July 31, 2024

Weekly Meal Wednesday

Hello! And Happy Wednesday! This past week, we have been staying at the condo. For the most part, we have gotten takeout from local restaurants, but I missed cooking, so I decided to make a family favorite for dinner. This meal is one of Rhett's very favorites. It is a comfort food meal, and comfort food time is right around the corner, so I wanted to share it with you!

I made Slow Cooker Chicken and Noodles and fresh green beans and served some frozen dinner rolls, too!

It was delicious. I will link the recipe below. The only changes I made were adding some garlic powder in the last hour, using egg noodles, and adding a bit of extra chicken broth before the noodles were done. Sometimes, I steam the green beans, but I used the microwave this time, and Madison added some olive oil and seasonings. Delicious. The rolls were frozen dinner rolls that only took about six minutes to heat in the oven. I also made a pan of brownies for dessert. 

Have a good day, my friends. I am going to wash sheets and tidy the condo before heading to the house. Some friends are coming in tomorrow for a visit, so I want to make the house cozy for them. And one more thing...Happy Last Day of July!

Billie Jo

July 29, 2024

Monday Morning Coffee

Good morning, my friends. Happy Monday! We are spending some time here at the condo before we head to the house later this week. Remember the water damage in our bedroom? Thankfully, the repair is finished, and the carpet will be laid this week.

Meanwhile, staying here has its benefits, among them the indoor pool. If you are not familiar with my take on exercise, let me summarize my feelings: I hate it. Walking, running, Zumba, pickleball. I know it is essential for my health, so lies the problem. I do, however, love swimming. I credit my mom for encouraging us to jump in the lake all those summers ago, taking us all to swim lessons, and joining the swim team. I could be a better swimmer. I just love being in the water. I realized yesterday that one of the reasons I love swimming as an exercise is that I can do it alone. It is exceptionally suited for a self-appointed introvert. But enough about me! Here are some candid moments that sum up our past few days quite perfectly.

These two are enjoying some too-hot-for-me wings. Note how I cleverly cropped this photo to eliminate the image of me in a tattered T-shirt with unbrushed hair pulled into a ponytail. Sometimes, real life is too scary to document.

This pup is cuddly. I have been told Cavapoos are some of the most loving dogs, and Madison can attest to that.

If I am not swimming, showering, doing laundry, or cooking, I am here. Apologies to all who are not ready to embrace Halloween quite yet.

The ocean is beautiful all the time. 

Ok. I finished my previous read, Ask Not, by Maureen Callahan, which was good. It is very well written, and while I was familiar with some of the women she writes about, I learned about quite a few more. This book is intriguing. It is fiction and about a disturbing subject, but not in an explicit way. It is more about the effects of a horrible person's actions on many others. I don't want to put it down.

Well, that is all for now, my friends. Today, I am going to finish my coffee, take a swim, shower, and write out some bills. I have a bit of laundry to finish, and of course, talk to my momma! Later this afternoon, I will sit by the ocean and watch the waves before catching up on Big Brother! I hope you have a lovely, cozy, peace-filled Monday, my friends. Thank you for visiting!

Billie Jo

July 26, 2024

Back To The Beach, S'mores Bars, And Look Who We Saw!

Good Friday morning, my friends! Well, we loaded up the minivan on Wednesday evening and headed back to the shore. As you can see, I travel comfortably, but I also like to be put together, as in a quick shower and hair washed, but no makeup. We travel in the evening because Steve likes it, and because of the traffic and Steve prefers to drive then, I am all in! We got in late and visited with the kids before heading to bed. Yesterday, we met up with our dear friends Justin and Gina, who happened to be here on vacation! We have known them since they were in high school, and now they are married with two precious little boys and are the most beautiful young family.

Last night, we went to a beautiful outdoor arena to see one of my favorite comedians in person! This man is on my television at least once every single day! Madison checked the website every day to see if the sold-out show had any tickets available, and one-day last week, she found some! 

Do you recognize this guy? Jerry Seinfeld was as funny as I thought, and then some! We laughed the entire time! Being this close to someone I have watched for over thirty years was surreal!

It was a fantastic night! Lastly, Peyton was happy to hear that some of my blog friends were interested in the recipe for her S'mores bars! She even had pictures, which are just as good as they look!

I will link the recipe down below. And that is it for today, my friends. Have a wonderful weekend doing what makes you smile.

Thanks for visiting!

Billie Jo

July 24, 2024

Weekly Meal Wednesday

Hello! And Happy Wednesday! Although we are still in cook-on-the-grill mode around here, I realized on Monday that the dark, rainy day was perfect for a cozy, comfort-food dinner. So instead of chicken on the grill and a boat ride when Peyton and Chris came for dinner, we had Cheesy Baked Ziti with steamed broccoli and garlic bread and a fun visit together. This recipe is fantastic. Delicious! I will share the link below if you want to pick up a few things for the next rainy day. Peyton made some S'mores cookie bars that were gone before I could take a picture!

Yesterday, Steve and I went to my best friend Heather's for dinner, so she and I could watch The Bachelorette together. That is our thing. We love it, critique it, cringe at it, and laugh at it. Her husband loves this blueberry pie, so I put on my apron and baked a pie! Technically, I was still in my pajamas, so there was no apron. But you know what I mean. This recipe comes from a blog friend I met when I first started. Patty was one of my first blogging friends, and since she shared this recipe on her blog years ago, I have passed it on to more people than I can count. Patty no longer blogs, but if she happens to be reading, Hi, Patty! Thanks for the recipe!

We do keep our pie in the refrigerator. It is so good cold!

Before I go, thank you all for your kind words of love and support. This is why I love this little Blog World so much. Because we choose to read, follow, and befriend those with similar thoughts, feelings, and circumstances, we can develop authentic relationships full of empathy and care. My mom is improving, and I had a good conversation with her yesterday. Thank you again. Have a wonderful Wednesday!

( I'll start slowly, promise! )

Billie Jo

( Pinterest for the autumn fun.)

July 22, 2024

Monday Morning Coffee

Has this ever been more true?? Happy Monday, my friends! Please enjoy these weekend photos while I pour myself a second cup. 

We went to dinner with Peyton and Christopher Saturday evening to celebrate his birthday. We had a nice dinner, and he enjoyed his lobster stuffed fillet! We ran into my bestie Heather there, which is always a good time! Afterward, we went to get ice cream at the cutest little spot around.

We spent the day yesterday with my beautiful momma. We sat outside and watched the cars go by, then went inside to play a card game that she and Margie like: Red Light, Green Light, 123. It is fun, and Mom really enjoys it! I am smiling in this photo, but honestly, I was struggling inside. I never want to imply that everything is always great, happy, and perfect. We all have difficult, crappy times that we keep to ourselves. And that is totally ok. I am sharing this today because I know others are dealing with this horrible disease, and I want you to know you are not alone. Yesterday was the first time I felt that my sweet momma didn't know me. And it was hard. I know in my brain that Alzheimer's Disease takes our loved ones away from us first, but my heart isn't ready quite yet. I know that the next time, she may very well know me, and I am comforted by that. But as my Madison gently reminded me, as hard as this is for me, it may be easier on my mom if she doesn't have to miss us when we aren't there. I cried when we left because I love that woman so much, and I miss her already. When we got home, I washed my face, put on my cozy clothes, and went to bed. Steve woke me up at nine o'clock! I had a comfort food dinner of leftover egg noodles, we watched an episode of Gilmore Girls, and I went back to bed. Today, I woke up with a sense of peace and a confirmation that crawling into bed and covering up your head is good for the soul once in a while! 

And the moon on the lake last night was simply beautiful. 

Have a wonderful day, my friends.
I am doing ordinary things today, like laundry, dishes, and tidying up. 
Peyton and Chris are coming for dinner and a boat ride, too. 
Today is a good day.

Billie Jo

July 19, 2024

It's Friday!

Good morning! At 6:30 a.m., the world around here is a beautiful place. Everything is quiet, slowly coming awake to begin again. I haven't yet opened my phone or turned on the television. All that can wait, the good and the not-so-good. I can sit in the quiet that is a brand new day. I sip my extra hot coffee and listen to my prayer app. I take these first few moments to ground myself and appreciate the chance to start over again. 

My mom is my inspiration. We were visiting last weekend, sitting together at a table. I wrote down our exchange because I always want to remember. Margie and I were visiting with her. And I said something like ~ Well, Mom. I don't know any big exciting news! Sorry about that! And she looked at me and Margie and, without missing a beat, replied ~ Well, as long as we are together, that is great! 

Have a lovely weekend, my friends. We plan on going to mass, followed by dinner with Peyton and Chris, to celebrate Christopher's birthday on Saturday. We will visit my mom on Sunday and will probably go to eat with Marge and Chris. We also hope to get in some boating! I also look forward to visiting your blogs and finishing my current book. It is very well-researched, written, and fascinating.

Finally, if I could be summarized in a picture, it could possibly be this one taken by Kyrstin. 

Happy Friday!

Billie Jo

July 17, 2024

Would You Believe

I would rather go to the dentist than go shopping. Seriously. Being in a store surrounded by all the things and people and things makes me feel overwhelmed and anxious. I have never enjoyed it. And I am beyond thankful for the advent of online shopping as an option today. Steve, however? Not so much.

I have never received a traffic ticket. However, one time in high school, I was stopped by a very kind officer who informed me I was going well over fifty-five mph, to which I readily agreed. Then he told me that the speed limit in that area was thirty-five mph. I was with my best friend, Jenn, and we were going to McDonald's. It was the first time my Dad allowed me to drive outside the town limits. I tried to explain to the officer that I was sorry and would be more careful. I said all the things you say when you are seventeen, and your Dad lets you take the car out of town the first time. The officer must have been a parent because he let me off with a warning. Jenn still wanted to go to McDonalds, even though I couldn't even think of eating! When I got home, Dad was there and asked about my time. I started telling him how great it was, and then I couldn't stand it anymore. I broke out sobbing and told him the whole thing! He listened and asked me if I learned anything that day. I had. And to this day, I check my speed in that area and think of my Dad. When we were all done talking, he smiled and said he knew all about it long before I was home. I had not taken my license, another strike, so when the officer ran my name through the system, all my Dad's friends, who listened to the police scanner for entertainment, heard and called him long before I got home!

I do not like ketchup. At all. In fact, I have never personally put ketchup on anything. I love tomatoes. Do not love ketchup. I will eat it if it is already on something ~ Hello, Mcdonald's cheeseburger ~ But I cannot imagine willingly adding it to anything. If Steve makes burgers, I eat them totally plain. Hotdogs? Plain, or if I feel extra festive, mustard and chopped onions. Don't even get me started on relish!

I am sure your day is complete now that you know these random facts about me. So, on this lovely ordinary day, I am off to do beautifully mundane things. First, though, a few pictures from my camera roll on my phone because they are too sweet not to share. Have a lovely Wednesday, my friends!

Remember when your kids were young and followed you everywhere? I miss that. These dogs are helping, though. 

More pictures from Steve on his walk. 

And best friends for life.

Happy Wednesday!

Billie Jo