April 15, 2020

It's A Good Time To...

Clean those makeup brushes.
(Not really using them right now.)

Take turns making dinner.
(Good life skill for the kids.)

Clean behind the couch.
(First time for everything.)

And try a fun color on your hair.
(Because. If not now, when?)

What are you doing these days, my friends?
Happy Wednesday!


  1. Yesterday, I cut my hair. All I can say is, "Eek"!

  2. I have trimmed my hair but not colored it:) I am sure my "behind the sofa" needs cleaning too. Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

  3. Love the hair color! FUN! I had Rebecca clean behind our couch and loveseat last week... EEK is all I have to say about that! LOL I hope you have a wonderful week!

  4. Beautiful hair color! Definitely need to clean behind our sofas...pretty sure we'll find lots of treasures there. Happy Wednesday!

  5. Behind the sofa, no!!! Ours is more boring these days, back when all the kids were little, oh my! Matchbox cars and Barbie shoes, Legos and barrettes, pennies and wrappers.... I do like your hair! My son's hair is getting out of control, so we'll be playing Hair Salon here soon. Last night, my daughter organized a few junk drawers...

  6. I love your hair color! You are brave to do it yourself. I had a color/cut appointment scheduled for last Tuesday, but, of course, it didn't happen. My color won't get done now until at least June. Who knows, by then I may decide to just go gray! Nah...probably not.

    I cleaned makeup brushes last week. But I have not moved the sofa to vacuum behind it!

    What have I been doing? Hanging out with dead people...lol. All this time at home has given me lots of time to work on genealogy. I am in my happy place.


  7. Wonderful hair colour. I have gone 'au naturel' and let the grey do its thing a couple years ago. I don't mind it. Good plan to get the make up brushes sorted, perfect timing. I am have a good clear out and crafting. Take care.

  8. Hello Billie Jo!
    Happy Wednesday!
    I love that we are getting time to tend to all these odds and ends!
    And I am also enjoying going completely make-up free!
    Hugs to you!

  9. It's a good time to do all those things, Billie Jo. Although I don't have make-up brushes, I just use a Clinique foundation. : ) Your dish of potatoes and green beans looks delicious. And your new hair color is so pretty. I have been wanting to do that lately.

    Stay well and take care of yourself.


  10. Yes! Giving my kids some life skills has been one of the best parts of this time. There's a big part of me that appreciates having them here to myself. Last night I went through all the markers and sorted out the dead ones. :) Hope you had a lovely day!

  11. Hi Billie Jo, yes, it is a good time for all these things! I am waiting for my Walmart delivery, and I will be giving myself a new color! Actually. my gray is taking over and it needs to be under control! Lol Your dinner looks great!!

  12. The pink in your hair looks great!

  13. Hi Billie jo, wonderful ideas, my brushes need a good cleaning too, I recently cleaned behind my couch and found a Christmas ornament, now I can't find a place for it until Christmas season.
    That's lovely color, I am needed a haircut and color too!.
    It's amazing all the things that we find that need doing during this quarantine, not saying I am doing them though, I decided today would be a PJ day for me, since it has turned cold, I am sitting by the fire and blogging, which is something I don't do to much of these days.but miss it so much.
    Thank you for sharing, for visiting me and for your sweet comment.

  14. I love your hair, it's so cute! I love visiting your blog. Hugs to you my friend. ~Juli

  15. puzzles, tv and walking in the yard are helping to keep me sane.

  16. I love your hair. Lily was admiring a lady with lilac coloured hair on our walk out yesterday. X

  17. Your photos stopped loading after the meatloaf and green beans.. but that's all that I needed to see!! my favorite dinner!!!!
    I think it's my stupid wifi connection which is why you hardly see me around these parts anymore. haha.

    I need to see the hair picture!

  18. Hello Beautiful! Love the hair gorgeous 💕 Great tips for keeping busy. I've also been baking up a storm and finding new shows on netflix. But aren't we all? Lol Have a blessed week ahead! xoxo


Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo