May 4, 2016

Reading Is My Workout

I wish I liked to workout. Sometimes. I wish I liked to exercise. Sort of. Truth? I love to read. Always. I love having a stack of books by my bed. Every night. Reading is my workout, my hobby, my pastime, my escape. Books are as much a part of me as breathing. And vanilla lattes. : )

As much as I love books, I rarely suggest one because I am aware that people have many different interests. This book, however, is perhaps one of the very best I have ever read. It is a story of two families connected in a special way. The story spans decades, and when it was over, I wished so badly I could go back and read it again for the first time...

Enjoy your workout, my friends.
Whatever it may be.

(Thanks, Pinterest.)


  1. Wait... there were kids who didn't enjoy silent reading time? :) I was the kid who hated when we read aloud because it slowed me down!

  2. I am sooooo happy about this post! I'm off to get that book.... I need a goooood read! Can you recommend one once in a while (okay, so not for a while cuz it takes me a long time to read a book) A walk in library.. hey that's a good idea! Love it!

  3. Sounds like a pretty great workout to me! Enjoy your "workout" and latte!

  4. Thanks for the book suggestion. With summer approaching, I'm always looking for something to read by the pool1

  5. I am going to check that one out, I would love to have a house with a library now that would be something. Take care.

  6. Just love it Billie Jo! And thanks for the recommendation too! ;) xoxo

  7. You are so funny! I need to find time to READ more and actually WORK OUT :)

  8. Duly noted!!
    Great memes!

    Thanks for stopping by :)

  9. Have I told you I get you! I love that, We have a lot in common. and a lot of the same book pins. besides teaching my children Faith, manners and the obvious things, I LOVE that both my kiddos love books as much as me. I've read to them since the first day I knew I was pregnant. and psst I still do not as much of course because they are busy and growing up but true story at this momnent my 13 year old is napping (sick) he fell asleep as I read Farmer boy out loud. one of our sayings is " I love you forever, I'll like for always, as Long as I'm living My bay you'll be!" Love that book!


Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo