June 10, 2024

Monday Morning Coffee Talk

Good Monday morning! I was up earlier this morning than usual, but I didn't mind. I am one of those people who cannot lie in bed once awake. I can't fall back to sleep, either. I have a saying, "When I'm up, I'm up!" It may be conditioning from the years of rising early to go to work, followed by years of getting up early with the kids, but whatever it is, I am here for it. The early mornings, once filled with bottles and babies, cereal bowls and Sesame Street, and morning baths followed by matching play clothes, are now quiet and cozy, filled with coffee cups and prayers, snuggling puppies, and dinner plans. I love the early mornings. I love the start of a new day. I love watching the world wake up and slowly come to life. I miss the chaotic mornings with small children and a husband getting ready to head to work. I miss wiping faces, and rinsing bottles, tying shoes, and brushing hair. But I love quiet mornings, too. I love sitting with my pups, sipping my hot coffee. I love knowing my family is sleeping nearby and will soon meander in and say good morning. This morning, I am at the beach, so I am happy I woke early.

I literally saw the new day beginning. 

Here are a few random pictures of other parts of the weekend.

I love birds. These freak me out a little.

A calm ocean is serene and lovely. And a rough one, majestic and powerful.

Fish at the ocean. The colors are fun. But the original red is the best.

On our way to mass Saturday with fifty percent of my children.

Have a wonderful Monday, my friends! We will head back to the house later, and Flynn and I will do school. I will check the birdfeeders, start some laundry, and be thankful that I always tidy the house before I go anywhere. Oh, and in the interest of transparency, I will most likely take a late afternoon nap! Thanks for visiting!

Billie Jo


  1. Your posts are always so wonderful and positive. I love those beach pictures.

  2. Love all of the pictures. It sounds like you had a lovely weekend and a gorgeous start to the new week.

  3. A lovely uplifting post and I too am an early riser and enjoy my mornings. We live on the beach 1/2 the year and there is nothing like those beautiful morning sunrises.

  4. Quiet moments in the morning are special! Love them! Have a great week.

  5. Such a nice photo of you with your girls.
    I like to sleep in a bit on my days off, and also like to stay up late. And a slow morning is such a joy! Now if only I had your view. :)

  6. The beach photos are gorgeous! WOW! What a wonderful way to start the day! Love you and your daughters too!

  7. You sure have a beautiful family. I love the beach sunrise!! This is something I will never see in real life, so I really appreciate your posting it!

  8. Red Swedish Fish are the best! Love those beach pics!

  9. Wow, beautiful sunrise photos! I'd be up early every day for views like that.
    A lovely photo of you and your girls too.
    Have a wonderful week.

  10. Dearest Billie Jo,
    It is no use of laying in bed after waking up. I too get up and do something or read something.
    You certainly had a perfect view for watching the sunrise!

  11. Hi Billie Jo! I am an early riser and afternoon napper too. Your sunrise at the beach is beautiful! What a wonderful getaway. I hope you have a week that is perfect in every day! See you again soon!

  12. What glorious sunrise pics my Friend! I miss those chaos days too. Especially since my home will just get quieter this FAll. But learning to embrace this new chapter and time ahead and finding the beauty in it all. Blessings on your week ahead. xo

  13. Looks like you had a great weekend Billy Jo.
    The photos from the sunrise are wonderful!
    Swimming is always perfect!
    Be well and have a beautiful day!

  14. What a beautiful sunrise! A special start to your day. Xx

  15. I love the mornings :) They are my favorites. Especially summer mornings. Enjoy your nap :)

  16. What a wonderful way to wake up , your photos of the beach are beautiful, I always love my visit here. Have a great day!

  17. The sunrise is beautiful. What a lovely start to your day. And your beach photos are very nice. I sometimes miss those days of small children too, my friend. But I see how chaotic it is when both parents have to go to work now. We were so fortunate, me and you, to have stayed home and raised our little families. I'm thankful Nel works from home on most days, and Jess has Summers off as a teacher. This is such a cute picture of you and Madison and Flynn. Your words of early mornings with small children brought back sweet memories. It was so well written that I could visualize your days. And I love your coffee cup this morning!



Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo