Happy Friday! I was just thinking how, when I was much younger, a day like today would have been a normal one—just a Friday in February. Thinking back, I remember sitting in class, counting the days until the next big event in my teenage life: Easter Break, Prom, Majorette Tryouts, and finally, summer! All the other days were just normal, regular days in between.
Now, much older and a bit wiser, I understand that it is these days, days like the normal, average Friday in February, that I love the most. They are the best days for me because I know how quickly they pass. It is easy for me to recall the special days, what we did on Christmas, or what we ate last Easter. But the regular days? The days that I stay in my pajamas, run the vacuum, load the dishwasher, homeschool with Flynn, and heat up leftovers are the ones I cherish the most and that seem to blend together into the fabric of my life. Today is one of those days.
Here is the spot where I sit and homeschool with Flynn. She and I look forward to our afternoons together each day, and the time we spend together learning is so much fun! I am thankful for all the time we share and the memories we are making. As an early childhood and elementary teacher, I was concerned about teaching some upper-level courses. Biology and Algebra, I'm looking at you!. However, there are an unlimited number of online classes taught by people who are much more versed in those subjects; thank Heavens!
Steve dragged took me out to dinner last night at a local Mexican restaurant, and I ordered my favorite shrimp meal. Weird Fact About Me Number 265: I prefer to eat meals like this with a fork instead of using the tortilla wraps that come with it. I actually eat everything separately.
And that's a wrap for today, my friends. I plan to visit you this weekend while cozy on the couch with my pups and some coffee. Other weekend highlights include setting out some St. Patrick's Day decorations, attending mass, and changing bedsheets. It is the normal days I cherish, after all.
Have a cozy weekend, and thanks for visiting!
Billie Jo