May 13, 2020

Guess Who? Guest Post From...

Me. Flynn! I MAKE MEMES! Here are some I would like to share with you people. These ones I made. Hope you like them. I made them all with this app called Mematic.

Me every time : )


Math...... *eye roll*

For me this meme is so accurate!

This one was my Mom's fave out of the memes.

It may not be a meme but I think this is the best one I made. (Made with Lego Life and PicCollage)

Hope you like my post!

Have a nice day! Bye! *salutes the people and runs out of room*




     P.S. I WILL BE BACK!!!!!!!!               


  1. Flynn, you nailed it. Awesome post!!! And....guess what, I am old and can't do fractions either, grin.

    Have a great day Flynn! Please do come back when you can. (more smiles)

  2. Love these Flynn! Great job! :)

  3. Hi Flynn! I love this post and your memes. I will look forward to hearing more from you. Good job!

  4. Flynn, so nice to hear from you! I think your mom's favorite is mine too. Great job on your memes!

  5. And a salute to you too Flynn! Great job.

  6. Flynn is queen of the memes! (John says so too!!!)
    Great job!! :)

  7. What delightful Meme's, Flynn! I smiled at the "mom, who is your favorite one?" cause I'm a Mom of three. Hang in there with the fractions. I never really got it either, and Math was my worst subject, and English being my best. And I love the first Meme, she's fantastic! I still watch animated shows and watched Toy Story 4 the other day. Thanks for sharing your talent with us, Flynn, and I think you have the nicest smile. Keep smiling, my dear.


  8. Flynn - you are amazing!!! My favorite is the mom playing favorites - made me LOL! 😂 ❤️

  9. Awesome job, Flynn! You've got a great sense of humor. And by the way, I am soooo with you on the math. :)


Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo