December 12, 2023

This or That...Christmas Edition!

Where do you stand on these very festive issues?

Do you decorate a real tree or an artificial tree?

Do you stay home on Christmas Day or travel to visit with family?

Do you eat breakfast first or dig into the presents?

Do you enjoy The Twelve Days of Christmas, or is it a skip?

Eggnog or fruitcake? Be honest!

Rudolph or Frosty?

And a big one... Does Santa wrap the gifts at your house or not?

Finally, Christmas Eve or Christmas Day?

My answers are down below!

Have a cozy Wednesday, my friends!

In case you were wondering...

We have an artificial tree. And I am ok with that.

We have called Christmas as a stay-at-home day since Madison was born.

We open stockings first, eat breakfast, and then gather by the tree for presents!

I really don't like that song. It is about the only Christmas song I skip!

Neither. Just...nope.

Love them both. But Rudolph is my favorite forever.

Santa wrapped at my house. He didn't wrap at Steve's house. Santa compromised for our kids!

Christmas Eve is my favorite day of the year! The anticipation, the excitement, tracking Santa, waiting for snow, baking, and cooking, the last-minute gift deliveries, and a beautiful mass. Family, food, chaos, and a quiet night by the tree. I love it all. Honestly, I feel sad as Christmas Day winds down. But then I think of all the beautiful days we have until it comes back around again!

Billie Jo


  1. Artificial. We are home Christmas morning and either host dinner at my house or go to the in-laws, depending on the year. My kids can't wait, we go right for the presents. Not one of my favorites but I don't mind the song. Eggnog. Rudolph. Santa gifts remain open, it's what Santa did for me as a kid. I don't think my in-laws did the whole Santa thing with my husband.

  2. A fun list. Lets see...
    We have had real trees, but I prefer artificial. Too much worry about fire with real ones.

    We were at my in-laws for Christmas day until we moved to Spokane. Then, with no family, we were at home.

    Open stockings, then gifts, then breakfast.

    Not my favorite song. Mary Did You Know? is my favorite.

    Egg Nogg for sure!

    I love both of them.

    Santa wrapped some when the kids were small. Now the tags all have our names.

    Enjo your preparations my friend.

  3. Definitely a real tree from the nearby tree farm. Family tradition to get it. We spend both days at home. Family come to us where Santa wraps gifts from us and the kids bring their wrapped gifts for each other to open. I like neither but B is partial to eggnog either plain or with a splash of coffee brandy. I prefer "I'll be home for christmas". B and the sons like "Grandma got run over by a reindeer." We usually open gifts first and then the dils prepare breakfast (part of my Christmas gift). Christmas Day is my favorite. Lots of memories and laughter shared that day.

  4. Christmas Eve is THE BEST day of the year, I agree. We typically have Christmas morning at home then go to my brother's house for a dinner with my whole side of the family. This year we will be in Florida for Christmas and we are excited!

  5. We finally got an artificial tree a few years ago. The real trees were becoming too much work. Our grown kids prefer Christmas adventures (we were at our timeshare one year - went skiing for the first time!) this year we're going to Pennsylvania... I love any Christmas where we all get to be together, but there's nothing like Christmas at home. Eggnog. Rudolph. Stockings first, then cinnamon rolls, then presents! And, we open presents one at a time. Merry Christmas Billie Jo!

  6. Ever since I read about the spider eggs that can hatch when you bring a live tree in, it's been a fake tree for us and I'm happy with that.
    We used to travel a bit for the holidays but we stay home now.
    Breakfast is first. Presents aren't a big deal in our house and we sometimes open on Christmas Eve and sometimes Christmas day.
    Not a huge fan of that song. I prefer Silent Night.
    Neither for me. Yuck.
    I'd have to pick Rudolph.
    No Santa gifts.
    I love Christmas Eve. Christmas Day I found myself sometimes struggling with the it's all over with blues so we have extended our Holiday Season into January and that seems to help.

  7. *Always a real tree, I love the scent in my house all season. Although those artificial trees sound pretty good to me as I get older. ; )

    *I travel to see the family before Christmas, and then stay home on Christmas Day! When I lived down south, I was there on Christmas Day.

    *It's always hot chocolate, presents, and a big breakfast.

    *I've never cared for The Twelve Days of Christmas song, but I don't mind when others sing it.

    *The last few years I've loved Panetone bread, which is similar to a fruit cake, but more like a bread. And I like eggnog too!


    *Yes, Santa always secretly wraps the gifts at my house. ; )

    *Christmas Eve has always been special with French onion soup and going to Mass, but Christmas Day is wonderful! I always let the kids open one present on Christmas Eve growing up, and they loved that tradition.

    Fun fun post, my friend. And that picture looks like you, it's so delightful!



    1. Artificial due to fire risk and the mess.
      Home almost always.
      Breakfast first while we wait for everyone to arrive.
      Not my favorite song either.
      Eggnog..usually one glass per season.
      Frosty. Rudolph made me cry.
      All gifts wrapped or gift bagged
      Christmas Eve, once all prep is done. I said for years that the day after Christmas was my favorite day of the year because all the chaos and stress was over!

  8. We open at midnight after watching a very special X-Files Christmas Ghosts. I pull all Christmas decor out right after Halloween. Fake tree too. I love the fake trees because I can have them up nice and early. No nog for me. I like snowman however my nod goes to The Bumble! I love The Bumble.

  9. I always love when you do these type posts, seeing your answers, the comments, and sharing my own. (And also, thank you for letting me procrastinate on paying bills for a few more minutes by participating in this post, ha!). Artificial tree for us though I do love a good real tree scented candle. We've done it all and I like Christmas morning at home followed by a bit of family visiting in the afternoon. Stockings/presents/breakfast or sometimes breakfast first..always coffee first. I enjoy the spoof versions of the song, not my favorite song but don't dislike it enough to skip. Absolutely love fruitcake but cannot stand eggnog (think it relates back to accidentally pouring it on my cereal when I was young--yuck!). Rudolph > Frosty for me. It's a mix over here but Santa used to wrap most over here because of super early bird children (who we now have to wake up sometimes!). Christmas morning is my favorite.

  10. We usually have a real tree which we cut down as a family every year. We are gone this year so have an artificial one up. Easier and less mess.

    We usually stay home on Christmas day but are taking a trip to TN this year so will be gone.

    We do stockings, have coffee or hot chocolate and then dig into presents. Breakfast follows after.

    Skip on the song.

    Fruitcake as I cannot stand eggnog. We did make a homemade egg nog this year and it was really good. Only way I will drink it.


    Santa did not wrap our gifts growing up and I continued that with our kiddos.

    Hard on whether day or eve. Depends on the year...

  11. We are team artificial. Christmas Day really depends since we don't live near family. We prefer to be home but if we are traveling we make it a point to try not to travel on Christmas. Presents first for us! I love 12 Days of Christmas by Ray Coniff and the Ray Coniff Singers, but only that version, which I listen to year round. Neither fruitcake or eggnog are things I am interested it. Both are classics! Santa wrapped as a child but not at our house now.

  12. I love Christmas Eve too. So peaceful and expectant. Perfect!

  13. Artificial Tree
    Stay home
    Breakfast first
    Santa does'n't wrap
    Christmas Day - Christmas Eve we go to church.

  14. Artificial after all kids left
    Stay home
    Stockings, orange rolls (I get up really early to proof the dough and go back to bed) then gifts
    Love the twelve days
    Love fruit cake no eggnog
    Rudolph though as a child I felt so bad for him.
    Santa does not wrap
    Christmas eve a huge seafood dinner, Shrimp cocktail, oyster stew, oysters on half shell, boiled shrimp, boiled cod in wine sauce, crab, sometimes lobster, rolls, fennel salad. Cheese cake. We do not cook on Christmas except for orange rolls.e

  15. Fun Post, Billie Jo!
    Artificial tree now.
    Stay home on Christmas day. Family all gathers here.
    We can't wait until after breakfast to open gifts.
    Santa leaves wrapped gifts
    Christmas Day

  16. Artificial tree - we had a real one until one of our kids became allergic!

    Both - this year we are meeting at our church with my whole family for dinner, then the kids are coming to our house for supper.

    We quite often do gifts on Christmas Eve

    It's a skip for me

    We love eggnog!

    Both Rudoph and Frosty

    We never did Santa as kids, so we didn't with our kids either. We did pics with him though!

    We do both!

  17. We have an artificial tree, we stay home, we eat breakfast first (then read Luke 2 and then open's been our tradition for years!) , we skip The Twelve Days of Christmas, we love eggnog!, Frosty, Santa does wrap our gifts, and we celebrate on Christmas Day. This was so fun, Billie Jo.

  18. Artificial tree
    I am skipping explaining my Christmas plans, complicated emotionally. (growing up, in the adult past and now)
    Gifts Christmas morning
    Coffee, stockings, gifts and then breakfast.
    We do 12 days of Christmas (12 days of special events) not a big fan of the song.
    Egg nog and Fruitcake

  19. We didn't put up a tree for a number of years after blowing out the lights on a nearly new pre-lit tree. We've had all kinds of trees, but from here on out it's artificial or nothing at all, I imagine.

    When we open gifts depends on when our whole family can get together. This year, we're hosting Christmas on Christmas Eve. Don't have plans for Christmas Day - yet.

    I have enjoyed tasting an occasional Egg Nog. Fruitcake? No. Just no!

    Santa hasn't ever wrapped any gifts here.

  20. What a fun post!
    We do an artificial tree. It's cheaper. We did real ones when the boys were little and we made a family day out of finding a tree.

    We always did gifts from Santa. It never scarred our kids, because they knew Christmas was about Jesus.

    I hate eggnog and fruitcake.

    I'm not a fan of The Twelve Days of Christmas song.

    Love Rudolph.

    I use to love the anticipation of Christmas Eve, when the kids were little. It was so much fun leading up to the big day.

    With an empty nest, Christmas is quiet until all the kids and grandkids come for dinner. Then it's a lovely chaos.

  21. We'd been a bunch of sickies over here. Finally feeling better and joining the land of the living again. So playing catch up and didn't want to miss the fun!
    We have artificial trees - just so much easier and can stay up longer, which I love!

    For many years we traveled to my in-law's Christmas Day. Since the divorce, the kids go with their Dad and I often spent Christmas day with my Mom - but now with Matt. :)

    The new tradition has been doing Christmas gifts with the kiddos Christmas Eve morning and Matt & I will have had coffee and something to nibble. Aaron will come over and Annie will wake up and the kids just dive in to gifts.

    I don't care for The Twelve Days of Christmas other than the John Denver and the Muppets version. It's so nostalgic from my childhood and the kiddos associate it with their childhood too. ;)

    I love eggnog! And I like fruitcake if it's goood fruitcake. There's too many bad fruitcakes out there - that's the problem. Lol

    Rudolph has my heart forever too! 💗

    Santa has always wrapped the gifts at our house but it's in different wrap than anything mom or dad had and the tags were written differently too. 😉

    Bring on the festive fun and cheer ahead! 🌟💚


Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo