October 27, 2023

All The Fall

Well, here we are. Friday again. And it is the last Friday in October! Soon, all the cozy fall vibes will be replaced with Christmas joy, so before we jump headfirst into Mariah Carey and the Elf on the Shelf, let's enjoy all the fall we can. First up: Fall here, in the schoolroom...

In the front yard...

And in the backyard.


On the beach, where Flynn and Steve head for late afternoon walks...

Back home at Madison's house...

And at Peyton's, too.

Fall looks different in different places. I truly learned that this year. Fall can be a feeling, too. It doesn't have to be trees with leaves of glorious shades and perfect pumpkins on the porch (although those things are amazing!). It can be a cozy feeling of contentment, a cup of pumpkin coffee, or a walk on the beach at sunset. All that is fall.

I will wrap this up with a few random pictures from this past week here. Mocha, forever by my side, Peyton, Christopher, and Flynn, having so much fun last weekend and breakfast on an October morning. A perk of having a husband in retirement is having meals prepared and cleaned up for you! Who knew??! 

Have a wonderfully, not-too-spooky weekend, my friends. Madison and Nicolas are heading down here, and we have lots of Halloween fun planned! Thank you for visiting. I am always happy you do.



  1. Enjoyed seeing all your fall photos and that breakfast looks amazing. Cleaned up as well? Lucky you! Can't wait to hear all about your Halloween fun. Hope you have a great weekend!

  2. Wow, you live amid gorgeous nature! Beautiful beach, woods, everything you could ever need. Love your deck! And sweet Mocha under the Halloween throw. Getting a peek at your car, I even love IT! Your home is gorgeous.

  3. Beach in the fall is absolutely wonderful!!!! Thanks for sharing your beautiful pictures!

  4. Those sunset pictures are beautiful! The foliage around your homes is too. Fall is becoming my favorite season, behind spring. :) Have a wonderful weekend!

  5. Lovely countryside surrounds you. Fall is such a pretty time of year.
    We live in the woods surrounded by trees.

  6. Such beautiful pictures! I love what you said about how fall is sometimes just a feeling of contentment. I couldn't agree more! I love to incorporate things into my day that makes it feel more cozy, like lighting candles, playing a certain kind of music, lingering over a cup of coffee with a delicious flavored creamer...all of those things are so wonderful. Enjoy the family this weekend!

  7. The trees you showed us are beautiful colors of leaves fall 🍂 🍁 that are same color in our area of Oregon. It's a sunny day and I opened up two windows and I just finished my vacuum floor cleaning 😅. Have a good weekend.

  8. Hello Billie Jo. I loved the reminder of the fact that fall isn't always about the stunning colors of leaves, and everything pumpkin. It truly can be something as cosy as a warm cup of cocoa, or snuggled up with a good book under a cover. Loved seeing pictures of the fun that Flynn, Peyton and Christopher from last weekend. I know you will enjoy having Madison and Nicolas there this weekend. Oh...and one more thing...my sweetheart retired in 2018 but I didn't end up with meals prepared for me. Hmmm. That's okay. I love cooking and he works hard to give me produce to can in the summer and cuts firewood to keep us warm in the winter. I guess that's a fair trade. Right?

  9. It's looking beautiful there!
    My hubby is semi-retired and I've been getting some of those benefits too!

  10. What a lovely area you live in. Wooded areas on every side! I would love that AND the beach too! I feel the same about different things making it cozy. A pumpkin scented candle. New blankets for our chairs to cover up with on the frigid days ahead. Pumpkins all around. I hope your weekend is a lovely one, filled with love and laughter.
    Blessings and hugs,

  11. Such a great post, Billie Jo...thank you checking in/emailing on me, smiles.

  12. It's fun seeing Fall in different parts of the country. Pretty pictures!

  13. Beautiful photos! I am so jealous of those daily walks on the beach and the retired husband who cooks.

  14. I love the pictures of Fall. You live in a beautiful place. My husband is retired too and has become the chef in our house which is great because he is a much better cook than I am.

  15. Fall looks beautiful in all the different areas. I loved seeing bits of it at the girls' houses too. Madison's white table and chairs and red umbrella is so charming. What a cozy place to spend some time out there. Those golden and orange trees at Peyton's house! And the woodsy area that surrounds you is so pretty. I imagine you will get some wildlife coming around to visit you. That's always nice. I see the mourning doves on my lawn every day, and it makes me smile. : ) Oh, and I noticed the place mats on your table. They look soft and nice, love those!



Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo