March 2, 2022

Ash Wednesday


The centerpiece on our kitchen table for the next forty days.

Good morning, my friends. Today begins the season of Lent, which is a time of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving in preparation for the celebration of Easter Sunday. In years past, I have given something up for the forty days of Lent. I remember one year in high school, I gave up Pepsi! This year I have chosen to do something rather than not. I think this year, our world needs prayer and love more than anything. This is just my opinion, of course. If you commemorate Lent, do whatever your heart tells you! Have a blessed and cozy day, my friends! 

Billie Jo


  1. I agree, prayer right now is very needed for this world.

  2. Amen - we need more prayer ... I need to do that myself.

  3. I hope your Lenten journey is fruitful for you! I love your centerpiece.

  4. Prayer and more prayer!
    I just found out one of my son's friends who has family in the Ukraine has gone there to join the fight.

  5. ALso more prayers and kindness.

  6. I think many of us are thinking the same thing, about the need for prayer during this time. I have had the song, "Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me..." running through my head all day. I hadn't thought of that song in years.

  7. I love Lent and even though it is not part of my religion, I always celebrate it. When I had the studio I had a company of 28 Irish dancers, most were Catholic and we always had long rehearsal on Wednesday evenings. They would trop in with ashes on their fore heads and start rehearsal. By the end it was all sweat off. I loved that night. Black running down cheeks and into eyes and not ones would wipe it off. Prayers for Ukraine and the world.

  8. I really agree with your thoughts; the world needs prayer and love. Thank you, Billie Jo, for really putting it into perspective. Have a beautiful day, friend.

  9. I do believe our world needs prayer more than ever. God bless you my friend. ~Juli

  10. Hi Billie Jo~

    I agree, prayer is what the world needs right now, and always. We are all in this together, prayer is very powerful. Bless you, Billie Jo.


  11. I absolutely love your centerpiece! I am in constant prayer for this world and especially the people of Ukraine!

  12. Your centerpiece says it all, my friend. Thank you for sharing your heart.

  13. Billie Jo, this is a beautiful photo, and I will pass it on to my children this morning. Oh, I chuckled when you said you gave us Pepsi. One year my son gave up CEREAL, and he LOVES CEREAL! It's nice what you're doing for Lent.....prayer and love. If only people would love more. Their lives and others would be a whole lot different.

    Have a peaceful weekend, dear friend.



Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo