March 15, 2019

Plans For St. Patrick's Day Weekend

Get out your green because St. Patrick's Day is here! This weekend is all about celebrating the green and gold. Well, sort of. My sister Margie and I and our families are taking my mom and our friend Blueberry Mary out for fish fry tonight! Sunday is Mary's birthday, and we are so happy to be able to celebrate with her.  Saturday Marian is coming! The guys have plans after Mass in the evening, so the girls and I are deciding between a crazy night out with dinner and a movie, or a quiet night in with dinner and a movie. Stay tuned.  Sunday is St. Patrick's Day, and we have awesome plans to stay home and eat festive food. And that is our exciting weekend. Hope your weekend is fun and festive too!

Celebrating today...

And in years past...

I am planning on making the fruit rainbow Sunday morning, along with some cinnamon rolls.

The countdown to my 50th birthday is on!
Six months from today I will turn 50, and in preparation, I am revisiting some quotes from some of my favorite people. Just because I can.

Have a great weekend, my friends.
Read a book, take a walk, eat that cookie.

Pinterest for the pics. : )


  1. Have a happy weekend celebrating St. Patrick's Day!

  2. We are also going to have a fruit rainbow, but we are pairing ours with Lucky Charms. (A treat!) Have an excellent weekend celebrating Blueberry Mary and St. Patrick.

  3. Happy almost St. Patrick's Day. I have to say I love the quote you shared. Growing older is a privilege and I am loving being almost 50 myself. I think it is a delightful age to be! Hugs to you dear friend. ~Juli

  4. Happy St. Patty's Day to you and yours!! We have company coming for corned beef and cabbage on Sunday. Good stuff!!

  5. Sounds like you have great plans for the weekend, enjoy every moment.

  6. Happy green St. Patty's weekend to ye lovely Lass! xoxo

  7. You are so fun, dear Billie Jo! I know you are going to enjoy having Marian there over the weekend. Enjoy and celebrate!

  8. Have a beautiful weekend celebrating St. Patrick's Day! Love the rainbow fruit display! HUGS!

  9. Happy St. Patrick's day to you!! Have a great weekend!!

  10. Enjoy your special celebration this weekend, Dear Friend, I am resting and trying to catch up with blogging today, as it has been a busy week for me.
    I loved all the thoughts and photos, the china is so pretty, and the rainbow fruit tray is a must try for me.
    Happy Saint Patricks Day.

  11. Oh, I LOVE that fruit rainbow!!! My girls would go crazy for that. <3

  12. Billie Jo- I loved this post. That fruit rainbow is the cutest thing. I wish I had seen it before
    You will LOVE your 50s. Pinky promise. The 50s were some of the best years of life for me...well- every year is great but I loved my 50s.
    I have that Richard Gere quote saved, too. It's a good one! xo Diana


Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo