November 24, 2023

Cozy Friday

Hello! And Happy Black Cozy Friday! Rather than shop today, I prefer to stay home and snuggle on the couch with leftovers and Alfred Hitchcock movie marathons. But that is just me, so if you are shopping, I hope you got some good buys and maybe a Christmas coffee or two! Thanksgiving was lovely, filled with family and food. My day began like this...

( Homemade Cranberry Orange Scone by Madison)

And ended like this...

(Homemade Pumpkin pie by Peyton)
How thankful am I??

In between was this...

Thankful for every single minute. 

And for the fridge filled with leftovers.

Have a wonderful weekend, my friends.
I look forward to visiting with you all this weekend!



  1. Dearest BillieJo,
    It looks like your loved ones, including the fur babies were very thankful!
    Yes, we all are grateful for being able to gather around the table with dear ones.

  2. I sit here with my morning coffee and wish I had one of those scones!

  3. The perfect cozy day to follow a thankful one! How great!

  4. I'm glad you had a nice Thanksgiving. I'm enjoying the same cozy kind of day with a fridge filled with leftovers. It's the best isn't it?

  5. Hi Billie Jo. Let me start by saying how truly impressed I am with the neatness of your leftover filled fridge. Good job! I'm afraid mine looks nothing like that. I think that staying in and watching Alfred Hitchcock movies today is a great idea! We had snow last night, so when we had to go out to get the oil changed in my car and pick up a few groceries, it was BITTER cold and icy. I love that you had such a nice, family-filled Thanksgiving. Enjoy the rest of this cozy weekend. See you again soon!

  6. What a beautiful Thanksgiving! A cozy Friday after Thanksgiving sounds good to me! Always enjoy your photos so much, can't believe I forgot to take a single photo yesterday but that's okay. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  7. Wow you have and neat and organized refrigerator!
    No shopping for me. :)

  8. Your Thanksgiving dinner looks delicious! So glad you had a nice, relaxing day with family. Cosmo is adorable by the way! The only Black Friday shopping I do is online from the comfort of my home. I'm not a big shopper anyway so it's perfect for me. Hope you are having a cozy day!

  9. Enjoy the remainder of the weekend and I hope it is relaxing!

  10. Sounds like a perfect day. That scone looks bakery worthy!

  11. The food looks amazing! Looks like y'all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Enjoy your weekend!

  12. After staying home by myself yesterday because I had picked up a bug from our visiting son, that he probably got on the plane coming here from London, today I woke up fine and dandy! We all went to the zoo together. It was 18F and COLD, COLD COLD, but we had a great time anyway and according to my watch we walked over 5 miles! Then we went back to daughters house and had Thanksgiving leftovers. I was so excited since I had none yesterday and I had prepared almost all of it before sending it to daughters with Dennis. I wore a mask and gloves and cooked away! :-)
    I was so grateful for today because we only have tomorrow before our son, DIL and sweet granddaughter fly back to London on Sunday morning. That's always a hard thing.
    I'm so grateful for the time that God grants us together and for FaceTime!
    Blessings and love,

  13. So glad to see you had a great Thanksgiving and a cozy Friday after. I'm not one for Black Friday shopping either although we did go out to a few places yesterday but it wasn't too crowded. Hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend.

  14. Terrific pictures. The leftovers in the fridge are inspiring, though I imagine they're largely cleared out by now. Have a beautiful week, friend!

  15. It looks like you enjoyed a perfect Thanksgiving. And leftovers!!! The best part :)


Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo