August 23, 2023

Almost Here Again


Well, I've waited as long as I can. I thoroughly enjoyed summer. I really did. And I know we have more sunny days, boat rides, and hot dogs on the grill to come. But something else is coming. Soon, the cooler air will allow for soft, cozy sweaters, the leaves will say goodbye with one last burst of brilliant color, and the afternoon will slowly slip into evening a bit sooner.

I loved fall before it was cool to do so. I didn't need Pinterest to tell me how cozy autumn days are. I have always loved the fresh start of the new school year, the cooler mornings, and the gently falling leaves. 

I love the cozy nights that gradually come sooner. Autumn evenings are spent on the couch in fresh pajamas after a shower with a soft throw and a good book. 

I love the comfy food of fall. I love sloppy joes and crockpot soups, pumpkin cake, and apple pie.

And, of course, I love a steaming hot pumpkin spice latte.

But really, what I love most about autumn is knowing that we are in the twilight of the year. I love the feeling of contentment and peace autumn brings. We turn inward and spend more time together in the comfort of home. Time slows, and life can be simple. And cozy, of course.

Happy almost autumn, my friends!


Thanks, Google, for the fun!


  1. Loved reading your post this morning, Billie Jo! Love fall and your list that included the bugs returning to that place made me chuckle. Why is it that bugs seem to increase during summer especially on the really humid days? Have a fabulous Wednesday!

  2. I couldn't agree with you more! Longer nights, cooler weather, being home and enjoying is just the best. I will wait until after Labor Day to do any decorating but I'm definitely ready for my favorite 6 months of the year.

  3. Not heard of here in Florida…cool
    I am
    Here for little grandsons
    I do plan to go to WV this fall to see best friends
    Depends on new vaccine and Covid rates
    I went to Indy in May…cooler weather
    For one grand college grad and one grand finished home school
    The latter started Purdue this week
    The eldest grand grad Purdue in 2021 and works in NYC
    Second grand grad a small liberal arts college in May
    Putting themselves through
    Amazing young women
    I hope to get to Indy early
    Enjoy your fall
    I used to shop in Pittsburgh and Monroeville when we owned a Hallmark store
    I quit my store and became a teacher
    Love your blog so so much. Brenda

  4. Autumn is knocking at our door this morning, Billie Jo. I can't wait either! It won't be long now. Love your Autumnal posts!

  5. In the midst of this crazy heatwave summer, I am also ready for fall this year. Have to say though I don't understand the bug one because I always see more bugs in the fall, maybe that's just here though. Happy soon to be apple and pumpkin days to you :)

  6. I love everything about fall but I do love summer too. Summers for us are slower paced and more restful. My kids started school today so here comes the busyness. I hope you have a great rest of your week.

  7. I'm with you...I was loving Fall long before blogging and Pinterest and Instagram told us we should embrace it. It goes back to my childhood even. I am hanging onto summer a few more days. We are almost at 100˚ here today with heat index figured in. Let's just say --IT IS HOT!
    I hope you have a wonderful Wednesday. xo Diana

  8. Oh my know how this absolutely sings to my ever-lovin Autumn always heart!!
    πŸŽƒ πŸ‘» πŸ‚ πŸŒΎπŸ§™‍♀️🧑🧑🧑

  9. LOVE LOVE LOVE this post!! Especially the coffee one and the bugs leaving!! We are in the middle of Fallsummoween right now. I have just finished buying a zillion new things and decorating the kitchen and living room. You have made my day!

  10. It's almost here. I can hear the leaves crunching.

  11. I got a kick out of these, especially the one about the bugs going back to HE double toothpicks. :)
    The spiders are moving into the corners of my house uninvited and all over outside too. A sure sign that fall can't be too far behind.

  12. Nooo - we have a little time to enjoy summer yet! :)
    Actually it is so very hot here today that Fall may be welcome.

  13. We have summer until mid October! I start drinking the pumpkin goodies in September.

  14. Oh BIllie Jo - I broke my own rules! I already bought pumpkin candles - I haven't burned them yet, but I thought if I wait until October they might all be gone. And I put a little stuffed pumpkin in our mud room...I just can't help myself, like you, I LOVE fall!

  15. I love the Fall and putting pumpkins out on the porch. I love pumpkin bread with pecans in it. But I hate anything pumpkin flavored or scented! Isn't that strange? And never bring a pumpkin pie. yack! But bring the cooler weather, for sure :)

  16. Great post Billie Joe, I am looking forward to the fall also. These cooler mornings we have been having have reminded me what is around the corner. One of my favorite things is to come home in the evening after a walk around the neighborhood in the dark, smelling woodsmoke on the air from all the chimneys, and drink a cup of hot cocoa to take the chill out of the bones. Won’t be long now! Happy Friday!

  17. It's looking like we have a few more days of summer yet to come, but I am looking forward to some bright autumn days. X

  18. You are will be here before you know it. We were out yesterday and several trees have turned in our area!! I could not believe it! The weather has been warm (with 90s today and tomorrow) but I guess they like the cool nights. I dunno- but the signs are there. Including your cute pictures and memes!! Happy Friday!

  19. "Fallsummoween" Hahahahahaha! Yes!! I too have loved Autumn/Halloween before it was "cool" *pun intended* ;) It is such a magical time of year and it is renewing and symbolic to me. Like the trees, I too want to shed somethings that need letting go and settle in before a long winter. Life is short and to be enjoyed and I left two small, white pumpkins out in my main bathroom all year long for the first time this year. It makes me happy and I will do it again next year. I may take them down for Christmas but back up they will go at the start of a new year. It brings me joy to see a couple little pumpkins and in my biased opinion they're neutral for all year :). If you haven't, check out Christopher Heideman on Youtube. He is around my age and all things Halloween too. He is so peaceful and makes the neatest homemade halloween decorations. He lives in a beautiful Victorian home and has already started decorating for the year. Have a lovely weekend!

    1. It says "3:30 a.m." but it is 5:30 a.m. here, still very early but I was like, what? Ha! My doggie decided barking before 5 a.m. was the appropriate thing to do this morning *yawn* <3

  20. Yaaaay, Fall is coming! And like you, I've loved it for so much longer than blogging days. Probably the start of my school days as a kid. ; ) I love that vintage quote with the lady on the phone talking about all things pumpkin. Oh, I'm so looking forward to your Fall posts, Billie Jo. They make my day.



Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo