March 30, 2015

Scenes From A Sunday

There are just some days that are so wonderful you want to keep the memory of them safe somewhere. For me...this is that place. Today was a simple, cozy, family day. An ordinary day. But it was so special I know that someday I will want to return to it and relive it in my mind and heart.

Today was the day my little Flynn waited all week for. Today we baked Easter sugar cookies. And Grandma came to help. : )

My baby rolled and cut and placed the cookies on the sheet.

She has the very best teacher, you know.

As I set up the table for the icing and decorating, I once again thought of how quickly time passes. I thought back to the baking days when I had all littles...and I did all the rolling and cutting and baking. Now...they can do it on their own. And I'm sad. But just a little. Because isn't that what parenting is really all about?

We had fun icing and decorating...

and someone had fun mixing colors. : )

We have cookies for days!

But we did have some favorites. : )

After we finished, Flynn asked Grandma if she would rock her baby doll.
(I adore this moment.)

And to finish off our wonderful day...Sunday dinner of Chicken and Waffles.

Ordinary days really are the most extraordinary.

Have a wonderful, blessed Holy Week, my friends.


  1. Love this Billie Jo! Love finding you on instagram and catching some of these moments there. Most of my friends are on FB - which I keep as more of a private account. But I've been loving IG and follow lots of lovely folks there. ;)

    Your cookies look so yummy and pretty. Your crew did a great job! I especially love the cross ones.

    Happy week ahead dear Friend. xoxo

  2. Some wonderful tender moments to treasure.

  3. Fun making and then eating the cookies! Anything done with those we love become special memories and your family makes lots of those times. Hope this week will be a good one for you.

  4. Precious Moments!

    Waffles and chicken??? Never ever had that!

    I am also blessed with a daughter and grandma picture playing dollies.

    Sounds like a wonderful weekend! and yummy too!

  5. Wow -- those are some fancy cookies!! What a wonderful day and memory for you all. Have a Blessed Holy Week.

  6. Yummmmmmmmmmmmmm chicken and waffles and sugar cookies. What a precious picture of your Mom and Flynn. Thank you sweet friend. Blessings

  7. The cookies are beautiful!!!! And I'm with you, I'm glad my kids are able to do so much for themselves now, but some days I do miss them being little.

  8. Yes the ordinary is great!! We haven't made our cookies yet but I have all the stuff for it ready to go. Though we are using dough from a tube because even though I LOVE making dough and have a good recipe, sometimes it's just easier. And easier is good too. :) You all did a wonderful job with your cookies.

  9. This is just the sweetest. Some days certainly do leave an impression on your heart. What a special memory to cherish.
    Blessed Holy Week to you and your family too.

  10. Loved seeing your precious mama in these pictures!!

  11. What great memories. You have such a lovely family. So cool that grandma could be there to enjoy a great day with you all.

  12. Awww! Tell Flynn she did a great job with her cookies!

  13. The cookies look wonderful! Flynn is just darling, and what great memories you are sharing and making!

  14. Oh those sweet little hands in the first picture❤️ Such a fun day filled with wonderful memories...... I just love your family!

  15. When I hear the stories of your family I think of the song, "Teach your children well," and you certainly do that!

  16. When I hear the stories of your family I think of the song, "Teach your children well," and you certainly do that!


Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo