November 9, 2020

Just Wondering


Penn Badgley plays Joe in the Netflix series YOU.

~Have you ever seen the show You?
It is a Netflix show, and it is amazing!
It is not for the young ones, but it is good.
Season 3 just started filming!

~Do you have your Christmas tree up yet? 
We don't. I was thinking about it, but it is sunny and warm, and I am not quite in the Christmas spirit while it feels like April.

~Do you prefer hot or iced coffee?
It is a toss-up for me. Hot in the morning. Really hot. 
Iced if I am running errands and I stop for a treat.

~What type of milk do you prefer?
We have always used skim. For everything. I now use plain almond milk in cereal and baking. And I drink skim.

~Do you prefer to call or text?
I wish I called people more. 
I mostly text. Except I call my mom.
Every. Single. Day. : )

~What is the first Christmas movie you will watch?
No question. 
For me, it is Rudolph.
I simply adore that movie.

~Do you and your family do a gift exchange?
We do, and we drew names last night.
There are now nine of us, including Kyrstin.
The rules are simple.
You cannot get yourself or your significant other.
Would you believe we all picked and it worked out the first try??
Now we each get a small gift for our person, and exchange during our annual Rudolph Breakfast on December 20th.

Have a wonderful week, my friends.
Thank you for stopping by!


  1. Thanks for the tip on the Netflix show - I'll check it out. The great baking one keeps putting me to sleep! :)

    We don't have our Christmas tree up yet, but thinking about it. It's been weirdly warm here too.

    Only use skim milk.

    Hot coffee only in morning. Hub drinks it all day long.

    I prefer calling as I am the world's slowest and worst texter! Also called my Mom every single day -- miss her so much! Love talking to my sisters on the phone.

    We don't do a gift exchange as we don't have many to get gifts for, but maybe in the future.

    Hope you have a great week!

  2. My husband and I loved You. I did just hear they are working on a third season and I can't wait to see where it goes. Such a good show. No way to the Christmas tree. I need to eat my turkey first lol. I love hot coffee. We always get 1% milk and also almond milk. I'm not much of a talker so I love to text. I'm not sure what Christmas movie we'll watch first. I have caught a few Christmas movies on the Hallmark channel already but we love Elf, Home Alone and The Santa Clause. Rudolph is a great one too!
    No, we don't do a gift exchange but that's a great idea. We may consider that when the kids are older. Did I answer them all? That was fun!

  3. I haven't seen that show - but then we don't have Netflix. Yes, it is too early for the Christmas tree right now, but maybe in a couple of weeks. So neat that you call your mom every day. I would sure like to call mine now and then, but not possible when she is in Heaven. Hope you have a good week.

  4. I've heard that show is great! I have added it to my list, but not watched yet. I'm an iced coffee gal in the summer and hot all the rest of the year. I use skim milk for almost everything. Whole milk for when I make crepes and sometimes different milks as coffee creamer. The first movie I'll probably watch for Christmas (besides Hallmark ones - Lol) is Elf. That movie just makes me so very happy. And smiling is my favorite 😉 We don't do a gift exchange but I sure like how you do it!

  5. I read You and Hidden Bodies before I saw YOU.. and while I am loving the show.. so creepy they have drifted away from the books a lot.. which I guess is normal.
    We don't celebrate Christmas but we do love the movies.. especially the classics like Home Alone and all the Santa Clause movies with Tim Allen and the new Santa movies with Kurt Russel. We don't watch too many of the Hallmark/Lifetime ones..
    I don't understand iced coffee.. the ice melts and waters it down.. and I just don't understand it.
    Texting.. it makes us all very anti social but I like to get to the point without all the extra gossip.. I only call my mom and great aunt.

  6. My oldest son's been trying to get me to watch YOU forever. He's read the books as well now. My husband and boys are apparently descendants of Scrooge, no Christmas tree until after Thanksgiving and even then, it's a fight. Love all the coffees but mostly drink hot. Two percent milk, did almond milk for a while but my skin didn't like it. Calling vs texting depends on who, text for work, call for family. Elf kicks off my movie season though we might have to watch Christmas Vacation first this year as they're learning songs from it in band. We draw names on my husband's side but do nothing on my side (too many) but I always cheat and get something small for all, makes me happy. Enjoyed reading all the questions and answers. Hope you have a wonderful week!

  7. There IS something to watch, on Netflix?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

    I put "candles" in front windows, but haven't gotten into.... *MUST* decorate the mantle! Even though it is very empty. And I may not be able to wait too much longer.

    No texting, no smart phones. Although I do wish, at times, I could text..... But not enough to get smart phones and try to learn how to use them. -smile-

    Oh, but I do have the new Hallmark Christmas movies on! We have them on. We both watch them. And some old favorite Holiday movies, they are putting on. -smile- I'm already, Ohhhh-ing over the decorations on those movies. Over-the-top!!!! And I love it.

    Gentle hugs...

  8. Good morning Billie Jo.

    No, haven't seen the show and don't have Netflix.

    Christmas tree doesn't go up until the day after Thanksgiving.

    Whole Vit. D milk for me, I am allergic to almonds, smiles.

    I actually prefer email. But I do call my husband everyday on my break.

    It's a Wonderful Life is my Christmas movie. I need that reassurance. smiles.

    Since its just the three of us, we exchange gifts. I long for a big family--but those days are long gone, sad to say. smiles

    Hope you have a great ay, friend.

  9. I'm so excited for season 3 of YOU!
    Tree? Not yet but soon. The weather has been too warm : ( It's supposed to cool off this weekend so hoping that will get me in the spirit.
    We are a skim milk family. I used to drink 1% but Rob converted me to skim!
    So many Christmas movies!! My must sees are Rudolph, A Christmas Story, and of course A Charlie Brown Christmas...if you want to call that a movie : )
    As far as gifts go we are trying to simplify. Grabs are the best! ♥
    Miss you!!

  10. I haven't seen the show, but I'll check it out!
    No tree- probably right around T-Giving- we are nervous how the cat with treat it!
    Skim only!
    I'll watch new Lifetime/Hallmark movies first. :)
    We do not exchange names for Christmas- we've done that before (and LOVED it) , but we no longer gather with a big group.

    It was fun to read everyone's responses.:)

  11. * No, haven't seen the movie No, but now I'm curious.
    * I don't have the Christmas tree yet, I'm just appreciating the Thanksgiving season.
    * Hot coffee for sure, and the hotter the better. It's getting cold. ; )
    * 2% Milk
    * I'd prefer to call. There's nothing like one-on-one conversations. E-mails are good too.
    * White Christmas - my all time favorite Christmas show.
    * No gift exchanges, just presents from the heart. I've been giving less as the years go by,
    but they are gifts that everyone wants and loves.

    Thanks for the fun post, Billie Jo. I liked your answers too!



Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo