July 8, 2024

Just How Much Fun

 Can you cram into a single weekend?

We wrapped up our Fourth of July Festivities this past weekend with plenty of boating, baking, eating, tubing, and laughing. We watched fireworks, played Shark Week games, ate s'mores by a fire, and collapsed on the couch to watch a movie. (The Sandlot is a great summer movie, by the way.) There was mass, phone calls with my mom, and some afternoon naps, too. We ordered subs to eat on the deck, cooked burgers on the grill, and ate Madison's amazing corn salad. This autumn-loving, sun-avoiding, inside girl jumped (literally) out of her comfort zone and was so glad she did.

The moments we share as a family are so special and forever changing. I decided out in that boat on a beautiful summer afternoon this weekend that I was not going to wish for the past or plan out the future. Rather, I was going to stay present in each moment and enjoy it before I tucked it into my heart. I realized that our precious moments may change as my children get older, but not all that much. When Madison asked... ok, begged...me yesterday to go tubing, something I have never done, I was reminded of a day many years ago when a not-yet-three-year-old Madison with a curly ponytail and a big white bow begged me to ride the Ferris wheel at the amusement park. That hot summer day, I looked at my little girl and said yes, even though I was scared to death! When we stopped at the very top, and I held my breath, trying to not let her know how scared I was, she patted my hand with her little one and told me it would be alright. So, I said yes to the tubing with her, and just like that day years ago, she told me I would be fine. And you know what? I was. And we had a blast! 

Last night, we watched a favorite movie I hadn't seen in years. It is one of Rhett's childhood favorites. I remember him eating lunch after three-year-old preschool with his headphones and his portable DVD player, watching The Sandlot yet again. Last night, he suggested we all watch it together, and as tired as I was, I jumped at the chance to relive a special time in his life. We still love that movie. And we all stayed awake the entire time! 

Have a wonderful Monday, my friends. I am going to catch up on my blog reading today. I have to stay true to my reputation of being an autumn-loving, stay-in-and-out-of-the-sun girl, right? 

I look forward to a quiet afternoon of snuggling on the couch and visiting with you. 

Billie Jo


  1. I'm so happy to hear you had a wonderful holiday weekend. You sound like you had a fabulous time. It's good you said yes and joined in on all the fun and memory making. Fall will be here before you know it.

  2. What a wonderful weekend you had. I love these long weekends with the family, they are the best.

  3. This is Mari from My Little Corner. For some reason I can't sign in to comment.
    Looks like you had a wonderful weekend. I really enjoy the photos!

  4. Your weekend sounded fabulous and the pictures were awesome, Billie Jo. Thank you for sharing! What memories you made with your family!

  5. Whenever my kids ask to do something I always jump at the chance more than I had before because I realize how quickly time is going. I do miss the past but look forward to the future. Looks like you and the family are having a fun-filled summer.

  6. Love love love 🤍 It was a wonderful weekend! I am so glad we could all be together. Thank you for tubing yesterday and for riding the ferris wheel 24 years ago! ;)

  7. Hi Billie Jo! Looks like you had a wonderful weekend with the family! You are so right - we have to consciously be in the moment and enjoy each season of life. Yes, we do a lot of things for our kids that we wouldn't normally do, and consider it a blessing that they asked us! Great pictures. Have a good week! See you again soon!

  8. Dearest Billie Jo,
    That sure was a blast of a family time had and you are wisely for indulging in it NOW. We never know what lies around the bend...
    Happy moments captured.

  9. Taking a chance and trying something with the support of a loved one is the best! Well done! You made a great memory for your girl too.

  10. Wonderful celebration photos! Your entire post spells J O Y. What a wonderful memory of Madison that was repeated so many years later!! I love the shark brownies. I love it all!!

  11. You did, indeed, cram a lot of fun into the holiday weekend. Such good pictures of everybody! And you were BRAVE! I've learned to be more brave over the past 2+ years since Gary came into my life and it's turned out very well. Thanks for such a fun post!

  12. These are just the best photographs, Billie Jo. You all look so happy and relaxed. And just look at you, tubing! Memories made. Xx

  13. It looks as if you were able to pack quite a lot of fun and special memories into your weekend and I am ever so happy for you. Tucking those memories away to pull out for another day makes them even more special. I love your approach to life now...being present in the moment and enjoying each one before you tuck them away. Living in the present is wonderful!

    Have a wonderful week ahead, my friend! xx

  14. Glad you enjoyed a wonderful family weekend. :)

  15. Hooray for going tubing. For trying new things (who says old dogs can't have fun....or something like that?!). For making great memories with your girlie! For having such a fun weekend. Oh, and thanks for "being okay" with my borrowing your prompts/questions. I usually ask for doing so but did that post last night...late. Well, late for me. You always have fun posts:) And great photos. So wish I could take good photos!! Monday to you!

  16. You had what appears to be a nearly perfect holiday weekend!! Wonderful photos and so much fun. Family is the best way to celebrate!!

  17. Fabulous! Good for you for saying yes in the moment. I am so proud of you!

  18. It's nice to see you happy. I wish you good days.

  19. You're killing me Smalls. Lol Such a cute movie. Looks like it was an amazing weekend and I'm so glad you went on the tube!! That's epic sweet Momma! :) Living in the moment is a way we should all work to be regularly. Time and our people are so precious. But I bet it will be nice to dream on your fun summer weekend when it's freezing cold outside and there is feet of snow. Lol Blessings. xoxo

  20. What a wonderful time over the weekend, Billie Jo. And it's great that you got to go tubing. Sometimes just the simple asking of our kids pushes us to say yes. My favorite picture is of you and the fire pit, cause who doesn't like roasted marshmallows? They're so gooey and Yummy. The water looks nice and refreshing. And the Sandlot is a great movie. A good one Rhett suggested.

    Stay cool during these warm Summer days, my friend. It's getting warm here, and thinking of Fall. ; )


  21. What a fabulous fun-filled weekend! Such great photos of everyone! I'm so glad you said YES!! Something I need to say more often. Thank you for the reminder, dear friend. Hope you are having a great week!

  22. Lovely photos, Billie Jo.
    Your weekend sounds really fun.

  23. Great, you had a great weekend with the family!
    Fortunately you have realized early on that these happy moments with family are few and far between and need to be pursued!
    You are a very beautiful family Billie Jo!
    Have a nice day❤️☕🌼!

  24. Billie Jo, this brought tears to my eyes. As a mom who is perfectly content sitting on the sidelines, I can relate to this so much. But the times we say "yes"...those are such amazing times for making memories. If I lived closer, I would invite myself to one of these amazing weekends you are having :) I love that y'all have so much fun together. Have a wonderful week, my friend :)

  25. Live in the moment. I think that truly is the key to finding peace. We need to appreciate the little blessings and not waster our time with regrets or worry. Hard to do sometimes....but a perfect reminder for me! I love, love , love that you and your family sat down together to watch an old favorite movie too. Precious memories- the old and the new!


Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo