May 31, 2024

Photos On The Last Day Of May And A Birthday!

Hello, and Happy Friday, my friends! Although summer doesn't officially begin for a few weeks, June 1 will always be summer to me. This week was short but long. Memorial Day seems like forever ago, but yet it's Friday already? That is one of those things I won't ever understand, so I don't even try. Like when you drive past a mountain filled with trees, and you stop to think, if there are that many trees right here, how many could there be in the whole world? And when you sit on the shore and see nothing but water stretching out before you and wonder how big the ocean really is and why the months now pass significantly faster than when you were a junior in high school sitting in Physics class on a Wednesday in January? Anyway, here are some recent pictures from my camera roll to finish off the month of May.

My firstborn and I at Nico's birthday party...

My bestie Heather and her husband Dave came to visit this week!

We visited a spa, went to a tea, and sat on the beach. And it was good.

Meanwhile, Nicolas and Flynn played mini golf, rode bumper boats, and went on a bird-watching hike. Or, as I like to say, enjoyed Eighth Grade Field Trip Day.

The beach is good for the soul.

And in "We are still celebrating birthdays" news...

Today is Peyton Rose's twenty-fourth birthday! My second little bundle of joy is celebrating her birthday today! If you ask me what I did last week, I wouldn't remember, but I remember these moments quite well!

Peyton is a blessing to each member of our family in a unique and special way. She has smiled since that first one; she finds joy in cooking, baking, and serving others; she loves animals, the outdoors, camping, and all things holiday! She also loves her new car.

But she loves sharing her life with her Christopher most of all!

Today marks the first birthday we aren't together, but we celebrated last weekend, and Steve was sure to put candles on her dinner plate! 

Happy Birthday, Peyton Rose!

And happy weekend to you, my friends. 


Billie Jo


  1. Happy Birthday to Peyton! So many delightful pictures of her through the years. Her new car is very cool. The spread at the tea house looks Yummy. And that is a cute picture of you and Madison. I know what you mean, there are many things out there that are a wonder to me too, and your words made me smile. Sounds like Flynn is having fun on her Summer break.

    Wishing you beautiful June days, Billie Jo.


    **I was happy to hear Aurora is your favorite Princess. I've always been partial to Belle for some reason. : )

  2. Peyton is so adorable in the cat ears. And she has grown up into a stunning young woman!! You look like Meryl Streep in your photo here, only prettier.

  3. Dearest Billie Jo,
    Indeed the time flies by way too quickly.
    Happy Birthday to your Peyton Rose!

  4. Happy Birthday to Peyton! I love the photos of her growing up...and it happens so quickly. I can relate to remembering those days, but not what we did last week. :-) Hope your June is wonderful.

  5. The picture of you and Madison is beautiful! And the pictures of the birthday girl are so special. Peyton is not only a beauty but she also has a beautiful soul. Happy Weekend, my sweet friend. xx

  6. Yes, time keeps going faster! I really liked your photos today.
    Happy Birthday to your beautiful Peyton Rose! (I love her name!)

  7. Happy birthday Peyton!! I hope this is the best year yet!

  8. Happy Birthday to your young woman! Have a great weekend.

  9. My memory is much like yours. Can't remember what happened last week, but I remember those early years with my babies :) And I think that beach looks good for the soul. What a blessing!

  10. Happy birthday Peyton!!!! And yes, the ocean is good for the soul. smiles

  11. Lovely photos to finish the month of May! Happy Birthday to Peyton Rose.

  12. Hello Billie Jo, such a delightful post! A belated happy birthday to Nico and Happy Birthday to Peyton Rose! I thank you so much for sharing these photos today. What sweet family you are. Happy weekend and Happy June my friend.

  13. Happy Birthday to Peyton! I don't think she's changed much since that picture of her with Santa. Such a beautiful smile. Oh those pictures of the beach, I don't know if you heard it but it was calling my name! :) We're going to southern California next month and I'm planning at least one day at the ocean!

  14. Oh my - so many happy moments! The days look filled with laughter, sweetness, and family - it just doesn’t get any better than that! Lucky them, lucky you🙂

  15. It doesn't get much better than a wonderful week spent with family and friends. Cherished moments. Happy Birthday, Peyton! Xx

  16. Happy birthday to beautiful Peyton!!!!


Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo