May 17, 2024

This Week...

We homeschooled with a new student.

I had several visitors join me for my morning coffee.

I appreciated the beautiful scenes of nature in the spring.

We hung pictures in the kitchen, making the house feel like home.

Madison cooked and baked.

We cheered Flynn's puppy Marty on as he continued his housetraining.

And we received photos and phone calls from my sweet mama.

Before I go, I wanted to share a few images that reminded me of summer as a kid. Summer 2024 is coming, and these pictures took me back to summer in the late '70s and early '80s when my most significant decision was whether to go outside after dinner and ride my bike around the block or sit on the side porch with my parents licking drippy ice cream from a colored cone.

It's funny how a photo can produce such vivid memories. I can literally smell the Noxzema! Anyone else? Do you remember what that was for?

Have a wonderful weekend, my friends!

Billie Jo

Images and memories from Pinterest.


  1. We used Noxema on our faces that were sunburned. I have no idea if it helped, but I do remember going to sleep at the beach when I was a kid, smelling like it! I can still smell it in my mind also!

  2. Love Noxema! I still use it today for my face cleaning. Best stuff to put on when you have a horrible sunburn. Oh the pictures brought back so many memories this morning. Thank you for sharing.

  3. Hi Billie Jo. I love your family photos on the wall of your dining room. Looks like you had a cozy week. Yes, all of those things bring back summer memories for me as well! Have a good weekend. See you again soon!

  4. I remember the Noxzema, and the Pudding Pops. Wonder if they still sell Noxzema? I don't think the Pudding Pops are still around. We had one of these fans. Wow, a Red Headed Woodpecker! I have wanted to see one for a long time. The food looks yummy. And the photos were hung in a wonderful arrangement!

  5. We all washed our face with Noxzema back then! And remember Sea Breeze toner? I can still smell that too. But I had totally forgotten about the colored ice cream cones!

  6. The pictures on the wall are great!
    The new student seems to be enjoying the lesson!
    The food looks delicious the sandwich is appealing.
    Looks like you had a great week!
    We had Nivea instead of Noxema.
    Have a nice weekend!

  7. Your new student is cute!
    That food looks like its restaurant worthy.
    Those pics all took me back - so fun!

  8. The lovely creek winding through the trees – ahhh that would be a stress reliever every single day - perfect. Fun photos from back in the day! I think those flip-flops are in the closet! And the family pictures are so sweet - .especially around the dinner table as this generation gathers together.

  9. Love that new green of spring and the birds! Have a great weekend!

  10. I remember each and everyone of those pics. I really feel old now.

  11. I remember Noxzema for the sunburns on my nose, LOL. Thanks for the memories, Billie Jo, smiles.

  12. Your new student looks like trouble :)

  13. Such a perfect new student. I love the attentive position. Yummy food. You are so blessed to have your kids so close. Your childhood memories are the same as mine but I was born in 1960 so I was a decade before you. Apparently not much changed in that timeframe. I still have a fan like that that is used every summer!
    Thank you for sharing all of the memories with us.

  14. I have washed my face morning and night with Noxema for as long as I can remember.
    I remember the colored ice cream cones.

  15. I remember noxema as well from years ago! I don't use it anymore. There was no air conditoning when I was growing up at all. I remember the a/c when we lived in NM in a single wide mobile home. It was ok except when there was rain, thunder and lightning at night time. Swamp cooler was what it was called. Our children were very young be we all survived. We use a fan once in awhile when our house gets hot with high temps outdoors. Keeps kitchen cooler. Have a good weekend!

  16. Why your sweet Mom doesn’t live with you !? Sorry to ask

    1. That's ok! My Mom is in late stage Alzheimer's Disease, and the care she requires is more that we can adequately give her. My sister and I are blessed that she is so well cared for there.

    2. ❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏🙏🍫

  17. ALL of the food looks delicious, my friend! And, I had the same reaction when I saw your picture of the Noxzema jar! Totally could close my eyes and smell it. Hope you had a wonderful weekend! xx

  18. Oh my gosh, those vintage pictures brought back so many memories as a kid. Thank you for sharing those, my friend. You took some nice bird pictures, and that bluebird is always a treat when they visit... they are rare around here. You did a great job on the wall photo gallery, and it definitely warms the home to see our loved ones' faces in each room. Madison's pasta looks Yummy! And a sweet picture of your mom holding those pretty pink carnations. What a delightful post this was, it made my heart smile. : )


  19. Sunburn! And we used to get a new pair of those "thongs" (as we called them back then) every summer...and check to see how many colors on the sole we had worn away with use by the end of the season! Thanks for the memories! Jen


Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo