June 3, 2024

Monday Morning Coffee Talk

Good Monday morning, my friends! Here we are, the chaotic yet joyful month of May behind us and the slower-paced, more casual summer months ahead. If you live in this part of the world, that is. It is time for mornings on the porch for coffee, sunscreen, sunhats by the door, lighter meals with all the fresh things for dinner, and drippy ice cream cones at dusk. Now, while all that is true, in the interest of fairness, I must add the somewhat more unappealing aspects of this time of year for me. While I see photos and advertisements of happy people frolicking through the lush green grass, I can't help but think of the ticks, mosquitoes, wasps, and bees waiting there to greet me. While so many are anxious to load up and head to the pool or the beach for a day in the sun, I think of smelly, sticky sunscreen, the beating sun on my skin, and the unpleasant feeling of a wet bathing suit stuck to my skin. Have I ever mentioned I am an inside kind of girl? That said, I enjoy these lovely months, even if it is appreciating them from inside or outside in the late afternoons.

Here are a few things I did enjoy from ~ the inside ~ this first weekend of June.

And I also enjoyed some outside time under a large umbrella of shade!

Have a wonderful Monday, my friends!
For the link to the delicious Caprese Pasta Salad click HERE.

Billie Jo


  1. I have to agree – with the heat and humidity of summer, the mosquitoes can be unbearable and I won’t even start on ticks - I hate what they do, I hate how they do it - living in the country means bug spray and a hat – and still the little critters attack! I’ve never been one for the pool or sunbathing - yes, being an inside girl in the summer humidity is the way to go!

  2. I used to be an outside all the time kind of person in the Summer but that has changed a bit over the last couple of years.

  3. I'm an inside girl too, which my husband has a hard time with. But he leaves me to it, for the most part.

  4. Goldfinches and Cowbirds! I am with YOU about the bugs! We are struggling with earwigs now, they come in the house. Plus the heat. Summer is not my favorite. I love your tablescape with the clock!

  5. Dearest Billie Jo,
    Guess I'm more of an outdoor girl but right now I don't have the strength for walking or biking and neither can do the weeding in the garden.
    Used to spend lots of time outdoors and LOVED it.
    We have bats and NO mosquitoes so that is wonderful as I hate those bites.

  6. I love the outdoors, but my goodness the bugs are already working overtime with the biting! The little birdy friends are so beautiful! I don't see those where I live. The salad looks delicious! Adding that to my recipe collection. I'm on the hunt for lighter food ideas for these hot summer days! Hope you have a wonderful week!

  7. I agree with you. I detest the heat & humidity of summer. I don't like bugs either. I enjoy camping spring & fall here in the midwest when those aren't such a problem. In July were heading to the northwest where it's not humid at all. Summertime is when I miss Spokane the most.
    Thanks for the recipe, I'll give it a try soon.

  8. I am also an inside kind of girl. True story: I sent my friend a picture of me outside this weekend saying "Look I natured" and she asked me if it was a cry for help and if a serial killer was after me. It was in jest but also... that's probably the text I'd send if I did need help. LOL. I love all things Caprese so thanks for the recipe! I will absolutely make it!

  9. Right now June is such a busy time with Annie's graduation, a big trip planned, her grad party later in the month and still planning our wedding! Lol But I do look forward to some lovely more leisurely summer days mixed in with all of that. Trying to stay present and enjoy some summer moments already planting flowers, tending my little garden, and sipping iced tea out on the deck with Matt. Blessings on your summer ahead beautiful Friend. xo

  10. I hear you! I love summer, but am also an inside girl. Laying at the beach sounds terrible to me. I could sit under a tree and read though. :)
    I love the little bird on your shelf in the first pic - so cute!

  11. Ticks have been on my mind these days too. That’s the only place I want them. Have a great week!

  12. I'm an indoor girl too, for the most part. I do love summer mornings and evenings, but only after the sun burns off the humidity. I have to plant some flowers today and I'm already dreading the heat.

  13. I love to sit and watch the birds at my feeders. There is something quite calming about it. Your salad looks delicious and I am going to give the recipe a go.

  14. Is that coffee cup of two people playing TWISTER? That is the most delightful cup! I used to love that game as a kid. Your birds made my heart sing, and you took some wonderful photos of them. I especially like that yellow bird who visited you. He's so bright and beautiful. Nel has made that Caprese Pasta Salad before. It looks so good! And your little doggy is enjoying the fresh air on the patio, so cute. Your words got to me, as I feel the same way about the Summer month, my friend. No smelly, sticky, sweaty for me haha.

    Have a terrific month of June, Billie Jo.


  15. You have inspired a blogpost for me, Billie Jo! If I didn't grow things, I would probably stay inside all summer long. Your pasta salad makes me sad all over again that Kroger was out of cavatappi pasta yesterday when I did grocery shopping. I bought some different-to-me, oddly shaped pasta for pasta salad, but cavatappi has become my favorite for that summer dish.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Your mug is adorable. I remember when I loved to play Twister. Can't even imagine being able to do so now. LOL
    You have just illustrated that one doesn't need to be outside to enjoy all of the good things that this time of year holds. That pasta salad looks scrumptious.

  18. Though I enjoy all the seasons summer is my least favorite. Too many bugs here in the woods and every thing is so overgrown.
    Love cherries.

  19. I love your post and you made me so hungry. I can't believe how fast this year has gone by.

  20. Hi Billie Jo~ Well, we haven't seen summer yet. One day she teased us with warm weather, but she's not making wanting to come to our neck of the woods! I actually love both inside and outside. It's always windy here in Idaho, and I like to stay indoors and listen to the wind in the trees, but I love to be outside on a calm, warm day, sipping on something cold and feeling the sun on my shoulders. Your photos are so pretty! What kind of bird is the third photo of? It's really beautiful. Enjoy the rest of the week! Hugs, Barb

  21. Some lovely images, Billie Jo.
    I always look forward to this time of year, but it has turned very chilly here today. There was even snow forecast on the high fells! Xx

  22. The older I get, the more I enjoy watching my birds. They enjoy the feeder, I enjoy the air conditioning! It's perfect! :)

  23. Hello! I’m visiting your blog for the first time today from Field Lilies. What led me to you was your dislike of hot summer weather. I, too, am not a fan of it, but after moving to Florida 7 years ago from high altitude Colorado, I am adjusting.

    I want to tell you how attractive your blog is. I like all the white open space, your used of blue, and the large font that makes reading SO MUCH EASIER! I use a larger font, too (have for years) because it’s so much easier on the eyes.

    Blessings to you!


Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo