November 1, 2023

November. Just LIke That!

As much as I love Halloween, and indeed, I do, each year, when this first day of November arrives, I am ready. I am ready to pack away all the spooky and the pumpkin spice, take a breath, and settle in for a bit. Soon, we will think about turkey dinner and pumpkin pie. We will think about gifts and paper and ribbons and bows. We may even pull out the tubs and turn our house into a cozy Christmas home. Soon. But not yet. For us, November brings some time of rest before the joyous days of the holiday season. Have a cozy start to November, my friends. Take a breath, grab some coffee or tea and a soft, cozy throw, and simply rest. You deserve it.

Happy Wednesday!
Happy November!



  1. I'm with you, my friend. November is viewed the same way here...a time to rest a bit before the holidays begin.

  2. My Halloween decor goes away but I do have some pumpkins and fallish things that stay until the day after Thanksgiving. Then the Christmas decorating begins. Enjoy the season, friend. The coldness has come to PA.

  3. I enjoy the respite that November brings. Resting in the quiet of fall and enjoying the anticipation of Christmas.

  4. Happy November! I am ready for a "little breather" before all the holiday fun (and busyness)!! Actually not feeling 100 percent a bit of rest (and catching up on blogs!!) sounds perfect:) Happy Wednesday!

  5. Happy November Billie Jo! Yes! Love this time of calm and preparation and planning for so much fun ahead. Wishing you happiness and peace in this month ahead dear Friend. xoox

  6. I am ready for November! Though I will keep some of the pumpkin spice. It comes out so early before it's even cold, so now that it is and I am ready for it to be cozy and pumpkin spicy it switches to peppermint! I also appreciate the respite from themed movies we need to squeeze in. Just fun family movies this month!

  7. Our family is putting up their Christmas decorations now! They said it is because they will not be home any weekends before Christmas. I think I will wait till later in the month, don't want to rush time!

  8. It is time for cozy clothes and wool hats here. Sigh.

  9. Hi Billie Jo~ Yes, the month for gratitude and thankfulness is here! I am excited for Thanksgiving and Christmas, two of my favorite months! Halloween is fun, but I'm ready for a change. Have a great week! Hugs, Barb

  10. October is my favorite month, too, but I also love the peace that settles in come November (at least until Black Friday)....I'm not packing up my pumpkin spice everything, though!

  11. I'm not a fan of Halloween, but I like Fall and Thanksgiving, and then am ready for Christmas! Cozy is good!

  12. Hi Billie Jo. You have a cozy November as well! See you again soon. :-)

  13. I'm late in the day Billie Jo. It's almost 10:30 pm here and I'm just sitting down to read blogs! My dear Hubby has surgery early tomorrow morning and then we'll be home for the next few days. We don't do much with Halloween but I do have my autumn decorations out and while surgery is going on I will plan my grocery list for Thanksgiving. I'll start buying non-perishables this week. Our son, daughter in love and granddaughter will be here from London for a week and of course our daughters family is also here. Only our son & family in Montana will be missing for Thanksgiving and we'll be lonely without them.
    We usually leave autumn up until after Dec. 7th because that's our London son's birthday. We always decorated for Christmas on his birthday as he loves decorating the tree. :-)
    I hope you have a wonderful Thursday my friend.
    Blessings and hugs,

  14. That's a lovely way to look at it. Novembers here are usually just damp and gloomy. Xx

  15. November is certainly letting us know it's time to gather indoors for cozy times ahead. It is a wonderful time to regroup and get ready for the most wonderful time of the year. Enjoy a happy day, my friend.

  16. This is the busy season for me at work. Very long hours and on my feet a lot. When I get home, I relax in my chair but there are some things that can't go undone. We're supposed to get sunshine tomorrow so I'm planning to put up some lights outside. Just white ones that line the walk to the front door. Not Christmas lights, no. :) Those will help brighten my mood!

  17. I love the graphic at the top of your post, Billie Jo. I love November.


Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo