January 8, 2024

Monday Morning Coffee Talk ~ Snow!


We got snow! It has been quite a while since our area saw a significant amount of snow. Saturday, it snowed all day, and it was beautiful. Now, there are two types of people in the world regarding snow. Some people get excited when the first flakes fall because they can lace up their boots and head out to walk, sled, ski, or do whatever other physical activity they enjoy. Then, there are people like me. We get excited BEFORE the first flakes fall. We watch the weather forecast to see just how much snow we are forecast to get. We are so excited when the snow begins to fall so that we can remain inside, drink cocoa and coffee, snuggle on the couch, and look at it. While I am happy to be one of those who watch from the cozy of my home, I appreciate and applaud those who enjoy the snow from outside the house. All my children fall into that category. And how thankful am I that they are old enough to do it on their own and that their father is an outside person too?!?!

Now, lest you think I did nothing while this fun was being had outside, I have photographic proof of everything I did inside. I spotted some birds at my feeder and got a few pictures through the window.

And I did pack up the Christmas ornaments until next year. And then I took down the tree. This led to me vacuuming and then putting all the Christmas decorations away. And then why not get out a few Valentine's Day things to set around? And finally, I collapsed on the couch. Because I realized I am not thirty years old anymore. Ok. Not even forty years old anymore. 

I had helpers all afternoon. 

So there you go. Our weekend snowstorm and all that went with it. I hope you have a cozy day, my friends. We have schooling and laundry here. Ordinary days. My favorite.

Thanks for visiting!

Billie Jo


  1. What a beautiful snowfall you had! It looked like everyone had fun outside playing and inside looking outside. It looks so peaceful, Billie Jo. Thank you for sharing!

  2. Such beautiful photos!!! And those birds....cardinals and blue jays! Gorgeous. Lucky us to have outside people who can celebrate Mother Nature with our children. I am currently at school (on a break) waiting for rain drops to turn overt to snowflakes. Fingers crossed we get our 3-6 inches = snow day tomorrow!!! Happy Epiphany!!!

  3. We too love that first snow. Especially if it's a weekend and we have nothing to do and nowhere to go.

  4. Dearest Billie Jo,
    Ah, your helpers know BEST what to do... stinkers.
    Enjoy the snow, guess I could not handle that cold anymore. We lived in Pennsylvania one winter in 1988 till we moved in January of 1989 to Delaware... not for better climate but for the time being without furniture and everything as it crossed the Atlantic in 2 40–foot containers with our cars...
    Not the best memories as I was stuck with a 6–week lasting bronchitis.

  5. The snow looks so pretty, but like you I prefer to enjoy it from the comfort of my home. Those birds are beautiful, especially the red one. I've moved on from Christmas to tulips and Valentine's decorations. I hung a cute, heart garland yesterday! Hope you have a cozy day. Stay warm!

  6. I am the type that enjoys the snow from inside. I didn't put up my Christmas decorations, but I put up some artwork and hung curtains.

  7. You snow pics are beautiful! We had snow here on Sunday too and are supposed to get a big storm starting tomorrow.
    I'm with you - it's beautiful through a window!
    Looks like you got a lot done though!

  8. Well, friend, I fall in the same category as you when it comes to the snow. I might venture out to take some pictures but then I come inside for that cup of cocoa and a good book to read. :) I would say that the things you found to occupy yourself while the rest of the family was outside definitely made up for not going outside and spending energy...you used it all inside! Glad you had a wonderful snowy weekend!

  9. I think I’d be inside too, after a walk.

  10. It was so weird to have a green Christmas up north here too. And now we're getting all kinds of snow as well. At least it makes everything really pretty. :) The bird pics are lovely! I like being out in it if it's not icy. Stay cozy and wishing you a blessed week ahead. xo

  11. The snow is gorgeous. We get such a tiny amount on the years that we actually get snow, that it always seems magical to me.

  12. I just loved being able to see your pretty snowy scenes. You have demonstrated how it can be enjoyed from the comfort and warmth of being inside your cozy home.

  13. Hi Billie Jo~ Looks like my kind of day! I used to love to play in the snow, but truly, I'm not 60 anymore!! Loved seeing all the cute birds in your feeder! Hugs, Barb

  14. Snow makes us all kids again. :)

  15. I enjoy seeing the snow in photos on your post. I don't mind being outdoors for awhile when there is snow but still careful when walking on sidewalk or road. Looks you family had a good time outdoors. I remember years ago when our 2 children were homeschooled, I would let them go outdoors for awhile. We didn't not a lot of snow but fun time anyway especially with snowballs. I need to get more suet food out for the birds as it is cold outside but not snow! Yet?!!! Stay warm and blessed, Becky

  16. Beautiful photos of your lovely snow, Billie Jo! Your darling family outside and you inside enjoying yourself. Great bird photos, my friend.

  17. You and I are soul sisters! I spent the day inside watching the snow fall. We've been in a winter storm warning since 6:00 this morning and it goes until tomorrow. I took a shower, put fresh p.j.'s on and settled in with my knitting and hallmark movies. :-) I am one happy camper. Schools are closed, businesses are skeleton staff and roads are icky. We're happily retired and inside. :-)
    I loved your photos of the people outside and the ones inside too. The birds are gorgeous. It took me two days to get all the decorations down and others in their place. At 63, I'm definitely NOT 30 anymore.

  18. Hi Billie Jo. Great pictures of the snow and your family having fun. We had a snowy weekend here as well, but my outside snow activities were of the shoveling variety. My back can sure tell. I'm not 30 or 40 anymore either. I hope you have a great week! See you again soon!

  19. That's how I like to snow day too. We are getting walloped right now.

  20. Beautiful photos! I'm an indoor snow enjoyer myself ;) I don't decorate for Valentines Day, but this year I wish I did, as I'm not ready to take down the cheery lights!

  21. Don't know how you would have managed without all those helpers!!:) Isn't it nice to have that task done? I am sooo with you. Snow is to be enjoyed through the windows. With a hot drink in hand. And those birds were so beautiful at the feeders. I am glad there was a fun day for those who enjoy the white stuff....even outside!!:) Here's to cozy afternoons in front of the fire!!:)

  22. You had quite a lot of snow compare to us. When I was young I used to do some nice long walks in the snow with my father, but now I am like you and stay inside watch it through the window!
    I also took the Xmas tree and decorations off and back to their boxes till next year.
    I wish you a cosy warm week!

  23. Can I just say that your "helpers" are adorable?!!! And I am just like you :) I don't mind hanging back from all the fun and making myself a nice hot cup of coffee and enjoying the snow from inside. It's all about the view, for me. Have a wonderful week!

  24. I'm definitely in the category of your husband and kids, I love to get out and enjoy the beauty of the snow. It feels great to get everything cleaned up and put away though! Enjoy the lovely days of winter with your family with lots of cozy moments :)

  25. I chucked, cause I'm like you and love to be inside the comfort of my home drinking hot coffee and taking pictures of the birds. I'm not a sports person with the snow, but I do love to go out there and view the beautiful white around me.....and then there's the shoveling, which is a must if we want to go anywhere. But I'm glad you enjoy the snow and appreciate the beauty of it. That red cardinal is so pretty against the white snow. I just put my Christmas decorations away, and I love how you package each ornament with care. And I absolutely LOVE that red plaid throw. Your Wintery side bars are delightful too. ; )



Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo