June 19, 2020

Summer Days Around Here

When my kids were younger, we filled our summer days with swimming lessons, early mornings outside playing and swinging, after lunch quiet time with books and movies, and after-dinner games of Foursquare followed by Keebler Ice Cream Cones...the colored ones...dripping with scoops of ice cream. 

Three of those littles are grown now. Life and work mean they aren't here as much as before and so my Flynn and I have different kinds of summer days. We sleep in a bit later. We watch movies and eat late breakfasts. We read outside and she swings on the swingset just as my others did. We play Battleship...the original not the fancy-schmancy electronic one... and listen to music. Sometimes she plays in her room, and I sit down with a cup of afternoon coffee and am filled with memories of days gone by. 

Those days of sprinklers and popsicles, screen doors slamming, grass stains, and bandaids might be behind me. But I am loving watching those little ones as the adults they have become, and am blessed that they return here at the end of the day, even my married one with her husband, opening the door, dropping dress shoes instead of flip flops or sneakers, asking what is for dinner, and telling me about their day. I am also blessed that they include their little sister in the fun activities they enjoy together, like last-minute trips to Perkins for the first time since they reopened. 

Have a wonderful weekend, my friends. Enjoy your summer days with the people you love. 


  1. Oh that picture of a lake. Ohhhhhhhh, I could just "pop" into it and wiggle my toes, in the shallow bit. -happy sigh-

    Both your earlier summer days, and your present ones, sound delightful. You have always known "how to get it right." -smile- And because of this, the older ones still return.

    Sounds like you found the perfect plan, for family life. And it has blessed you. Thank you for sharing...

  2. Beautiful post, Billie Jo. You have such a wonderful family. Have a good weekend.

  3. This post warms my heart. You and I are in the same season of life with our families. Each season is so rich in it's own way with beauty. I just love vising your blog. Hugs to you. ~Juli

  4. That first photo of the lake just screams summer day. Ah. I always enjoy the warm feelings that come from reading your posts. Reminds me of going home to my mom and dad's house as a young adult and sitting at the kitchen table, certainly hope my boys will someday just drop in whenever as well. Happy Summer and Happy Weekend!

  5. Always a pleasure to visit here, Billi Jo. Have a beautiful weekend, my friend.

  6. Simplicity is perfection! I am so glad I can learn this lesson early while my kiddos are still small. Enjoy your weekend!

  7. Your days sound wonderful. You are truly blessed with your family, Billie Jo. X

  8. So sweet, I miss my kids when they were young, but not the schedule we were on, constantly running to a lesson or a theater. I don't miss cleaning offices for 20 years late at night to get them all through college, but I love it when they are home. I love to cook large meals and laugh.

  9. You have such a wonderful family.

  10. I am right there with you!!! I miss the little people fun but I also love the grown up girl fun we have.

  11. I love how close your family is and what a blessing it is to you.

  12. Beautiful post. I am yearning to visit with my family it seems such a long time since this pandemic started. Have a great weekend.

  13. I love that lake pic too! Summer days bring so much nostalgia here too. I miss the days of craziness, with the bare feet and mosquito bites and messy pool hair. Our afternoon movies during the little ones' naps, and the spontaneous beach trips. I still have a few home to adventure with, and grand kids who come over and play under the sprinkler, but the days are different now for sure...(I LOVE that your older ones drop in the way they do, it's heartwarming!)

  14. You've brought back memories of my little ones. The youngest graduated in January, but I do have my two girls still at home attending college. Glad they're here. It's so much better for them, and for mama!

  15. Oh, how precious a close family is! How wonderful to hear your older children still love coming home to be with you and enjoy doing things with their siblings!
    It is just the same in our family...our favourite place is wherever we are together!
    Enjoy these sweet summer days, dear Billie Jo.

  16. Summer days of years past, fun memories for sure. Simple times are some of my favorites! This year may be a little different but together with family we can make them special. Love that family pic:) HUGS!

  17. That is wonderful.. enjoy your summer.

  18. June 23rd...

    YOu have a new Blog Look...!!!!

    Very pretty!!!!


  19. Oh Yes, when they move out, you will remember the days when they were little and reminisce for awhile, but you will have beautiful times ahead with all your loved ones. And when your child turns nearly 40, you ask, how did that happen? ; )



Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo