June 5, 2024

Go figure

I can sit inside and enjoy watching birds all day, but I can't stand to be near one on the beach.

I can read a map like Magellan, but I have literally no sense of direction.

I love all things cozy, but I don't watch Hallmark Movies. Ever.

I know our chocolate chip cookie recipe by heart, but I forget where I set my phone three times a day.

I get excited about going to the dentist, but going to the doctor sends my blood pressure off the charts. 

I could eat a bowl of sugar cereal every single day, but I have never finished a bowl of oatmeal.

I could spend all day with a group of preschoolers but a half hour with a bunch of adults.

And finally, I would never waterski or go tubing, but I am the only member of my family who will touch the bottom of the lake barefoot. Who is the adventurous one, now?!! 

That's enough random fun for today, my friends.

Have a cozy Wednesday!

Billie Jo


  1. This made me chuckle. I have no sense of direction, either :)

  2. This was a fun post Billie Jo. I am SHOCKED you don't love Hallmark movies. :)

  3. I love this! Let's see...it creeps me out to think of walking on the bottom of a lake or sea. I totally agree about the cereal. Also I am the same about cozy and Hallmark movies. From the first few minutes, I always know how they will end. What's the deal with birds walking on the beach?

  4. I agree with you on the birds for sure. Give me a screen or pane of glass only please. Those open air aviaries at zoos? No thank you!!

  5. If you can stand on a lake bottom with bare feet you have a super power I will never possess!

  6. Ha! Love me some Billie Jo random trivia tidbits. :) You are an adventurous super hero in my eyes always! Just sayin ;)

  7. Fun to read. We are not at all alike. :) Though I too don't watch Hallmark movies.

  8. I'm with your family - I can't stand touching my feet on a slimly lake bottom - especially because I can't see what might be swimming around down there!!! You are adventurous!

  9. Ha! I'm with you on most of these. However, I love Hallmark movies and I can't be standing on a lake bottom. :)
    This was fun!

  10. I relate to a lot of what you write Billy Jo.
    So some skills we have and some we don't depend on our preferences!
    Have a nice day!

  11. I love how we are all unique in our likes and preferences. It makes the world an interesting place!

  12. hahaha! I love this post :) I don't do Hallmark movies either. May have to copy this fun format one day :)

  13. Fun fun! I can relate to so many - except excitement over the dentist visit! I grew up having oatmeal with plenty of sugar and a dollop of butter - that probably negates any health benefits!

  14. This is such a fun post Billie Jo. I laughed at a lot of them. I love Hallmark movies and my Hubby happily watches them with me. Even though they follow a set pattern, it's still a relaxing and stress free way to spend an afternoon or evening. I walked on the lake bottom all of the time at our camper in Washington. It didn't bother me at all. I enjoyed learning even more about you this morning. Some were quite interesting. Ha! Ha!

  15. Fun read, Billie Jo! 😄

  16. Oh, I smiled BIG at the 'preschoolers and adults' one. That is me for sure. So many of these things I can relate to, my friend - I enjoy a good bowl of cereal too, and I have no sense of direction either. But going to the dentist makes me nervous, and I love Hallmark shows. That is awesome that you can touch the bottom of the lake!

    A fun post today!


  17. Ha ha! These were super cute! It's always a treat to learn more about you through your blog. I hope the start of summer has been good to you! Thanks for dropping by!!!


Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo