July 10, 2024

( Almost ) One Word Wednesday


~Remnants of a fun weekend with a full house~
I wouldn't have it any other way.

Happy Wednesday!

Billie Jo


  1. A house full of family is the best! And the remnants of it are well worth it!

  2. Summer fun is the best…except for autumn.

  3. I love it! These are REAL photos, not some picture-perfect posed arranged ones. THIS is how we live in the summer, and you captured it perfectly! Love your countertops, entry table, and beautiful bathroom floor.

  4. I agree! Glad you had a wonderful time.

  5. I have a picture of shoes by the back door not unlike that one, only they're all mine! I have a problem. :D It's fun to see random pictures of the remnants left from life having been lived. Hey, maybe this can be a thing, Billie Jo!

  6. Your are absolutely right. Always fun to have a full house and lots of fellowship...and it is always nice to get back in to routine. This is life, and it is fun.

  7. The best kind of remnants for sure!! 🙏🏻💕

  8. Yes, it is "So good to be home!" Love the sign.

  9. We have a bunch of shoes by our door too. :)

  10. All beautiful signs of memories having been made, my friend. I wouldn't want it any other way either. xx

  11. Reality,
    that's right we have a lot of work ahead of us after a fun weekend!!
    But take heart,
    next weekend is coming!!

  12. Good memories of your weekend that has items through your house but you're able to get it taken care of. I have already put together a few things for a trip to the coast in a few days. Thanks for your comments and I did have another post before the one that just showed up today. Hugs and blessings to you, Billie Jo!! :-}------Becky

  13. My house after every Tuesday night (family night) :) except it's toys, toys, and more toys. And sippy cups :)

  14. It's those marks on the windows I can never keep on top of :)
    Happy remnants. Xx

  15. Oh Yes, all the messiness doesn't even matter when our loved ones are visiting us. Love all the photos. And the framed 'Home" print is perfect. : )



Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo