddler. She immediately washed it - and it was never the same. For that very reason, I don't enjoy gifting clothes to people. Hope you have a great Monday!

  10. SO happy to see half your face this morning. After a really sad, miserable crying jag weekend it brought me joy. Loved the Gilmore girls, but won't spoil is for you, I do love a little sweet before bed, no would not wash a new mattress pad but would wash new sheets, yes have thought of Christmas as all kids will be here and we will all have to deal with the anniversary of Joel's death. I do hope we can have more laughs than tears. I love the ocean, and I need an invite to your beach place. Am I not a crass individual ? But we would have fun.

  11. I have watched Gilmore Girls - loved it, but it's been a while. LOVE something sweet and have something chocolatey sweet throughout the day!! Never wash new mattress pads! I have a couple of Christmas gifts already bought - hope I can find them later!

    Love the ocean photos -- what a beautiful scene!!

  12. Fabulous ocean scenes!!
    No, I've never seen the Gilmore Girls.
    I have my something sweet in the evening watching a DVD. It is usually ice cream.

  13. I love the picture of you and sweet Mocha curled up on the sofa! I glad the storm wasn't as bad as what was predicted. I love seeing your beach pictures! Okay, so yes, I've seen every episode of Gilmore Girls. I watched it from the beginning when the show first aired, and many times after. Love it!! I always have something sweet after dinner each night. If not dessert, I have at least one piece of chocolate. I'm very slowly starting to think about Christmas. And yes, I always wash a new mattress pad. Happy Monday!

  14. You and Mocha are looking so cozy on the couch.
    I have watched a few episodes of The Gilmore Girls. I think I need to make it a point to watch them all as it seems to be a show that is perfect for fall. I also like The Good Witch for that reason.
    I am with you on having something sweet in the evenings. It usually involves chocolate :).
    I love Christmas so I think it enters my mind on a fairly regular basis.
    To be honest, I'm not sure if I always wash a new mattress pad. It's been awhile since I've bought one.
    So glad the storm wasn't worse.
    Have a wonderful first week of fall.

  15. Happy Monday to you and Mocha! I'm afraid I don't launder new linens, though I want to as well. The ocean is gorgeous all churned up from Ophelia. Glad you all are safe and sound. I try to buy gifts throughout the year when I hear someone wishing for something if I can. So far I've only heard one idea, so I've got to listen better! Have a happy evening, my friend.

  16. I've never watched Gilmore girls, better look it up!
    We have a little Dove dark chocolate after supper every night. :)
    I've started Christmas shopping, but just a little.
    I too would like to say I wash them, but usually dont.
    Amazing photos of the ocean! Such power!
    Greetings to sweet Mocha~

  17. Hi I loved reading about you and Mocha. I do buy a few early Christmas gifts. Sometimes, I forgot where I put them.

  18. Yes, I have watched all the Gilmore Girls episodes. Yes, it is very cozy and I am going to start watching it again! Yes, I like something sweet after dinner. No, I don’t wash mattress pads and I can’t remember what the other question was, hahah! Definitely recommend Gilmore Girls.

    1. Oh, Christmas — yes I have thought about Christmas = thinking how glad all the Grands are old enough for money gifts which is what they are getting. Also thinking I want one of those Scandi wooden trees that you just hang your ornaments on — you can get them at Wayfair but pricey

  19. That avocado toast looks so delicious! Great pictures of the waves. It's so cool that you live so close to the beach. I just read a mystery you might like - The Familiar Dark by Amy Engel. I hope you have a great week!

  20. That avocado toast looks really good. Your furbaby looks so cozy. We got our a blanket for the season and one for Christmas. I bought some ornaments for the furbabies for Christmas. Those are great pictures!

  21. Happy new week to you my Lovely!
    You and Mocha look so cozy and comfy. Holy moly about the storm and those crazy waves!! It must sure be something to see in person. As someone who loves avocado toast - I gotta say that looked amazing!
    To answer your questions:
    1. Yes, I have seen Gilmore Girls but probably less than 5 years ago. Binged it all and LOVED IT ALL SO MUCH! I plan to re-watch all the Fall episodes soon.
    2. I do like to have something sweet after dinner too. Even if it's little. Matt is the same way - so that's a win-win there. Lol 😉
    3.I have been thinking about Christmas and have a few gifts accumulated already. I keep a list on an app on my phone. I soak up every second of Fall, though, and try to only have practical holiday thinking moments. Lol
    4. I have not washed my mattress pads and I believe we're just normal human beings for doing things that way. Absolutely no judgement here. Lol 😆
    Stay cozy my Friend. xoxo

  22. 1. Nope
    2. Not every single night, but often
    3. I have already started buying Christmas gifts and even started to address some of the Christmas cards
    4.No. I buy those heavy pillow-top mattress pads and have to take them to the laundromat to wash them because they are too heavy when wet for my machine to spin. No way I am going to wash them beforehand.

  23. I loved Gilmore Girls! I will say that the beginning episodes are the best. As the show goes on, it just goes off the rails at times and the movies made afterwards are just "ok". Have you seen Parenthood (also starring Lauren Graham)? If not, then watch that next. It's maybe even better (totally different) and when it's over, you still want more.
    You and Mocha sure look cozy :) Have a cozy week!

  24. I've never watched the Gilmore Girls.
    Something sweet? Oh, yes!
    I haven't given a thought to Christmas yet, but will love it when I do:)
    And, I love how you said you WISH you could say you wash mattress pads - me, too! I just bought a new one a couple weeks ago and it went on the bed, straight from the package.
    Love your ocean shots!

  25. A lovely read BillieJo and such a sweet photo with you and Mocha. I watched Gilmore Girls for a while. I have a sweet tooth but don’t have dessert every night. Last night, however, it was a Ritter Sports Bar. Whenever I get a craving, I buy the one with dark chocolate and marzipan. As for Christmas yes, I have already got a couple of stocking stuffer gifts and am on the lookout for more. I do wash new mattress pads. Great photos of the beach. The avocado toast looks very yummy. A lovely way to end your post with a photo of Mocha, she is adorable! Enjoy the rest of your week BillieJo.

  26. I found the photos of the ocean very soothing, thank you for sharing. Never watched Gilmore Girls, maybe I'll give it a try on a rainy fall day sometime soon. We all have sweet tooths over here though we don't always have the sweets, sometimes I have to just spread Nutella on a graham cracker. A Baby Ruth bar would be like winning the lottery over here (just for me though, LOL). No, I wouldn't wash new mattress pads. And I have a tiny start on Christmas, mostly just for one of my 2 boys. Hope you have a great rest of your week!

  27. I just restarted watching Gilmore Girls (being a ver autumnal series), though I have seen it many times, including when it first aired. I agree the first episodes are the best, with the reboot being a letdown. In which season are you right now? Mocha is adorable

  28. Gilmore Girls is one of my favorite shows! I know every episode and even what they will say next haha. Keep watching. You will get hooked on it and the characters. There was a home tour of the Gilmore Girls house in So Cal, and we've been wanting to see that.

    Yes, it's a must to have something sweet after dinner, or in the late afternoon. ; )

    Yes, I think about Christmas all year. When I went out shopping with the girls, they already have Christmas stuff out, and it was so fun to see all the goodies.

    I used to have the mattress pads, but only use the flannel sheets now, and Yes, I always wash those before using them, even when they are packaged. I'm strange about that. ; )

    That's great that you found a Greek restaurant that you can go to. The food is sometimes rich, but it's all pretty good. And you have to try the baklava sometime. Your avocado toast looks delicious.

    Just getting back from my trip and resting up, but catching up on my favorite blogs this morning.
    Have a beautiful week, Billie Jo.


  29. **your ocean photos of the waves crashing are so pretty.


Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo