March 12, 2021

Sunny Days!


Hello, my friends! And Happy Friday! First off, thank you for the kind comments on my last post. They brought so much comfort and peace and made my heart happy. I feel much better, especially since the sun came out for a visit for two days in a row! We were able to take a nice long walk both days, and I'm still not sure who enjoyed it more, us or the pups! Back inside, Mocha relaxed in the sun while I collapsed relaxed on the couch.

This weekend the cooler weather returns, so I will be forced to stay inside and be cozy. I plan on wearing PJs, reading books, planning meals, sipping coffee, and watching movies. I hope your weekend is filled with all your favorite things. Thanks for visiting! I am always happy you do!

And don't forget!

(Pinterest for the fun.)


  1. It's so nice when the sun peeks through after cold days. It warms the bones. We will have a couple days of sun too, but it's still cold and we might even get a little snow on Sunday. But like you, I find cozy things to do inside. The pj's quote is delightful, Billie Jo.

    Have a relaxing weekend, my friend.


    *hello there Mocha. : )

  2. The sun makes all the difference. Enjoy your cozy weekend friend!

  3. Oh yes, the sun out, does make everything seem so much better. -smile- No doubt, we are made "for" the sun. But, we do need the dark too, to invite sleep time, which is equally necessary for our health and happiness.

    You have a good idea, to cozy~in for the coming weekend, too! Notice the weather, and let it guide us. -smile-

    So happy your got comfort, out of your last post, which surely brought comfort, to Dear Readers.

    Wonder what your list of weekend movies, is?


    Gentle hugs~

  4. I'm solar powered so I completely understand feeling better when the sun shines, Billie Jo! Your weekend sounds delightful. It sounds so relaxing in P.J's. Stay cozy, my friend.

  5. Oh yes - a bit of sunshine for the soul!

  6. I'm so excited to spring forward!!! I sat outside and had my coffee with the squirrels this morning and it was so peaceful. Looking forward to more days like this.

  7. Glad you are feeling better. Sunny days will do that. Your weekend plans sound just perfect! Have a good one. See you again soon.

  8. Oh yes, we had 2 days of beautiful sunny and warm weather...this morning, not so much, sigh. Yes, friend, the sun can do much to lighten our moods, smiles.

  9. I'm actually in my pajamas today too! I hear people out mowing their lawns and I feel a little guilty. But only a little. :)

  10. Beautiful pictures. I changed all of our clocks before bedtime last night. Time change (this one more than Fall back) takes some getting used to. Thankfully I don't have anything that I have to do today. It just might be a day of rest or a quick visit to the park to get out in the sunshine. Enjoy your Sunday dear friend, HUGS!

  11. I am definitely missing that hour! It's always a bit of an adjustment for me in the spring more so than the fall. I love a nice, sunny day. It's cloudy today and we are expecting several days of rain this week. Hoping to get out for a walk this afternoon.


Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo