September 15, 2021


 Yesterday I turned 52! I celebrated in my cozy autumn home with my very favorite people, a couple buckets of KFC, some very thoughtful gifts, and a delicious ice cream dessert made by Peyton.  As each year passes and another birthday comes around, I am reminded how quickly our lives move through different phases with different circumstances, yet we ourselves remain the same. The key, I believe, is to transition gracefully and optimistically through each phase with hope and joy for what is yet to come while keeping the memories of the people and times we loved in the past close in our hearts where we can revisit them whenever we choose. 

Madison adds the Danish flag to our celebrations, and we also sing a special Danish birthday song that Nicolas taught us!

Have a cozy Wednesday, my friends!

Billie Jo


  1. 52 looks great on you! So glad you had a nice, family-centered celebration. Happy belated birthday! :-)

  2. What a blessing to celebrate another birthday! So nice to be surrounded by precious family! Enjoy your day and HAPPY BELATED 52nd BIRTHDAY! HUGS!

  3. Happy Birthday. It looks like you had a great time. Time does go by fast, so enjoy every minute.

  4. Happy birthday to you sweet lady. I am 68 and enjoying 10 grandchildren and 7 great-grandchildren. I babysit for a nearly 2 year old 2 days a week and this week I got to watch the 1 year old grandson for a day. Each season in our lives is different but has it's own rewards.

  5. Belated Birthday wishes, looks like you had a wonderful celebration.

  6. Happiest of birthdays to you! I love what you said about the changes that occur with time. Such a beautiful outlook on life.

  7. Happy Belated Birthday! Beautiful family. I think if your birthday falls in the first part of the week, you get to celebrate for the entire week.

  8. Looks like you had a wonderful day! And what a beautiful way to look on life! Happy Birthday! ❤️

  9. Happy birthday to you! I, too, had a calm and quiet 52nd birthday. I am trying to remain optimistic and joyful as I move through life but it all seem to be going so fast!

  10. Wishing you a Happy Birthday Billie Jo!!! Wishes for many many more. smiles

  11. Happy Birthday! Being optimistic is more important than we realize. Looks like you had a great celebration!

  12. Happy Birthday, you look so healthy and happy and beautiful, with your family all around you! How very nice!

  13. Happy Happy belated birthday my friend! It looks like it was a great one. Optimism and grace look good on you!

  14. Your family has grown in more ways than one. Your precious baby girl looks like a teenager. How beautiful! Happy Birthday!

  15. Happy Birthday Billie Jo! Surrounded by your lovely family is a wonderful way to celebrate. X

  16. Happy 52nd birthday and many more. You looked beautiful on your special day. You share a birthday with my sister-in-law who also celebrated her birthday with her husband, four kids and their spouses (and 8 grandkids). That cake of course looked delicious. And yes, wise words, we have to transition gracefully and optimistically through each phase of our lives.

  17. Happy birthday dear friend! It looks as if you had a very blessed celebration with your beautiful family. I turn 51 on Sept. 22nd, so you and I are very close in age. Hugs to you. ~Juli

  18. Happy days after your 52nd birthday! Fun time with family. The cake looks delicious. We usually have our cakes handmade. Phil likes pies for his so I either make one or buy one locally made. God bless you.

  19. Happy Birthday dear friend! It looks like you had a wonderful day with your favorite people, and sweet pups, too. Your cake looks delicious! I love your positive outlook on life and I completely agree with you.

  20. Happy Birthday Billie Jo!! Hope you had a wonderful birthday celebrating with your beautiful family! You are blessed & beautiful my friend!

  21. What a beautiful day! Happy Birthday friend

  22. I'm glad you had such a wonderful day! May this year be so incredibly blessed. 🎂 ❤️


Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo