July 3, 2024

This or That - Fourth of July Edition

The Fourth of July is almost here! Before we set off the fireworks, let's see some of your favorite things about this special summer holiday!

1. Hot Dogs or Hamburgers?

2. Celebrate at home or at the pool/beach/ park?

3. Fireworks live or on television?

4. Music playing during the live fireworks or just the ooohhs and aaahhhs?

5. Big shindig party or small family gathering?

6. Watch Jaws or No Thank You?

7. Wear special Red, White, and Blue clothes or whatever clothes are currently on top of the pile?

8. You're a Grand Old Flag or Stars and Stripes Forever?

Whatever you choose, or however you celebrate, have a wonderful Fourth of July, my friends. And if I could be so bold, sometime between the fun and festivities, take a moment to think about the real reason we celebrate this day, year after year. 

Thanks for visiting!

Billie Jo

~ My choices! ~

1. Hot Dogs or Hamburgers? Hot dogs! With chopped onion and mustard, just like my dad used to love.

2. Celebrate at home or at the pool/beach/ park? No surprise here. At home!

3. Fireworks live or on television? Live. And sometimes on TV.

4. Music playing during the live fireworks or just the ooohhs and aaahhhs? Madison has a special playlist!

5. Big shindig party or small family gathering? We used to have a huge party, but we don't do that anymore.

6. Watch Jaws or No Thank You? Jaws. Every single year.

7. Wear special Red, White, and Blue clothes or whatever clothes are currently on top of the pile? I used to get everyone the $5.00 shirts from Old Navy. Now, I try to find something close that is comfy!

8. You're A Grand Old Flag or Stars and Stripes Forever? My mom still sings every word of You're a Grand Old Flag. She loves the fireworks, and I know I will shed a tear while I watch as that song plays in the background.


  1. Hot dogs AND burgers, thank you very much! Celebrate at home; we host each year for family and friends - 15-20 people. Live fireworks with music playing to accompany our oohs and aahs. Jaws, Red White and Blue clothes. Stars and Stripes Forever!

  2. I will take a dog or a burger - just as long as they are plant based. There are some delicious options for both!! I love live fireworks...they just are not the same on tv. Although our forecast for tomorrow might be forcing everyone inside! I forgot about the Old Navy t-shirts. I might need some of those in my life tomorrow:) And - quick question. Is Jaws connected to Fourth of July?? Maybe I missed something (quite likely). Have a wonderful day tomorrow!!

  3. Dearest Billie Jo,
    None of the above and I usually would wear the red/white/blue and/or stars.
    Will listien once more to Pieter's speech: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2022/07/husband-pieters-1994-4th-of-july-speech.html
    Hugs and wishing you and yours a Happy Fourth of July.

  4. I miss old navy 4th of July t-shirts. Do they still sell them? We don't have one close by.
    Enjoy the holiday and the weekend!!

  5. Hot dogs. Home, with family. Tv. Music! Whatever clothing. Also missed the Jaws connection, but once was enough. I repeat very few movies, usually just musicals.

  6. Either hot dog or hamburger, at home (not a fan of the crowds), fireworks with music playing on TV (A Capitol Fourth from DC), no shindig (just me, the husband, and the dog), no to Jaws, yes to red white blue clothes (shirt and socks), either song is great and will be enjoyed. Have a wonderful Fourth!

  7. I remember the first time we saw Jaws. I got a headache from being so scared and we had to go across the street for aspirin! I guess it is pretty tame now compared to some of the other movies since then!

  8. Hot Dogs!
    BBQ in our back yard, every year.
    Either way, as long as there is music.
    See above!
    Either way, we have it at our house and whoever shows up :)
    No, on Jaws. Saw it once and that was enough!
    Oh, red, white and blue for sure!
    You're a Grand Old Flag -- my mother was as patriotic as the day is long, and we played this at her funeral!

  9. I have to say that I agree with your answers. Have a wonderful 4th of July.

  10. *I'm a burger girl, with ketchup, mustard, pickle and onion
    *We'll be at the lake with Matt's folks this weekend. Some years to my friend's cabin. Some years at home doing a BBQ - just depends
    *fireworks live at local place in town
    *haven't ever listened to music to it, but I like that idea!
    *I have been to big shindigs at friend's cabin, but also done small BBQ here (I love it all)
    *I don't watch Jaws but we usually watch the hot dog eating contest. Lol
    *I like to wear red, white or blue of some kind -or else fun jewelry that goes with the theme
    *I love the song Grand Old Flag and has a special place in my heart from my youth.
    Love these! Blessings on your holiday ahead. ❤️💙

  11. Thank you for stopping by my blog. I am always excited to meet new people and your comment was so exciting when I opened my comment section. I like your theme here and I also think I would love to enjoy one of those hotdogs that you described. In all honesty, it is way too hot here in our area to even think about celebrating outside, however, I have a whole crew of people coming over tomorrow afternoon. Thank you again for being a follower...I look forward our friendship here in blogland. Enjoy the 4th!!

  12. Hi BIllie Jo! I am wearing an American flag shirt today and have another one I will wear tomorrow! I'm not a fan of hot dogs, but hamburgers are one of my faves. Cheese burgers even better. I love watching fireworks, but we will probably be home all day tomorrow and tomorrow night. I haven't watched Jaws since it first came out. Maybe I should! I love George M. Cohan's You're A Grand Old Flag. I hope you and yours have a wonderful 4th of July! God bless America!

  13. What a lovely post and yes, you may be so bold as to ask us to take a few moments to remember the reason we do celebrate the 4th of July...and thank you! I think it sometimes gets forgotten. I'm a hot dog person (Nathan's, please) with sauerkraut, chili, chopped onion, ketchup and mustard! We celebrate at home and watch the fireworks that all of our neighbors set off. :) Have a safe and happy holiday, my friend. xx

  14. We are staying home and grilling hamburgers. Not much for crowds anymore. :)

  15. Happy 4th Billie Jo! And yes, we need to remember the reason!
    Hamburgers, grilled with the fixings
    At home or at families home
    Live fireworks
    I love patriotic music playing during fireworks
    Small family gatherings
    No Jaws for me
    I like to wear red, white and blue but don't buy it specially for the holiday
    I really like both songs but Grand Old Flag is probably my favorite. I love that your mom still sings it.

  16. Well, we're doing burgers this year, but now I'm thinking we should have done hot dogs :) We just have the kids and grandkids over and we're adding a grandmother and an aunt this year, so big crowd for us. And just like you, I used to buy the $5.00 Old Navy t-shirt every year!! We even took some professional photos in one of those shirts. Those were the days :) Now I will do my best to pull out a navy blue shirt and look festive, but mostly I want to be cool and comfy. And I didn't know Jaws was a thing on the 4th, but I haven't watched that show since forever. Have a wonderful 4th and a great weekend!

  17. You can keep the sharks, we are having shark infestations way too much here in Florida, LOL. Have a beautiful day my friend.

  18. *Hot Dogs! I just made some with onions and tomatoes!

    *Have always celebrated at home, but sometimes drive to a hill where we can see the fireworks.

    *Fireworks Live

    *Just the oohs and ahhs. My brother used to screech after every firework, and the kids always have great memories of that.

    *Small family gathering.

    *Yes, I love Jaws, but have never watched it on the 4th.

    *I used to wear red, white, and blue, but now, just regular clothes.

    *I have to hear the songs again, don't remember the words. ; )

    Fun post Billie Jo! And have a safe and wonderful 4th!


    **that children image with the flag and fireworks is so delightful. ; )

  19. 1. I like both. And we bought both. And I still don't know what we will be having. :)
    2. Team at home for sure!
    3. TV! Best tradition ever for us. Though live at Disney of course.
    4. Whatever Macy's picks. Lol.
    5. Small! Just us!
    6. We watch The Music Man every year. Same thing really, it's 4th of July in the movie.
    7. Depends on the year. This year we are themed.
    8. I love all patriotic music. I love that your mom sings You're a Grand Old Flag.

  20. I enjoyed your answers and the meme, so I "borrowed" it for my blog. Have a wonderful day!

  21. Hi Billie Jo! Nice to find your blog through my visit with Barbara today. I am also friends with Mari. We must remember the reason for the day. Amen.


Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo