Good Monday morning! I couldn't wait another minute. I got a few of my fall mugs out of storage...aka the corner kitchen cupboard with a weird angle that makes it impossible to reach things in, so I keep lesser-used things in there... and I love my morning routine even more. One can not have too many fall and Halloween mugs, right?
I hope you had an enjoyable weekend, my friends. I say this every year, but it is hard to believe summer is almost over. Thinking back to that glorious last day of school as a child, leaving that bare classroom on an early afternoon in June, and saying goodbye to the friends you knew you wouldn't see for a while, summer seemed an eternity! Of course, we had three whole months of summer fun back then. And it made sense. June was the early part of summer. The weather was getting hot, the community pool was just opening, and the days stretched long and empty before us. July was an entire month of hot days at the pool and nights spent playing Ghosts in the Graveyard and Kickball with the neighbor kids after dinner until dark. August was much the same, with no thought of school until Mom took you to the mall or to Kmart for new school clothes and a pair of shoes. By the time Labor Day rolled around, we were ready to return to the squeaky-clean school and see the friends we hadn't seen in months. We couldn't wait to see who our teacher was and who was in our class and see the brand new tablet, pencil, and box of crayons on our desk. Oh, the good old days.

Our weekend was filled with fun, food, family, and friends. We visited with our friends Justin and Gina and their adorable baby Walter on Friday night! He is about 17 months old and is absolutely precious. He and I sat on the rocker on the porch, looking for deer while we waved at passing cars. I have the cutest picture of him but haven't asked their permission to share it here. It is clearly evident what a fantastic job they are doing with him, and we are so happy we could spend time with them, even doing something as simple as eating pizza and visiting with Toy Story on in the background.
Steve, Flynn, Peyton, and Chris went to Pittsburgh for the day on Saturday. They visited a science center and then attended the Steeler preseason game. They had a great time as evident from the photos they shared. Flynn was also happy to check a few things off her summer to-do list! Still left to be checked off? Completing a packet of math review pages and organizing her closet, but priorities. Right?!?
Although I planned on visiting my mom this weekend, I had several nice phone visits with her instead. She has good days and some not-so-good days, but even on those difficult days, she and I talk and laugh together. Alzheimer's Disease sucks. It really does.
Rhett and I were on our own Saturday night, and my son made me one of the most delicious grilled cheese and soup meals ever! He made the sandwiches with Artisian Italian bread and put a little mayonnaise on them before he grilled them. Delicious!!!! We also watched some tv, and I once again thought how blessed I am with these children God gave me.
Sunday morning, I returned the favor with delicious waffles and fresh fruit. I made regular and pumpkin spice, and Steve cut some fresh peaches. So good.
Finally, Mocha is adapting to life without her best friend, as we all are. She likes snuggling on this beautiful blanket some dear friends gifted us. It is so soft and is covered in precious pictures of Kirby. I cannot tell you how much their thoughtfulness meant to us all.
This week I have a therapy appointment and an appointment with the psychiatrist I see for my OCD. There was a time when I hesitated to share a sentence like that. That day is long gone! The stigma of mental health issues must be challenged so that more people suffering in silence feel empowered to share their struggles and get the necessary help. Hiding OCD is exhausting and so very difficult. Treatment with a psychiatrist and through medication can and will change the life of someone suffering from OCD. I am proof of that.
In lighter news, the Bachelorette Finale is tonight! However, I will avoid any mention of it until I watch it Wednesday night. My best friend Heather is coming to watch it with us and can only come then due to work. We have watched this show together for years, and I look forward to seeing which man Charity chooses to spend the rest of her life with, despite only knowing him for six weeks and the fact that she is possibly in love with two other men. Quality television right there, friends!
Well, Mocha needs a bath desperately. And I need to get ready for the day. Have a wonderful Monday, and thanks for visiting!