June 21, 2024

Dogs, Ducks, Dreams, And Dessert

What would you say if I told you I didn't like dogs? Well, let me clarify that. I didn't always like dogs. In fact, I like my own dogs. You see, I grew up with cats. My family always had cats. My very first word was Pepper, the name of our all-black cat. We had Mittens, a black cat with white paws, and Maggie. When Steve and I were first married, and even though we lived in an apartment and Steve was a dog person, we got the cutest little kitten of our own. I had never touched a dog. Seriously. And then, my baby at the time, Rhett went to Kindergarten, and I was alone. By this time, Chelsea had found a new, quieter, child-free home with a sweet older man. My kids and my husband wanted a dog. And so Kirby became a member of our family. And we all loved him so. Eventually, Mocha joined our family, followed by Madison and Nico's pup Draper. Sadly, Kirby passed last summer at the age of fifteen, and then Cosmo and Marty arrived to help mend our broken hearts. Why am I telling you all this? Only to put the following few photos into context. And to explain why it is funny that my family now calls me, the woman who had never even touched a dog before her own, The Dog Whisperer. 

See what I mean? By the way, Marty was close by in his little pen for some quiet time. He is still in puppy mode!

In other news, I received two ducks the other day! Steve got one after he left the carwash, and we received one at the Boardwalk! If you are unfamiliar with this, as I was up until a short while ago, Duck Duck Jeep is widespread in the Jeep Wrangler community, and it is simply the act of placing a small, plastic duck on a Jeep Wrangler you see and like, appreciate or even to spread an act of kindness. It's fun!

Well, it is getting to be that time, my friends. I am starting to get the tiniest little itch to think about my favorite time of year...fall! Just a tiny bit, I promise! I am ready to enjoy every ounce of summer, I promise!

Finally, what is summer without a delicious fruit dessert? Madison found this recipe in her Pioneer Woman magazine, and we both knew we had to try it! We made it together, as it is easier with two sets of hands, and it was amazing! We substituted some blackberries for some of the blueberries and used sour cream in place of the yogurt, but otherwise, we followed the recipe as written. The homemade whipped cream is AMAZING! I will link the recipe below. 

Well, have a wonderful weekend, my friends. Thanks for visiting, commenting, and emailing. This world of blogging is such a wonderful, happy, cozy space!

Billie Jo

(Google for fun.)


  1. All of your puppies are so cute!! I am going to have to try that blueberry cake. It sounds delicious. I'm dreaming of fall and winter myself even though I don't want to rush the time. Have a wonderful weekend my friend!!

  2. Dear Dog Whisperer...I loved all of the pictures of you and the dogs. Such a fun post! And the dessert looks amazing.

  3. What a delightful picture of you and your dogs. I especially like that first one. The pup is so soft and cuddly. I have always been a dog person, and cats kind of freak me out haha. The blueberry cake looks Yummy, and homemade whipped cream is simply the best. The duckies are so cute. I remember getting one for Francesca when she was born. The kids love to play with them in the bath tub. So nice of Steve to bring you home one. And Yes, always looking forward to Fall. There's so many things to love about it.

    Have a blessed weekend, Billie Jo.


  4. Me too! I only ever liked my dog, but we had cats too and I much prefer them. But gosh your little pups do make me think. Maybe some day!!

    1. Also, Meredith's entire life goal/dream is to own a Jeep and play Duck Duck Jeep.

  5. Love the photo of the Dog Whisperer and the three pups!

  6. That Blue Berry Upside Down Cake looks divine. Such cute pictures of you and furry friends. I grew up with small dogs, much like yours, but we have been a cat family since I got married, although we don't currently have one. I always enjoy seeing what you are up to. Have a great weekend!

  7. I really enjoyed reading about your journey into loving dogs, at least your own. :-) We never had a cat until we moved to Spokane. And then we ended up with George. He was half dog/half cat as we had a puppy and kitten at the same time. They picked up some of each others traits. Our dog would give herself kitty baths, (lick paws, wipe face, etc.) Our cat would play tag with the boys and fetch balls, etc. It was fun to watch and they adored each other. When the dog died year s later, George howled all night long for weeks. The vet told us we needed to get him a puppy because he was in mourning. Eventually we did, but we said that could be an endless cycle.
    We do love our furbabies and yours are just darling.
    Blessings and hugs,

  8. These are WONDERFUL photos of you and the dogs!!! What a funny story! And it looks like SOMEONE just got back from the groomer! You are among such good company.

  9. Aww, all of your doggie babies are so sweet! They know a good person when they see one! I have just recently heard of Duck Duck Jeep and this reminds me I need to get some to have on hand for such an occasion! Your ducks and dogs are precious! Hope you have a great weekend!

  10. I've only ever had dogs. My mom always said she was allergic to cats and my husband doesn't like them so I've never had the experience of owning one. I don't own a jeep but I do have a wide collection of rubber ducks that I've collected over the years or others have got for me. Maybe I'll just start leaving them on jeeps just to get rid of them lol.

  11. Adorable dogs. I'm afraid to pet them because I was bitten by my neighbor's dog when I was a child. I don't have any pets, I wonder if I will ever see one. Have a good weekend. Hugs.

  12. The dogs are so darn cute. I love that idea with the ducks. The dessert looks delicious. Thanks for the recipe and enjoy your weekend too!

  13. I'm a cat person. We've had both, but I'm not a lover of doggie kisses and jumping. However, I do appreciate a cute pupper and yours are certainly cute!
    I've heard about the ducks for jeeps. Such a fun idea!
    The cake looks yummy!

  14. I have a red duck someone left on my Jeep. :)

  15. I know this is so weird but I'm a little scared of cats! They're so unpredictable ;) I'm a big dog person myself but your pups are so sweet - and Draper looks somehow very human to me!

  16. Those pups are so cute. it is very easy to see why you were swayed.
    I must admit, I was thinking of autumn myself, just the other day. But seeing as summer has decided (finally) to put in an appearance, I am happy to wait a good while longer.
    Also, just to let you know that I have a new URL for my blog. https://alongthewaywithj.blogspot.com

  17. I've always preferred cats over dogs. I had a cat named Kit Kat from 1st grade until my senior year in high school and it was the best cat. Dogs are so invasive :) But when they're cute, they're irresistible :)

  18. I love your puppies! Since I am not an advocate for Halloween, it is far from my mind in June.

  19. LOVE those pictures of you with all the dogs! Too funny. I've never heard of Duck Duck Jeep. What a fun way to encourage people.

  20. I love the pictures of you with your sweet puppies! Don't feel alone in dream of Halloween, I am already wishing for the fall myself. Hugs to you!

  21. Sweet Billy Jo! It is *never* too early to think about Halloween, darling <3 I have been for weeks. Each day is a gift - absolutely, but, in my ideal world fall time would last a lot longer! Summer is too bright and hot for my tastes :) Without summer we wouldn't have pumpkins though! That is what I tell myself! hahaha I am not sure if you like pumpkins as well but I am loving watching mine grow and their flowers are so beautiful!

  22. Adorable dogs. I remember having them when I was young and lived on a farm. Still had a few when in town. None now and no cats. Oh well!! I enjoy other dogs and cats. I prefer fall and spring although winter is interesting. I am not a halloween person at all anymore. I need to make a pie soon as there is apples and peaches in the deep freezer that I bought at Baumans and must be eaten!!! Hugs and happiness, Becky


Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo