March 16, 2016

It Is Good

I often lament here in my little space about how quickly children grow. How much I miss each passing stage...wrapping and rocking my newborns, delighting in a first giggle and a first step, pushing a stroller through the amusement park, carrying a child to Communion, watching in amazement as my child reads a first word. And this is so very true. My babies all grew. In the blink of an eye, in the turndown of bedcovers, in each kiss goodnight, in each sippy cup washed and replaced with a big kid cup. Without my noticing, without my permission, each little bundle I so lovingly carried into our home transformed into a baby, a toddler, a preschooler, a child, and for three of my four, a preteen, a teenager, and for my firstborn, an adult.

I realized the other day, that while I was missing and longing for those baby days of yesterday, I was forgetting how very much I was enjoying and relishing the days of today. The days with teens in my home. I would be remiss if I neglected to share how very wonderful it is to watch your baby become the individual he or she was made to be. I love this time with my older kids. Having older children means gradually, slowly, developing a friendship with your child...while not relinquishing your parental role of authority. It means sharing things like make up and clothes. It means learning, as well as teaching. Madison has taught me more about make up than I ever knew before. Peyton teaches me daily about the way one sibling impacts the development of a younger one. And Rhett...he teaches me that laughter is vital to a happy heart.

Having older children is also helpful in practical ways. Gone are my days of worrying about a babysitter being competent. I know my children can take care of each other. Gone are the days of me being a taxi cab. Yes, once competent and practiced, teenagers are valuable for runs to town for milk and eggs. I no longer watch Lifetime movies alone on the couch. Steve was never one for them. : ) Now, my girls and I giggle at the absurdity of them together. I no longer cook every meal or set the table. Madison and Peyton each take a night and plan and prepare dinner for the  family. I am also blessed to watch my older children interact with and teach their younger sister Flynn. And...I am so thankful that my three older children get to see me parent. I am hopeful they will learn from me and take with them not only practical things but also the image of my true love for my vocation of motherhood.

Every stage of raising a child is wondrous in itself. The one thing they share is the swiftness with which they pass. Rocking a baby, holding a hand, pushing a stroller, sharing a blouse, laughing at a movie, hugging a son who suddenly became taller than you, crying tears of disbelief as one of your babes graduates high school while another graduates preschool...these moments are all blessings imprinted upon my heart. And while I will always miss those days of folding Dreft smelling onesies and putting a bonnet on a baby girl, I am embracing the days of new drivers and young cooks. And it is good.


  1. Your post pulled at my heartstrings...I can so relate. Raising kids is one of the hardest, yet most rewarding things I've ever done and I wouldn't trade the journey for anything.

  2. Such a beautiful post reminding me of the journey I had with my three daughters and the journey they are now having raising children of their own. The best job in the world...

  3. Oh Billie Jo, you are going to make me cry and my oldest is only 4! I told her awhile ago that she just couldn't grow up because I didn't want her to. Of course, she looked at me like I said the silliest thing ever. Just the other day, you she told my DH "when I grow-up and be an adult I get to sharpen crayons!" LOL!!! Guess what I haven't been letting her do lately. :)

    You are right though that the stages pass so quickly!

    Lovely pictures!!

  4. Oh Billie Jo, this is such a beautiful post. You remind us how important it is to cherish every stage. I love the pictures of the family through the years.
    Thanks for sharing your heart with us today. Have a good day.

  5. I know you wrote this for my heart today. Thank you friend. Look at your beautiful babies. It is good.

    1. Also... did you see that Denmark is the happiest country in the world? I am sure Madison wouldn't argue!

  6. Beautiful babies and family!! Thanks for sharing!

  7. Love this post Billie Jo! It is exactly what I've been feeling these days. Now that both kids are in middle school, the time for them to leave is getting closer and closer. I'm trying not to let the thought of that get in the way of enjoying who they are becoming!

  8. Love this dear friend. I feel as though I am always missing and thinking about the past...yes I miss having a house full of little ones around...but in that I am missing the wonderful stage of life I amat with my kids. They are so fun and the conversations we have are amazing.

  9. Such a precious post from a beautiful Mother's heart. I empathize all too well. ;) Thanks for sharing my Friend. xoxo

  10. What a wonderful outlook on family life and growing together as a family! xx

  11. Such sweet photos.... Time surely does fly but we gotta love every moment.


  12. Loved reading your sentiments. Precious pictures, as always. :)

  13. What a beautiful post! I enjoyed and continue to enjoy every season!


Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo